A Story Teller

A person walked further. The whole surrounding was completely white, far far away there was no sign of anything but white colour.

Clark was looking at the individual coming towards him, "isn't he.." his voice felt changed too that he had noticed along with his body features.

Clark looked at his hands, which weren't his own hands but rather bigger than his own.

"What's this–"

He touched his own face, to see if he really is in his own body or not. He felt facial hairs on his face, it was his beard that he was touching on his face.

"Am I in my old body?"

He guessed it correctly, but there was no reflection to clarify his guess.

"Your at the moment, Thomas the strongest man who ever lived and died because the king poisoned you"

Seeing the man wearing wizard-like clothes holding a book in his hand, Thomas(Clark) questioned him. "Who are you really? I believe it's not our first time meeting each other"

The man stopped next to Clark and said, "your correct, I'm the same person you met before you died as Thomas and the same person who you saw in that forest before the disaster"

Thomas(Clark) said, "then does this means I have died again?", he didn't finish and questioned "what about that weird looking thing I saw just before?".

The man answered thomas(Clark) both questions, "yes, you have died but this time it was my choice to kill you, and the second answer to your question is the individual you saw before dying was death, who I had to convince not to take away your soul"

Clark hadn't understood that much, but the main question that had been raised in his mind was, "what do you mean, it was your choice to kill me?".

The man answered, "wouldn't it be weird that a weak explosion killed a human, who could have protected himself easily with such a powerful system?"

Thomas, somewhat understood and questioned the man. "But the explosion wasn't weak at all".

"That's what I'm saying, I ordered the explosion to become powerful enough that the system wouldn't be able to protect you "

Finally Thomas, understanding what the man said, came up with another question. "How did you order the explosion to become strong? I mean it's only possible if you have some sort of ability to order things around like god–"

He looked at the man shockingly, "are you god?".

The man looked at Thomas with a bright smile and said, "how come I be god if I had to convince death to not take your soul? Does god even need permission from death to not take that soul?"

"Yeah, makes sense but then what are you and why did you bring me here?"

Putting his hand on his chin, the man with polite and charming voice said, "because I needed to see what the godly human's comrade is coming up, and about what I am… you can call me storyteller,"

Thomas was in complete confusion because what the storyteller was saying was going above his head but in his mind. "I have no idea what you're saying, godly human? Comrade? I do get it what you are, story teller still that makes no sense but I do accept that what you just said"

"But what connection does this whole thing have with me?"

Storyteller, pointing his finger closer to Clark's forehead, said "in order to know that, you must find it inside the box, there's a whole new place there".

"Once you find it, it will tell you more and do know this, the enemy from this point on is not gonna be weaker that you can handle but equally matched or maybe something that might kill you"

"Now then, I have given you quite a hint, I have done my work very carefully."

Thomas faded away like dust, without even getting all his answers to the question which were in his mind.

He shouted before vanishing, "hey, I have more questions!!"

The storyteller hearing this said, "we shall meet again and then I will tell you everything"

Clark(Thomas) was standing on the ground, looking at his hands. He didn't understand why he was looking at his hands.

He turns his head up, looking around he sees the same destruction caused by the code master. But it had already stopped.

"I'm alive, but why am I here in the city not in that place?"

He was confused as to why he was there. But Clark finally came to a conclusion that it must be that storyteller doing.

Then something else clicked in Clarks mind, "code master?! Is Captain Alex still alive? And what happened, if I'm here then that explosion? Did I get there?"

His mind was filled with many questions, because of which was getting puzzled as to what he should do. That's when a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind.

To see the person behind him, who had placed his hand on his shoulder Clark turned his head around before turning his body around.

"Uncle?" He said looking at his uncle who was behind him.

Kevin seeing his nephew not feeling well. He asked, "what's the matter, nephew? Is there something bothering you?".

Clark thought that uncle Kevin being here is a relief for him, he can ask him about the current situation"

"Uncle, what's the current situation? What happened to the code master? And the time clock"

Uncle said, "he's just unconscious, I had to knock him down and about the time clock it was beneath the ground, which I had destroyed"

Clark looked at Kevin's face, utterly confused as he said in his mind.

He destroyed it? Wasn't I the one who destroyed the time clock? What's going on?