A Final Request

Clark goes on, searching in the forest. After flying in the air for minutes, the city side ends and forest starts.

He continues to fly for a bit in the air, looking around rolling his iris here and there along with his head turning left and right.

"Did you detect anything?" Clark inquired from the system, as the system responded.

[Not yet, keep flying I will see if I can detect anything]

While Clark continues his search for the time clock, on the other side.

Drop… drop…

Blood falling to the ground, it was Alex blood whose arms were hurt and bleeding. Pant… pant… he was taking heavy breaths, looking as if he was exhausted.

Tap… tap…

Code master took some steps and stopped at some distance away from Alex. Code master on the other hand looked completely fine, not even a single stretch made by Alex.

Alex said in his mind, looking at the code master.

D*rn it, I didn't have any idea that he would be this strong. Even when I'm giving all he is still fine. All my attacks against him were useful.

In fact, those spider-like legs' reaction was on pair with my speed. Even my lightning attacks were useless.

"Now then what should I do with you? You're already in bad shape with your stamina being almost drained out," the code master said as he looked at Alex with cold eyes.

Worried William, who wants to step ahead to protect Alex, was stopped by Alex shout. "Don't dare to come here William!! It's too dangerous for you to be here"

This time William didn't stay still as he shouted back, "Sir, I can't do that, what's the point of me being here if I can fight alongside you"

Code master changed his head, and moved his eyes in William's direction. He said, "I have a perfect solution for you".

"Mister system, that dimension Art you told me about, how do you activate it?"

[Just say the phrase "Dimension Art - Code X" your dimension Art will be activated]

"That's quite an easy thing"

"Dimension Art - Code X" code master said, activating his dimension Art world.

Everything begins to erase, and black background with red numbers begins to cover up everything. There was nothing but red numbers and blackness.

Except for three people, who were code masters, Alex and William.

William and Alex were confused as they looked around and figuring out what place they had been trapped in. "What is this place?" Alex questioned.

Beneath to top, everything was filled with numbers, as Alex lifted up his foot and beneath his foot, there were numbers on the ground too.

William, just like Alex, had the same question: he was looking at the place and trying to know where the code master had taken them too.

"Is this a room?" William tried to make his own guess, what this power of code master was. That he created such a place.

To William at first it looked like an illusion made by a code master. But then another concept came to his mind.

A room, maybe it might be a room created by code master separating them from outside.

Code master explained after hearing Williams guess, "your somewhat right, this place is something call dimension Art, or more like a world created base on your ability or abilities"

"At the moment, I'm the god of this place, while your my prey who I'm gonna play around with"

Code master's explanation was based on the knowledge he got from the evil system. The knowledge he got was when he was gaining abilities from the evil system. His eyes were filled with curiosity when he saw this ability name.

That's when he knew and found out what dimension Art was but he was still lacking at it due to first time experience.

But for dimension Art, experience is not needed because everything is automatically learned when you activate it.

Alex then notices something moving on his foot, as he looks down to inspect. He saw that black liquid covered up on his foot. Moving slowly up.

"What the—" Alex quickly tried to move his leg up but that liquid held very tightly like a strong glue not letting him go.

"Let go of me, you dirt" Alex angrily said, trying to free himself from the liquid but remained unsuccessful.

His other foot was also covered up with the same liquid, the liquid had trapped his both feet.

While William was also struggling with the same problem as Alex, but rather being impatient like Alex. He remained calm and tried to see if he could free himself.

When failed to free himself, he looked at Alex who kept on trying to free himself as he was getting frustrated.

"This sh*tty mud wouldn't get off" Alex shouted.

Hearing the shouting and loud Alex, the code master felt irritated by it as he said, "you're too annoying, let me shut your loud mouth".

Code master extended his arm and widened his hand in Alex 's direction.

A small part Black liquid rose from the ground and covered Alex's mouth.

"Huhm?! Hou Hhuh"

Still hearing, the code master finally took a further step, "enough with this I should then test out this world of mine"

Code master, once again extended his arm and at first widened his hand then made a tight fist.


