A Riddle to Solve

"a whole new place inside a box. What I think is, it's not about the box but something else"

The hint given by storytelling.

"What do you think it could be?"

Clark had the same thought, maybe the box isn't the box but something else. Any conclusion was not found.

"But… I don't understand why you asked me to search for an answer to the riddle. It can be anything it's not specifically told what the box is"

The system came up with an answer. [It has serval answers that I have found but here are three leading the list]

[1. Earth]

[2. Gates]

[3. Ocean]

Looking at the option, Clark couldn't approve the given answers to the riddle. He was bewildered when seeing the answers, which were nowhere up close and relate to the box in the riddle.

Something came to his mind, he asked Sara. "what if the answer is ocean?"

He wanted to know what opinion Sara had on it. "It doesn't fit the description, but it's too exposing. We already have search much of the ocean. I don't think it's ocean"

The fact, humans were able to search deep down the ocean was remarkable with many new technologies and new powers. The world of the ocean was no longer a hidden and mysterious piece to them.

"Than Gates?"

"Not a chance, it doesn't suit well. Getting Abilities it look like you have gotten much dumber, Clark"

She smirks when mocking Clark.

"What about Earth itself?"

When Clark spoke about the word Earth, an article came like a lightning strike in Sara's mind. While searching regarding the riddle. She came across a rumour in an article, talking about a new world hiding inside the earth.

She didn't pay any attention to it, because for her it was an off topic subject. However, her interest in it peeked.

It was said in the article. A scientist claims that there is a whole different world belonging under the surface of the earth. Yet his claim was dismissed due to having no evidence regarding this matter. At the time there were other important matters such as Gates and finding better sources to increase People's safety.

Sara was interested, but she couldn't care as to this not being related to her research.

"Yes, it could be Earth. Maybe the answer to this riddle is Earth. But the only issue is the evidence which we are lacking to support this answer"

"Explain what's on your mind" Clark asked.

"What if, a whole new place inside a box meant a whole new place beneath the earth surface"

The answer was somewhat matching, it was still not clear how this is complete.

[The possibility of the Earth being the answer is 97%]

[There might be a path leading to the underground world, if it exist]

Clark can't disagree with such an answer. What was more important was not the answer but what revealed the secret.

To know if they are right, they needed outside help.

A suggestion came from Sara. "why not ask the scientist?"

"Which scientist?" Clark questioned. Sara didn't told him about the scientist or the article she read. She forgot and thought she had spoken about it.

"Oh right… few days ago when searching I came across an article where I learned about a scientist who claimed that there exists a world like an underground"

"Although his claims were disapproved, but what I believe. He knows something"

"So you suggest, we go and met him in another country" Clark asked

The waitress came with a cup of coffee and placed it on the table without anything else saying she left.

Sara picked up the cup and placed it on her lips. Swallowing a little amount of coffee.

With a blank expression and eyes with bewilderness. Clark mutters to himself, seeing his ordered cup of coffee being consumed by Sara.

"Why's she drinking my coffee?"

Placing back the cup on the table. Her eyes quickly shifted on Clarks dismayed expression.

Feeling awkward when she realised what she just did. She giggled awkwardly and softly. "He, He, He".

Seeing no change in Clarks expression. With no choice left Sara decided to distract him by the ongoing topic.

"About the scientist, we have no other choice but to head to Pakistan for that. Although it's far but it's the only way that might leads us to a better knowing about the underground world, if it's real or not"

"But where is this country Pakistan? To be honest I haven't heard about such a country"

A very letdown look from Sara, without any hesitation she said. "strong but weak brain. If it wasn't for me, who would have helped you in all matters regarding many things" Showing signs of disappointment in Clark.

"It's just a country Sara, I know many things and why not you're the only person I can trust in the guild"

Sara was not Clark's teammate but had been neighbourhood friends from a very young age. Studied in the same school to the point till now the same guild but different division.

The reason for her to join this guild was none other than Clark. Simply putting her experience with him told her well that he might be good with fights needless to say he failed in all other aspects.

In his previous life, he might have been the greatest within the battlefield and his fighting tactics along with battle strategy were good, no more he was good except for these.

"When are we heading to Pakistan then?" Clark asked.

He was curious to visit other states since all his life he remained chained to his city and some other lands. Not once did he go far or to a trip to other countries.

"Whenever you think you're ready to go. I'm always in"

"Then why not tomorrow," Clark said.

Seeing how early it was, it wasn't so easy to hop on the plane and go to another country. Government of the opportunity country is alerted once a hunter of another country enters their territory.

Else may cause big issues.

"It will take 2 days if we are going to enter the country. Plus it's gonna be much more difficult if we were to find that scientist"

Grinning at Sara, Clark had a plan prepared in his mind. "dont worry about this matter, I have a perfect plan"