Almost All Dead


Two bullets strike on the chest of B5, augh… B5 grabs on to his chest as he feels the painful burning on his chest.


he fell to his knees; B6 with B2 and B1 came running towards him. B5 was feeling dizzy, his muscles were losing strength as he could no longer hold his hand on his chest.

"B5!" B6 shouted as her eyes were filled with tears.

As she was running towards B5, the man appeared in front of her from the ground. Because the distance between the man and her was too close and her speed which she could not control and stop herself.



She was stabbed by the man's nail in the chest where the heart was.

"Didn't I tell you, it's a bad idea to play with guns. If you had listen like a good girl you would have been spared unlike your friends"

Cough… cough…

Blood came out of her mouth and she was losing strength, unable to hold on to her ground.


She fell to the ground. Dead…

"These kids are very inexperienced it didn't took me much of the time to kill most of them"

"If it were the real troublemakers, I have no idea how long would it had taken for me to kill them"

Ummm… "maybe ten minutes?"

"Who cares,"

"You d*mned monster!!" B2 shouted in anger as he charged at him once again.

The man looked at him, he smiled at the furious look of B2.

"Does he really love death that much? If so, than I would gladly give him the taste"

While B2 was charging, B1 came next to B5 who was looking just a bit alive. B1 holds him onto his arms.

B5 with a rough voice says, "sir, I–I don–dont want to die" while saying this B5 makes a crying expression and tears fall down from his face.

B5, who's hand was shaking, holds on to B1 before his grip loses as his hand falls to the ground.


B5, eyes were half open and no voice was coming. He was dead.

B1 grinds his teeths, he was also furious at the man who had taken the lives of his teammates.

"That b*st*rd will pay for his crimes with death"

"What were you saying? repeat that again"

It was the man's voice who appeared behind him, B1 was on his knees.

"B1!" B2 shouted, who stood away at some distance. D*mm*t his shadow ability

Running is completely useless and even if using freezing ability it will also put B1 in danger.

D*mm*t, what do I do? I can't let that b*st*rd killed B1 too, already too many causality not anymore.

"You don't seem to have any special ability," the man said as he continued. "i have killed many people like you, I have well experienced of learning about someone's special power"

"You have the ability to detect presence and danger level"

He moved his hand back as he joined the end point of his nails together.

"You hunters and heroes disgust me", "but I'm impressed that your the leader even when you are just useless one here"


He moved his joined nails toward the back of the head of B1.

"I'm surprised you know quite a lot but I believe you got one thing wrong"

B1 titles his head away and successfully avoids the nails joining points being stabbed in his head back.

As the nails pass by the head.


B1 grabs on to the nails, "I'm the leader of the team because this useless ability lead to me to this far"

B1 eyes turn yellow with 3 stanger symbols inside the yellow iris.

??... "Ah, it doesn't change anything. You will die from my hands anyways"

The man said as he tried to pull back his nails. !?... But he was unable to do so, his strength against B1 had become lesser.

What's with his sudden strength?

He lifted up his other hand as he tried to attack him with his other hand nails.

"No, you don't", B2 shouted as he jumped at the man with his ice sword.


He jumped in the air, while he was still in the air. B2 aims his sword at the man and throws it at the man with all his might.


"Take that," he said with a cold voice.

Although the man had noticed the apparching sword, he tried to stop it with his nails.



B1 strikes his elbow on the man's leg, he feels enormous pain with just a single strike.

With a blow, he was distracted and didn't have much time to dodge the sword.

You br*t…

The sword was close.

I can't dodge it, it's too close for me to dodge.

He somehow rotates his upper body, and is able to dodge but his left arm gets in contact.

Giving him a big damage to his arm.

Tch… not this one. He was aiming on my arm which was held by this kid.

B1 quickly releases the grips on the nails, turns around and pow… punches the man in the gut with a lot of force.

And from above B2 kick's him in the face. The man flew back a bit.


falling on the ground.

"That was really close B1, I thought I had lost you too" B2 said as he looked a bit relieved while looking at B1's face.

"Don't be so relaxed" both of them turned their gaze at the man who was still laying on the ground.

"he took our blows intentionally, he could have avoided all of this with ease" B1 said as he looked serious.

B2 in his mind said.

Yeah, that man is crazy, when I was about to kick him, I saw him smile at me. "When is the backup arriving?"

B1 turned on his Bluetooth with his finger, "why have you been all out of contact. I thought you all died!!" a female voice shouted at B1.

"Yes, most of us are dead only I and B2 are currently alive and fighting that human monster"

"What!!! All the other members are dead? This is serious. I will let the backup know to reach you as fast as they can!!"

"Try to keep that man busy as much as you can"

B1 replied, "I believe that it would be hard to do that but we will try as much as we can if he didn't kill us"

The man begins to laugh hard. "Ha, Ha, Ha" he puts his hand on his face as he continues to laugh.

"This is fun, I like it now!!"