Save or Kill first?

Before Clark could start searching the time clock, Boom… an explosion occurred on the top floor of a building.

People stopped to see the site as the top part of the building parts along the giant piece were falling to the ground.

"Aaaaa" screams of people running away from the bottom place near where the building exploded. There were many screams inside the building. People were rushing down floor by floor trying to save themselves.

Thud… thud… thud…

Building parts fell to the ground, then a big falling sound occured. THUD!!!

Clark already had noticed this when the explosion occurred but he didn't do anything since he at that time was far away.

There were no casualties on the ground or for the people in the building floors except for the top floors.

"What an explosion!! Was this also done by the code master?"

[Certainly can be the case, you should call for help]

Clark looked at B1, wanting to tell him to inform others to come here hurriedly. But before Clark could tell B1 spoke first.

"Don't worry I already told them, they should be arriving here in any moment"

Clark replied, "good but tell them to come fast, we don—".

Boom… a nearby building's top floor exploded, Clark and B1, B2 quickly shifted their gaze at the building and heard the screams.

"Quickly get moving!! Save the people" Clark shouted commanding the other two.

Boom… Boom… Boom… more and more buildings were exploding.

People inside the buildings were dying, but people who were outside the building walking nearby were being crushed by the falling pieces of the buildings.



Chaos between the people was starting to happen. They shouted and screamed and ran away to save their lives.


A woman fell down to the ground while running. "Egh", as she moved herself up with her hands supported while looking down on the ground.

She saw a giant shadow of something covering the ground and her along with it. She instantly knew that it was the shadow of a building falling down on her. She quickly turned herself around.


She could only scream in fear knowing that she would die, her body wasn't moving out of fear.

As the building with incredible speed got closer and was able to crush her, Wiizzz… a person with lightning speed came.. grabbed… grabbing the woman and quickly dashed away.

Crash… the building fell to the ground.

Stop… the person stopped while holding the woman in his arms. "This situation is way more worse than I thought".

It was captain Alex. He looked at the frightened woman and questioned her. "Lady, are you okay? Were you hurt?".

The lady just looked at her saviour, her heart was beating faster and was getting heavy by the fear she just went through.

She replied but her voice was barely coming out of her mouth "ye–yes, tha—thank you", she said looking at Alex.

Alex let her down, as she stood on the ground, her legs were still trembling. Alex, looking at her state, spoke trying to assure her. "Ma'am you're completely alright, please leave this place immediately or else danger will fall upon you again".

Hearing from Alex, the lady just nodded and ran away. Alex saw her running away then shifted his gaze away when he heard another explosion.

"This mess, I have to keep on going, I need to save as many people as possible".

He shouted to his team with the help of his Bluetooth plugged in his ear.

"Team!! Save as many people as you can, if possible save them all. Go!!"

Everyone who heard this with their Bluetooth shouted in positive "Yes sir!".

Another building was falling on the ground beneath it. There were some old couples sitting on a bench. Seems like they were unable to know the situation.


An ice made barrier is formed above their heads preventing the building part from crushing the elderly couple.

B2 shouted as he walked closer to them, "Sir, you must leave this place immediately, it's not safe".

The elderly man looked at B2, he loudly shouted back, "what?!".

B2 slapped on his forehead, knowing that it will be difficult to do this job. He once more shouted "sir leave, this place is not safe for you to stay".

The elderly man replied back, "what are you saying I can't hear you?".


That's when a female member of the division first appeared as she landed on the ground. B2 looked at her and called her name. "Sara?".

Sara, a 24 year old, looked at the situation of B2 and told him. "Leave them to me, I will take care of these two you go save others".


More and more members of different divisions along with many other guilds were coming. The situation didn't resolve easily because the buildings were exploding more and more.

Clark, looking at the situation, was feeling uneasy. Even when the different guild members were coming in rescue it wasn't enough. The city was in chaos, destruction.


A man jumped from a building far away from Clark. Clark turned around to see the person. "So you're that boy this system is concerned about, I don't feel any special type of feeling from you".

Code master said as he looked at Clark with his cold blooded eyes.

Clark gave the man a grievous look and with a chill voice he said to him. "you, what a wonderful thing that you came here yourself I was thinking of finding you and killing you with no mercy".

Clark's eyes, with which he was looking at the code master, were filled with killing intent.

Code master, not afraid of Clarks words, had a dull expression towards clark. He mocked clark. "you should focus more on saving people than trying to kill me".

Clark replied holding his angry back, "everything will be settled once I kill you, that's all I have to do".

Code master replied with a surprise answer, "I have to make you aware that even if you kill me, my ability wouldn't be deactivated. It can only be stopped by destroying time clock"

"To tell you something more , I don't even have any idea where this time clock is set. I can only activate the ability, the time cloak appears in a random place"

Clark, hearing from the code master, didn't believe him since his ability didn't have such a thing because when the system told him about the ability there was no such part in it.

But then the system came up to confirm it.

[The code master doesn't seems to be lying]

[He somehow has modified his ability or must have evolved it with evil system help]

Clark after reading this looked at the code master, code master then questioned Clark. "So what are you gonna do? Fight me here and let everyone die or go find the time clock and destroy it"

"I have another surprise for you"

Clark curiously asked him, "what is it?"

"This time clock wouldn't kill just the people of this city but the people of whole country, along with your sister and brother"

Shocked, and frightened as he heard what the code master said. He was anxious but furious at the same time.

Clark said with a furious tone. "You son of a demon, I will kill you".

Code master said, "but will this solves your problem, you will still be unable to save everyone, even those who you hold very dearly"