Easy Kill

Some of the hunters from the frozen guild came to a field of trees, not just some but many many trees.

There were a total of 6 hunters present at the moment who were examining the whole place, there was nothing unusual, just trees.

"Did you find anything suspicious there B1?" B1 was the codename for the hunter, which one of the hunters had. He was quite young looking.

He puts his hand closer to his ear where the Bluetooth was, from which the voice was coming from.

"Negative sir"

"It's just normal looking place I'm unable to detect enemy presence nor I can find place where anyone can hide except the trees"

"It's hard for me to understand why would anyone choose this place to attack others?" B2 another hunter said, who was next to a nearby tree and had his hand on it, looking at its wood.

Everything is very clear, even on top of the tree, none can hide behind those leaves. B2 said while looking up at the tree's branches.

From B2's Bluetooth a voice says, "did you forget who you are facing?"

"It's a shadow hider, he can hide inside an ant's shadow, that's how hard it is to catch him"

"Don't let your guard down or else you will be dead before the backup arrives"

B3 a female hunter was looking around, she didn't focus that much as her eyes were only on the beauty of green grass and trees of different fruits.

Suddenly someone emerged from her shadow from behind. She was unaware because of the beauty of nature where her focus was.


"Hey B3 look behind!!" B4 another hunter shouted at her.

Before she could move around, it was already too late.


She was already stabbed by the long sharp black nails of the man emerging from the shadows.

He had stabbed all five of the nails inside her from the back of the neck which were a little bit visible from the front side.


Her eyes were rolled up and only the whiteness remained in her eyes.

"I really felt better after killing someone, my blood was boiling too much that I was becoming impatient but I'm glad someone came here"

The man was wearing a black long jacket with black hat and glasses. He was the second one on the list.

He pulls out his stabbed nails, as the girl falls to the ground.


The man pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and begins to clean the blood on his nails.

"I really missed using my modified nails, I thought I had lost them but I'm lucky that they were in the place where I had hidden them."

B2 seeing this gets furious, as his hair turns from brown to white. Same goes with his eyes.

He dashed towards the man.

"Stop you idiot!! It's dangerous to approach him all by yourself!!" B1 shouted. Even after the warning from B1.

B2 didn't listen and still went on.

The man had noticed as he moved his eyes towards the apparching person.

"What an inexperienced child you are, you're calling death with your own approach" the man said with a smile.

B2 creates a sword out of nothingness, it was a sword made out of ice.

"Not it's not your turn yet"

Saying this the man steps onto the shadow on the girl laying dead on the ground. He emerged inside the girl's shadow.

Before B2 could reach him, he had completely gone inside the shadow.

B2 stops as he moves around his eyes quickly, seeing where the man might appear again.

"Don't think I can be found that easily" the man's voice came from a tree which was nearby B2.

He quickly shifted his gaze at the tree and saw the man sitting on a thick branch of the tree.

B2 seeing the man throw his ice sword at him, it was a perfect aim as the saw reached quickly closer to the man.


But the man already emerged with a leaf shadow. Avoiding the coming sword.


The ice sword was stabbed on to another thick branch which was behind the man.

Tch, he really is annoying to catch. It's hard to locate where he will appear next.

B2 once more began to look around, but then he heard a voice.


Thud… it was the sound of someone falling on the ground.

B6 shouted, "B4!!"

B2 quickly turned around and looked at B4 but he saw the man standing next to B4's dead body on the ground.

The man had stabbed his nails inside the skull of B4.

"Another one gone" was all he said before he vanished inside the shadow on the B4.

D*mmit, we need to escape from this place quickly. We still can't take him on. B1 with an anxious look said in his mind.

B5 who was looking scared and sweating tried to take some steps.

The man this time had appeared behind B5, who had felt someone's presence behind him.

He hesitantly moved his head around, he saw the devilish smile and eyes of the man.

"Sav—save me"

The man was ready to put his sharp long nails inside the B5 skull.

"Stop right there!" B6 said. The man looked at her, as he saw that B6 was holding a gun at him.

She had a serious and sweaty face. Her focus was on the man.

"Oh, playing with guns is a crime, little girl. Throw it away before I do it for you"

"I will shoot, don't try to move or else these bullets will be inside your head" she said.

There was something that had clicked in B1's mind as he tried to shout something to B6.

"Don't shoot, it's a trap–" it was too late for him to say something.

The yellow aura surrounded B6 and the gun she aimed at the man.

Without any second thought B6 pulled the trigger.


With incredible speed two yellow glowing bullets were shot at the man.

"Ha, Ha, Ha. I got you"

Sh*t… it's too late for me to stop her.

The man smiled and vanished inside the shadow of B5, that's when B6 realised that her bullets will strike B5 in the chest.