Stab… stab… stab…



Alex and William screamed in pain. As they were stabbed by multiple spikes which were launched at them from many directions.

Although the spikes were not stabbed too deep, if they were stabbed deep both of them would have died.

"This seems to be interesting," the code master said as he looked at the condition of Alex and William, which had become worse.

As the spikes were pulled out, blood came out and flowed from their body and drop… drop… blood was falling on the ground, as soon as blood made contact with ground. It perished.

Pant… pant… both of them were taking heavy and deep breaths. As they looked damaged.

Code master put his hand down, he wanted to test something else. He once again extended his left arm on the left side, with his hand wide open.

The liquid rose up and formed a sword as the code master grabbed the sword from its handle. He examined it.

"A sword, Ah, not a bad choice of weapon. I should start out with this"

It was a very odd feeling for him that he was unable to describe when he held onto the sword.

Shifting his gaze at both of them, he swung the sword in random directions. Not even striking anything but empty air.

But several painful deep cuts were made on Alex and William's body. Their suits were being torned where the cuts were made.

Alex endured as he didn't scream but William, "Aaaghhhhhh!!" He couldn't endure as he screamed with the remaining energy he had.

William's vision was getting blurry, as he for a second closed his eyes, and reopened them, the next thing he saw was that.

Code master aiming his sword at Alex, attempting to kill him. "Captain" his voice didn't have the proper energy to speak loudly.

He was becoming weaker and weaker as if the energy inside him was being sucked out.

"Well than you should say farewell to your partner" code master told William before he threw his sword at Alex.

Woosh… he threw it. The sword was moving at the perfect aim of heart.

Alex was also a bit dizzy but he was holding strong as he was still not giving up and looked at the code master with a killing intent look.

I need, I need to do something. William said as he tried to force himself out.


William vanished, he reappeared in front of Alex. Stab… "Vviiihhhhummm!!" Alex shouted as he saw William being stabbed in the heart by the sword.

William's eyes were slowly closing at that time his vision was mostly blurry, barely something was visible. His hearing was fading out. Not being able to hear anything properly.

Thud… William fell to the ground.

"What a pity, I got the wrong one"

Snap… code master releases Alex from his trap.

Alex as soon as he got free, he rushed to William and held dying William in his arms.

William wasn't able to see Alex's face clearly but he could hear his voice.

William said in his mind.

It reminds me of our past, yes I'm seeing it clearly now. Captain Alex, you, you were always there for me and for everyone who was weak.

Even when you didn't have any powers, you always told me that you will protect me and everyone who is weak and will make them strong just like you.

You followed your goal, always standing with justice. Sometimes you were strong but you always accepted your mistake.

That day, when Clark fell down the cliff because of you. You never wanted to make him fall, but he did. I felt regretful but when I saw you regretting more than me. I knew you didn't want to do that, you and I always wanted to apologise to him from our heart. It's just we couldn't do it.

You always wanted to be the strongest not because you were greedy but because you didn't want someone to be stronger than you as they would hurt the weak then you wouldn't be able to do anything.

I want to tell you.

I knew you were suffering inside but…

With his rough and soft voice he said, "Sir, my final request is that you forgive yourself, let the burden go away". These were Williams' last words before he was completely silent.

Drop… drop…

Alex tears fall down from his eyes onto the face of William who's eyes were still half open. But no movement of lips or his chest filling up with air. Nothing, he was completely gone from this world.

"Hey, I'm sorry I promised that I do protect you but I failed"

Alex's eyes were filled with pain. As he kept staring at the face of dead William.

Crack… a small part of the dimension Art broke as a fist emerged inside.

Huh?!... the code master looked with surprise, seeing the dimension Art breaking and a man entering the dimension Art.

"You, your, Knight Guild Master" code master said as he looked at Kevin breaking in the dimension Art.

"Where is this, Code master" Kevin said with a serious tone, he was looking serious.