First Division Captain Arrives

Clark thought to himself, d*mm*t, I can't leave this place or else he will destroy this city but I have to go and find the time clock.

What a problematic position I'm in.

While Clark was thinking to himself a voice come from behind, "Jack*ss, what's bothering you so much?". It was Captain Alex's voice who was walking in their direction with a severe look.

Clark turned around, as both the code master and Clark's eyes were at Alex, and William who was walking behind Alex.

"Captain?!" Clark said with a perplexed look on his face. "You're still alive?".

Alex shouted at him angrily, "you dumbfounded guy!! What do you mean? didn't you spare my life!!".

Clark placed his hand on his mouth as he said with a soft voice, "oh, right my bad I didn't remember that."

Annoyed by Clarks behaviour Alex said with a disgruntled voice, "You should be more serious in such a situation, I was expecting much from you but you're that foolish kid as always."

"Focus on your enemy when he's at front".

Clark glanced at William's face who glanced back at him, William still feeling the guilt unable to look directly into his eyes.

But Alex, without caring about it, looked at the code master as he stopped next to Clark.

"You should get going, I was informed about the ability of a code master, and the guild master is dealing with that big mouth. So we have to deal with him ourselves". His voice was grave.

Clark questioned Alex, "you sure you can take him on? I mean your *ss was beaten by me before"

Alex shifted his iris at him, glared at clark with a scary vibe. With a chill voice he said, "stop mocking and get lost before everyone loses their lives"

Clark gave him a big smile before going away he said, "you're not a bad guy after all,". Clark flies away from the place in search of the time clock.

Alex silently heard, and once Clark left the place he shifted his iris back at the code master.

"should I chase after him?" Code master inquires from the system. [No need, for now focus on what's in front after killing all of these insecta than take him on]

"It's not a bad idea, since I was also eager to fight someone and test what's I have been capable of with my new abilities"

[Yes, it will be interesting]

"I also wished to fight that knight guild master, I wonder with my newly found power can I defeat him?"

[You can defeat anyone, with my power bestow upon you, there's no one to stop you. Not even the knight guild master]

"That's fabulous"

Alex, seeing the code master talk to himself, thought that the man had some sort of mental illness. "What's up with him? Is he mentally ill or what?"

Code master changed his eyes direction back at both of them, with his expressionless face.

"William, stay back and let me handle him". Alex said.

William, hearing this, looked at Alex with a concerned expression. "Captain, it's dangerous, if you fight him alone you might die. Please let me fight alongside you"

"William" Alex coldly said, William suddenly stopped, for a second he stopped his breath after hearing his name from Alex.

"Don't think of me as a loser, if I got defeated by Clark didn't mean I'm weak, I had to hold back against him all that time"

"You knew that well".

William looked down on the ground in disappointment, that's when Alex spoke further, "don't be disappointed, if I died than take care of those lazy newbies"

Code master interrupted there small chit chat, he said, "are you gonna fight or are you too afraid to step further to fight me"

"Tch, who's scared?" Tap… tap… Alex walked towards the code master, he tightly clenched his fist. Lightning flows around Alex with a large amount.

"That's impressive but it's not enough to fight me all by yourself, you will regret your decision very soon"

Code master after saying this, the numbers visible in his eyes begin to change with a drastic speed.

Liquid like thing rose up from the ground as it attached itself on the back of the code master, forming spider-like legs.

It was black completely with red colour numbers moving inside.

That's… that's not something we were informed about. William said as he felt an horrifying energy from the code master along with the black liquid thing he just witnessed.

On the other hand, Alex, not caring about it, just walked towards him with his eyes locked at him.

Seeing the brave man coming at him without showing a single bit of fear. "Ah, you're brave, someone who hasn't seen death".



Alex moved with incredible speed both the code master and William weren't able to see him anymore. Alex appeared next to the code master with his fist ready.


Alex threw his fist, but one of the spider legs reacted quickly and blocked it by coming in front of it.

"Your speed is fast and admirable, but there are things you're lacking."

From behind the same black liquid rose from the ground, forming a spike and quickly launched itself at Alex who was unaware of it.

William shouted, "Captain behind you!!".

Alex moved his head around half way and saw the spike coming at him. Woosh… he quickly dashed away to the right side, distancing himself.

The spike was now coming towards the code master but when it was 2 inches away it paused.

Pew… "that was a close one," Alex said with a relieved looking face.

If it wasn't for William alerting me I would have been stabbed by that spike for sure.

Code master, feeling dissatisfied with his enemy's ability, looked at him and mocked. "You dropped my expectations to all time low, pathetic"

Hearing this Alex got furious, he began to generate more and more current which was coming out of his body. His iris turned white as current flowed out from them too.

"B*st*rd, get yourself ready!!" Alex furiously said.

He dashed from his place and quickly began to attack the code master from all sides. Woosh… Pow… woosh… pow… woosh… pow…

As he strikes and disappears and then strikes from another side and again with his speed disappears. This continues but each time he does so, the spider-like legs formed with the liquid thing block them.

"Tch… these spider legs are really annoying if I could somehow pass through them. I can hit that guy for once"

Code master was looking at the efforts of Alex trying to pass through his defence but unsuccessful with each try. He was feeling bored by it.

"I should have chosen a better opponent, maybe I shouldn't have let that boy go"

While Clark with fast speed was searching around, under every building and every place. From underground places built under the buildings to any place he could think of.

"Where—just where can that time clock be?" Clark said as he was feeling frustrated after being unable to find the time clock.

[I don't think it's in this area, we should expand our search in the forest side]

"Alright, then let's head out there"

Clark fly's off with full speed towards the forest which was not that far from the city.