Hidden Curse?

Daniel swiftly bent backward, barely dodging the sharp blade, however, the shadow knight was prepared for this outcome and had a plan B in mind.

The shadow knight unexpectedly bent its hand, stabbing Daniel's chest using the long sword. The knights halted their movements momentarily, seeing the unpredicted scene unfold.

"Kughh!" Daniel cried in pain as he coughed blood. He tried to grasp the situation but the fear of being stabbed took over quickly, not giving him enough time to regain his calm and form a plan.

"Daniel! Knights, hasten your movements!" William shouted, commanding the knights. He panicked, seeing Daniel coughing blood. He knew that without Daniel, this mission was doomed to be a failure.

A devilish grin formed on the shadow knight's face. From one glance, anyone could tell that it was not any ordinary brainless monster but the real deal. It could move and think, and had emotions, making it almost identical to humans.