Lost Lives

I'm not catching up to this whole situation. Confused Clark stated in his mind.

Looking at Kevin he thought. If he destroyed the time clock and I'm here. Wait then what am I doing here if–Ahhh this whole situation is so bizarre for me to understand.

Looking at the ground, his iris turning left and right second after second. Kevin watches Clark in a state of thoughts.

Walking up Clark from the daydreams, he calls him by his name. "Clark" after his name was called Clark remained unheard.

Kevin calls his name once more, ''clark" the result remains the same.

I'm certain, it's storyteller doing. But why would he do such a thing? I remember he talked about inside the box. I can't remember it all.

A hand came near his forehead, which he was too late to notice. Kevin flicked on Clarks forehead.

"Huh?!" - "AAA! Ow, ow, man that hurts". Clark said, expressing pain through his facial expression, placing his hand on the forehead.

"Focus Clark, you shouldn't think so much, everything has been resolved. I don't know why you were here when that teammate of yours told me you were on the search of for time clock"

"Oh Captain Alex or Vice captain?" Clark inquired.

"I don't know about that, all I know is that the one who tried to kill you. And I have sad news for you" Kevin stated.

"What sad news?" Clark asked.

Silenced it was for several seconds, a clear cut answer to Clark was that it must be terrifying news for him that Kevin doesn't want to share.

"Uncle, tell me what's the sad news?" Clark asked again but this time he was worried.

Kevin moved his lips and said, "I forgot". Clark was disappointed but can't blame his uncle for it, it was in their long running families blood to forget things.

"Anyways, let it go for now it's not important." Kevin looked around and glanced at the mess Kevin said. "the city has been damaged. However, with the help of the government things will be fixed. It's the lives that can't be brought back which have been lost" Kevin didn't express any sort of feeling of sadness while glaring at the destruction.

Clark also gave a look at everything, "what do you think uncle, if we were a bit faster maybe this whole mess wouldn't have been created" Clark was feeling regretful that he was unable to do anything to same them.

But Kevin assured him and said. "It's not your fault, you did what you could, blaming yourself will only result in discouragement. Every life has time to die, when that time comes no one can save it, how much you try you will fail and if it were to given more time then how much you try to kill someone you will never succeed"

Although Kevin words were somewhat discouragement yet the truth of nature and time.

The time of the world works like that, when your death comes how much you think your safe nothing will save you in real, even emptiness around and nothing else. Death takes your soul, people do say some died from heart attack or certain reason.

But the truth is… death brings a reason along so when the soul is taken away, it shouldn't be said he died without any reason.

"You have a valid point uncle. Anyways I should head out to see how's everyone else doing can't stand here and do nothing"

Clark said as he left the scene while waving a goodbye hand to his uncle.

Seeing Clark run off, Kevin said to himself.

"He has met him, I would have never guessed that the storyteller would meet him like this. It's not my certain however he shouldn't figure it who annihilated the time clock"

Kevin lifted his head up to the sky and said.

"That God of the system, he's a big problem. I need to stay on high alert or else he will be a headache"

"I wonder what will you do Clark, how will you overcome everything that is coming for you"

On the other hand, Clark ran and stared around. In search of someone and also checking up the conditions.

Seeing how many people had died, some were buried under the fallen buildings. Some were burnt to death during the explosions. Every road is filled with pieces of buildings.

Cries, fear, pain were in those eyes who were witnessing it. How come one feels fine when their closest dies and some doesn't even have one.

Sigh… "I have to hurry up and meet captain Alex" Clark took a long jump and landed on a building inspection without any clue.

[Alex location detected]

Location of Alex appears on the system screen. "Thanks," Clark said to the system.

The system gives back a reaction with two dots and a smile.

Boost his speed, he tried to reach Alex as soon as possible. What reason was for him to find Alex?

It was a bad feeling he was getting in his heart, something he couldn't shake off. "I don't why but I get this feeling something really bad must have happened" Clark was anxious, his heart was burdened by this feeling.

Upon reaching, he sees many people from his guild along with other guilds soldiers or members gathered.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people here?" he questioned, moving forward he passed by them and reached the front.

Seeing Alex standing, Clark made a wide smile and was about to shout his name but he paused. His eyes were displaying a shock of something by what he was witnessing.

His smile faded, slow and small steps he began to take forward. Clearly what he was seeing it was William's dead body laying on the ground. With Alex looking at it with a miserable face.

"How did this happen?" Clark said, everyone's eyes were on him as he walked closer to Alex who had also seen him coming.

"He's gone" Alex stated, his condition wasn't looking fine at all, he was in deep pain inside for what he had lost.

A friend he always wished to protect.