The Risk and Threat


A slam from a hand vibrated the whole desk to the point lines appeared on it. 

"What's the meaning of this frozen guild master?" A voice raged that could make the mouth shut with chill to the bone.

The person behind the voice was none other than Clark's uncle, Kevin. He held an unpleasant expression on his face, and those eyes stared so profoundly that it made the frozen guild master uncomfortable. 

"You told me you do find Clark; then why?" His fingers bent into the palm, and a tightly clenched fist was made that thumped on the desk; it was impressive that it didn't utterly break.

"Are you seriously even trying?" There was a serious glow of light in his eyes as he asked. 

"We are trying our very best; it's not easy, but please give us more time." The frozen guild master spoke in a nervous voice. After all, the person before him is not someone he could calm with convincing words.

Veins bulge on his forehead in the midst of anger. "Two days. Two days have gone by, and you're still asking for more time? Unbelievable," he glanced away before looking back to the frozen guild master.

"Come on, you didn't even let me find him, saying you would take responsibility, and now you're unable to do your task properly." 

Kevin shook his head and further said, slowly, tapping his index finger on the desk, "If you don't find him within one day, I'm warning you." The tapping finger moved and pointed at the frozen guild master, "I will burn your guild, remember it well."

The frozen guild master gulped in fear; undoubtedly, he knew how serious Kevin's threat was, making his guild in grave peril. 

Frozen Guild Master is Kevin's considerable friend, yet he knew when he said something in a serious way, the chances of it happening were positive in all aspects. 

'I understand his frustration, but he's not alone in this matter' The guild master himself was worried; without much sleep, he searched day and night for Clark. 

Despite deep search, there was only despondency and nothing in hand. 

"I wouldn't disappoint you." The guild master gave a grievous tone, his expression was severe. 

"Good, I will take my leave now." 

Kevin got to his feet after sitting on the comfortable chair. "The deadline ends tomorrow; keep that in mind." afterwards, he reached the room door and grabbed the doorknob.

As he opened the door, Kevin saw someone already standing on the other side. It was William.

glancing at William's face, only to turn his eyes away and walk out with firm steps. 

It may be for a moment, but William felt the ominous energy from those penetrating crimson eyes, which gave him a fine shiver inwardly. 

Walking in the office, William saw the guild master clasping hands, and his forehead collapsed on them. Hearing the steps, the guild master lifted his head and looked at William with his weary eyes. 

"Guild master, who was that person?" William questioned out of curiosity. 

The guild master took a deep sigh and opened his mouth, "He was the knight guild master." Upon hearing the name, his eyebrows lifted. "Knight guild master?" He was astonished.

"This must be your first time seeing him without the mask." 

Kevin, aka Knight Guild Master, is the most dangerous person in the country of Crostivana. Someone, not a single individual, wishes to face. However, almost no one has ever seen the face behind the black mask. 

With a calm voice, William asked, "What brings Knight Guild Master to our guild? Did you ask his help to find Clark?" placing the paper he was holding on to the desk as he noticed cracks. 

'Something not good must have happened'

Taking the papers in his hands, he said. "Actually, he came here to warn me." 

"About? Did something happen?"

"Yes, he told me if we don't find Clark within a day, then he will destroy the whole guild."

William confusingly said in his mind, 'Our guild?'. 

"Why would he destroy our guild over a missing member?" A rough thought came to his mind: "Don't tell me, is he related to the silver-haired boy?"

The guild master nodded. "Yes, Clark is his nephew. Now you know why he threatened me."

'Nephew? Wait—if that's the case. Shit' William belatedly realized his mistake. Fear immersed in his heart; perhaps if he had known this earlier, however, it was an unexpected reveal; fewer people knew about the secret behind the Nephew and Uncle relation.

'If they find out that we were behind Clark's death, then we are as good as dead.' William and Alex had already accepted that Clark died; falling from that height, a normal human like Clark can't survive. In the end, they were the ones to kill him. 

A silence spread in the room. "Why are you so quiet, William?" 

"It's nothing, Guild Master." Hiding his restless hands behind his back, William replied with a cracked smile. "By the way, Guild Master. I will take my leave."

The guild master slightly shook his head. Taking a positive reply, William dashed from the office as if a dog were chasing him.

'What's with him all of a sudden?', Guild Master relaxed himself with the chair's back and looked at the office ceiling. 'Where are you, Clark?' 

[2 days have passed in the outside world] Two hours in this specific dungeon are equivalent to two days in the outside world. 

"Really? Time runs quite the opposite in this dungeon." Clark said, sitting at a corner with his clothes wet with blood of a variety of colours. 

Monsters of different kinds were laying on the ground lifelessly. There was blood all over the ground, like a second layer of floor.

"It's sad that I couldn't level up." 

[You still learned about your current skills; however, they are limited due to your cracked soul.]

"Cracked soul? Is something wrong with my soul?"

[The information can't be provided due to your soul being cracked. Reach SSS+ Rank at least to obtain the required information]

"Never mind. I get it" 

'GGGAARRRHHHH' A roar came from the shadows.

Clark swiftly stared straight at the front path that was covered with the shadows. It was a sound that he recognized somewhat. 'A lion roar, ah, this should be interesting.'

It wasn't just a normal lion roar but of a monster that was a hassle to deal with. 

'Step, step, Step' the monster approached.