The Evil System Offer

The battle between Clark and the man started once more, but this time Clark needed to be careful.

He wanted to know about the energy of the man that caused his power to boost.

He directly asked the man, but he wasn't really expecting any answer.

"What is this evilish energy of yours i'm feeling. Are you using some kind of devil's power?"

The man smiled, giving Clark a menacing look, he said with his joyful tone. "This, this is the same energy that the hunters are blessed with. You must have known that hunters have black energy while hero's have white energy"

"I also have black energy but when I was in prison. I was desperate to learn something new."

"That's when a strange man appeared and taught me something new, guess what?"

Clark replied, "how could I know,"

The man just laughed before he continued his answer. "Ha, Ha Ha,", "you young blood really aren't that exciting when it comes to curiosity"

"I will still tell you, he taught me about the masterly of evil energy within the black energy"

Clark stopped the man from talking with his own question, "evil energy? What do you mean by mastering evil Energy within the black energy? Does this thing exist?"

The man replied, "yes, evil energy only occurs when a person with black energy has alot of desire of his own. It will keep increasing as long as the person desire for something increases"

Clark understood and said in his mind, so that is why his power has been increasing.

Leaving that aside, the man suddenly dashed towards clark. He thought that he might be able to strike Clark when he was off guard.

But to his surprise Clark always remained on his guard. When the man reached next to Clark.


"What do you think you're doing?" Clark said as he looked serious as he asked this question.

The nails with which the man was trying to strike Clark were blocked by the blade of one of the swords.

The man failed once more to injure Clark. Even when his power was boosted. He was very confident.

"It looks like my speed is still not enough to give you even a small cut, but we can't say it because it's just the start"


Both of them moved with flashy speed, they were attacking and blocking while moving around.

B1 and B2 were barely able to see them. It was only when they attacked and stopped for a split second. Other than that they could only hear the sound of the two weapons clashing with each other.

"Your not bad at all young blood, the way you fight it doesn't look like it's an experience of a young man but rather a 100 years old person who have been battling forever"

Clark felt impressed that the man was able to guess well just by his fighting style.

Clark smilingly replied back while he was still attacking and blocking, "who knows, you might be right about it. That's why I will take you down"

Woosh… woosh… cleng… cleng…

The fight continued but none of them had the upper hand, they were completely and equally matched.

That's when system messaged appeared, [finish the fight with a single strike]

Seeing the message Clark felt happy, then he said, "good, I wanted to check something out, maybe this is the right time".

Clark distanced himself from the man and stood at one place. The man mocked Clark for backing off. "Are you scared young one?".

But he didn't know what Clark was up to. Clark didn't reply to the man and just focused on himself.

Golden flames surrounded Clark, B1 and B2 along with the man were stunned. "Golden aura?!".

All three of them surprisingly said as they have never seen something like this before.

B2 was surprised seeing this and with his surprised tone said, "golden aura!! How come someone has such a type of aura?".

The man noticed that this might be something new but this may be dangerous for him taking this chance, he vanished inside the shadow and emerged out of the shadow behind Clark.

Clark turned around in a split second, he extended his arm and widened his hand in the man's direction.



A giant laser beam comes out the palm of Clarks. Both of his comrades could only watch in awe.


The man screams as he is captured inside the giant laser beam. No escape was valid for him.

Clark was shocked too, he wasn't expecting such a giant beam coming out of his hand.

"What the—i thought it would be a small not this giant big"

"But nice, I'm glad it went above my expectations"

The beam destroyed everything in his paths, the trees and grass. After just a few seconds the laser beam disappeared.

Once the laser beam disappeared, Clark took steps as he looked around to find the man. "Now where is that jacket man?"

As he walks around searching for him. He came across the man's body, which was burned and damaged.

But surprisingly the man was still alive, his one eye was still open but his clothes were mostly burned.

"I shouldn't have gone that far, must have control my laser attack but there's nothing I can do about it"

Clark regretfully said to himself after he saw the man's condition which he was in. Clark felt pity.

B1 and B2 felt happy and relieved as they wanted to come and meet Clark but they were unable to.

There was something else coming for them. When they thought that the man was defeated they didn't know what the man was looking at with his one eye.

[I will give you my power, if you obey me the god of system]

The man with one eye looking at the system screen appeared in front of him. He read the message and said it in his mind.

What a joke, but I want to know what this is. Yes!

[Congratulations for accepting the god of system offer, he will give you his 0.001% power, to kill that boy]

As he said yes, his body began to heal. He stood up from the ground and his eyes were completely red glowing and he was surrounded by the red aura.

The iris of both eyes were completely gone, and white colour turned red. Once he was up from the ground he was amazed as he examined himself.

"What's this new power? I thought that 0.001% thing was a joke but what a feeling it's amazing" the man said who was amazed by the feeling of the energy which was flowing inside him.

On the other hand, Clark along with the other two were shocked seeing the man being healed and standing. They couldn't believe what they just witnessed. The man's clothes were still burned.

[This… sh*t…]

The system said, by the text of it. The system looked quite anxious.

"How can this man be fine and healed, and why did his energy suddenly change?"

"This energy is full of chaos, system."

[I know what your thinking, but this… this is the evil system, it seems the evil system has granted the man it's power]

"What now then? Do I still have to defeat him?"

[Yes, but it's highly recommended to be careful, we don't know how much power the evil system has granted him]

"Alright," Clark said as he looked anxiously at the man. Who also changed his gaze at Clark and gave him a devilish smile.

"B1, can you hear me?!"

A worried voice came from B1 Bluetooth, "yes I can hear you" B1 replied as he heard the voice.

"Run, all of you run from that place, we can see a dragon level threat appeared there. If you don't run you will die!!"

B1 got anxious after hearing this. "A dragon level, are you saying that man is a dragon level threat". B1 said as he looked at the man with that red aura around him.

He along with B2 could have left as he was told to but he could not leave since he didn't want to leave behind Clark. He said in his mind anxiously.

D*mm*t, what should I do now, will Clark be able to handle him?