The Battle Continues

The battle between Clark and the man had started.

Clark seemed to be completely calm and didn't think of the man as a threat but B1 and B2 behind him felt worried for Clark.

They knew Clark was strong as a human but the speed they just witnessed.

And how he just punched the man with such incredible strength. They had become a bit relieved although they had concern regarding Clarks such potential.

B1 said in his mind, he was amazed by Clark's strength and speed but he wanted to know something.

Clark… was he always this strong, I admit that he even as a human is incredible but after sudden disappearance and then his return he was completely changed. He had abilities not even just a single but many abilities. It's hard to believe but I wish to someday know his secret and what really happened to him.

The man stood from the ground, and the first thing he did was to remove the dirt from jacket. It wasn't really any dirt present but rather just small grass that was plugged from the ground and got attached to his jacket.

"I never really met any young blood that's really this much capable"

"The only time I was defeated was when that knight guild master fought against me but before that no one had ever won"

He looked at Clark with his desired eyes, "I always wanted to fight someone stronger than me"

"But finding such people was really difficult, roaming in the country yet found absolutely none but now a young blood will be my opponent."

"I do be ashamed of myself if I lose to you"

The man prepared himself, he was ready to attack Clark once more. Clark on the other hand remained silent but rather just listened to the man's all talk.

Finally after listening he breaks the silence and speaks. "I hate to break it to you but I have to take you down faster, I have to capture more criminals like you"

The man feeling sadness by the harsh words of Clark said, "I'm sad to hear you calling me a criminal, when criminals are hiding in your own guilds"


When he said the last word, he charged at Clark. The man quickly vanished inside the shadow of the grass, and emerged out of the grass shadow with his flashy speed.

It didn't feel or seem like that the man vanished inside the shadow and reappeared from inside the shadow. It seems that he took a step and glitch out and appeared next to Clark.

But luckily it wasn't for Clark. He was able to see the man's movement clearly.

The man attempted to strike as fast as he could at Clarks throat to eliminate him.

Clark was showing no sign of movement at all, he was just gazing at the remaining half part of the nails coming at him.

The worried comrades shouted out at Clark, trying to tell him to dodge, "Clark, dodge!!".

They were worried that Clark had been caught by the man. He looked like he was unable to take any actions and would be stabbed in the throat.

It was only B1 who thought it was strange. He observed with his eyes more carefully, that Clark was showing no sign of reaction at all.

Strange, why isn't Clark moving? I can't feel any fear from him either. D*mm*t something is wrong.


Clark without any budget grabbed the nails just like he did before. His hand speed was faster than the nails coming at him. He succeeded in preventing the nails from hurting him.

"By the way your moves, it seems you just have a few moves to play with. I don't understand how others got killed by you when they could easily read your moves"

The man, unsuccessful in killing Clark, tried to pull his nails back.

As he tried so, he was stunned by the graping strength of Clark. The man was unable to pull back his nails.

He thought in order to pull them back he had to strike Clark, for Clark to leave his nails.

"You have remarkable strength young blood"


The man punches Clark on the face, the man smiles, thinking that his punch was quite good and hit on Clarks face smoothly.

"I got you good didn't I, it must have hurt a lot getting hit by a fist like mine"

But it was not the expression that lasted long. "What!?". His fist didn't harm Clark at all.

Clark was giving him a serious gaze while the man fist was still stuck to Clarks cheek.

"Not that bad, I must say this fist have some impressive level of strength, but against me this is not enough to hurt me"


Clark grabbed on to the man's hand from the wrist, with the other hand he punched the man in the stomach.



It was just a single strike from Clark but to the man who was struck by it. He felt like many punches were thrown at him 100 folds at once.

What kind of strength is this?! He hit me just once but why do I feel like I was hit multiple times. The man said in his mind. He was feeling great pain.

Clark was still holding on the man's hand by the wrist, Clark wasn't finished yet, just like that he told the man.

"I'm not finished, if you think you will die with this one strike then get ready there are more hellish once coming"

The man felt a bit of fear, not to the point where he could just run away from Clark.

It was something that was making him realise that the person he is fighting. He shouldn't be taking him lightly even for a second.

"Your not the only one here that is strong young blood, I also will show you what I'm capable of, I didn't killed that many hunters and hero's for no reason"


Clark felt something strange going on with the man, the Energy within the man was very odd.

Black smoke was coming out of the man's body.

"Fun begins from now" the man said, while his fist was very close to Clarks face and was about to hit him.

Clark noticed the fist, when it was just an inch away. He said in his mind, when did he move this quickly?

The man's speed was once again increased dramatically, it was due to the smoke coming out of his body.

This could be a problem for Clark.


It was the sound of the hit, but "you blocked it, that was fast I was expecting you to be able to block my punch"

Clark had blocked the punch. He was able to do this by moving his face back and using his hands between the gap of his face and the fist.

Clark said in his mind, as he was relieved that he was able to save himself once again.

That was a close one, I thought he had me for that one moment, if it wasn't for my fast thinking I would have been a goner.

He looked at the man's aura, it was giving a fearsome vibe. A feeling that was filled with evilness.

This feeling, I never felt before and that aura of his is quite dangerous. But is this the real power that he was hiding?

"Well then if your using maximum power then I must go all out"

[You have enabled sword art]

Many swords appeared around Clark as they floated in the air.

The man was stunned along with the other two, he smiled and said. "You just keep making me more and more amazed"

The system screen popped up next to Clarks face. With a new message which said.

[You opponents is dangerous, he seems to be using a strange energy]

A strange energy? That's something I have been wondering about. I have been feeling it too, I just can't figure out what it really is.

The strange energy that the man had, it was the reason he was able to keep boosting his power a lot of times. It was strange that he kept increasing his strength and speed multiple times.

The strange smoke and energy of it is unknown to what it really is but one thing has become clear that it is the source of the man's boost in power.

The man said, who was feeling eager to continue the fight. With a polite and joyful tone.

"Shall we continue our little battle young man, I'm very eager to see who comes out as victorious"