The Two Partners

Taking a taxi as soon as they exit the airport, reaching the targeted place where the scientist is.

His house wasn't that far away from the airport which the three left before entering the taxi.

"You must be the foreigners who came to visit the country"

The taxi driver inquired who seemed to be a chill person. The taxi driver knowing who they were indicated that he was connected to the higher ups.

"Yes, can you take us to road 22?" Clark requested.

"Why not?" he said with a joyful smile.

Clark and Sara both sat behind while Kevin sat beside the driver. While driving everyone was completely silent, to make this emptiness go away the driver decided to speak up. While driving the driver asked. "So why do you want to meet Jabbar?".


Clark didn't know the name so he was perplexed by the driver's questions.

Sara let Clark know who Jabbar was.

"That's the scientist name the one we are suppose to meet"


The driving Continued for twenty-two minutes during that time the driver kept on talking about the country's situation.

How this country went from being somewhat tolerable to terrible for its own people. The turn of worse only happened after people were awakened into hero's and hunters.

Unlike the majority of the countries whose civilians when awakened decided to prioritise the country and its people safety first and then other things. Such a case wasn't happening here.

Those who awakened and had a chance of great potential, vanished at night as if there was no such person to ever exist in the world.

The fact that these people who disappeared stood with justice and knew most of the truth behind the corrupted political system. No one knew where they went to or what happened to them or whether they are alive or not. Not even the news covers up such important matters.

The biggest downfall for this country is its own people who silently accept their fates and do nothing about their current situation.

"well… when you betray the justice how do you expect justice to happen with you"

The taxi stopped at the destination which was next to a roughly standing building. The driver gives a glance to the building from the car's window.

"When will sir Jabbar decide to leave this crappy building"

Coming out of the taxi three inspected the building from front. The building felt as if it had been constructed a hundred years ago yet it was so well constructed that it has endured many harsh times.

"Looking at it, it's hard to say that someone could be living here." Clark wondered if this really is that place where Jabbar is at.

The place might have withstood well for years however the condition of it wasn't something that could be liked by anyone. Most of the windows were broken and planets were growing out from inside.

It felt more like a haunted house rather like then a livable house.

"You sure we came to the right place, Clark?"

Sara looked at Clark in disbelief, she was hesitant to enter at first she thought that it must be an error in Clark's directions.

However… "don't worry, Jabbar really lives here. It may seem like an old broken box but for him this is perfect condition. That's actually what Jabbar says"

The taxi driver who was still there assured them. Now the only thing for the three to do was to hop on from the front door.

The front door made from glass roughly there with cracked build in the glass.

Pressing on to the handle, Clark tried to pull the door however. It didn't go as planned.

Instead of opening, Clark accidentally uses a little bit too much force then the average person which happens to break both doors and the glass.

Sara and Kevin avoided the coming damage by dashing aside while pieces of glass fell on to Clark along with the door itself.

Unfazed by it, Clark awkwardly grinned knowing what he has done can't be undone.

That's quite a mess… how do I fix it now?!

From the nearby corner a voice ranged from a small speaker attached to the wall.

"Tsk… first windows now that d*mn door what else are these b*st*rd gonna break"

It was Jabbar's voice who said this is Urdu. He wasn't pleased, more like annoyed. From his saying it didn't feel like this was happening the first time.

[Language detected]


[You can now understand and speak Urdu]

Really I didn't know that!

All the things that Jabbar said were easily understood by Clark as if he had been hearing this language all his life.

Woah… nice, this is what's very useful.

"What business do you have with me?"

Furious Jabbar inquired from the other side.

Sara and Kevin who were silent and puzzled because of the language barrier. The only thing that they could do was to tell the man before the speaker to speak in English if he knew how to speak in that language.

When Sara tried to speak up, Clark intruppted and stunned both Sara and Kevin.

"It's a very important business"

Sara and Kevin were amazed by how perfectly he spoke that language without any flow although they didn't understand what Clark said.

Sara's eyebrows rose up. She wanted to know when Clark learned Urdu. It not like Clark could tell her that the system led him this ability.

"when did you took interest in taking language classes?"

Clark polity rubbed his finger tip on the left side of his face and nervously said. "you know I love learning language, it's nothing… I thought maybe learning some languages would be useful"

His speaking manners and expression clearly indicated he was spitting out complete lies to which Sara caught on to. It wasn't enough for her to verify whether he's telling a complete truth or a half lie.

"Want to make fun of me like those other garbage b*st*rds did?"

The speaker sounded more furious, before Clark could justify himself that they have no such I'll intention. The speaker shut down.

"It's not like that we—"

"The speaker off"

This is not gonna be easy…

Feeling a bit disappointed, Clark thought that Jabbar doesn't desire to meet with them so that's why he turned of the speak and didn't wanted to continue the conversation.

"Should we come back later then?"

Clark and his team turned around and they decided to come back later to give another shot another time.

"So it was some outsiders, what business do you people have with me?"

Clark and his teamed stopped and turned around to see this person Jabbar in real life who happens to be an old man with walking stick in his man.

Wait… is that Jabbar we are suppose to meet? He's too old.

"Don't look at me like that, I may look old but I'm still smarter then that scumbag sitting on his car"

Turning there necks around they gaze at the man sitting on the taxi, the man disaplayed an expression of a person who's some top secret got exposed.

"What do mean by him?"

Clark spoke to Jabbar who in returned said. "Don't take that fool for a taxi driver, he's a smart*ss kid you can ever find in this country"

The driver name was Kamal. He's a partner for Jabbar since the scientist prefer working alone. The government needed to deal with this situation and Kamal who decide to take the position of becoming Jabbar's partner.

He gave the three a wide grin, "well I guess it was easy to fool you, wasn't it?"

"Shall we get to the point of the reason you came here for?"