Gate's Rocks

"You came here after seeing an article?"

Kamal asked, he was amused to hear it from Sara. All five stood next to a thick and heavy door that was heavily guarded with security passcodes.

"This door, it's made out of Laytin Tamin?"

Clark places his two fingers on the door as they slide down slowly.

Laytin Tamin or Gate rocks, were found beneath the surface of the earth. They are the most endurable natural rock to ever be found accidentally.

The reason for them to be called Gate rocks or Laytin Tamin is because they were found on the same day when the gates appeared as it remained mysterious if they have any connections with the gates or not because upon checking nothing matched it with the Earth as if these rocks weren't part of the Earth.

That's why it was called Gate rocks and Laytin was the name of the person who found it first and Tamin is a Giant rock monster which has similar attributes to this simple looking rock.

It's only found in lesser countries which includes Pakistan being rare as it is, it's also the most expensive item on this planet at the moment too.

"Correct, this door is made out of Laytin Tamin… in fact…"

Jabbar places his hand on a screen as it scans his palm.

{Scan complete}

{Password filled}

{You can now enter the Room}

The two doors connected to each other separate to let the five of them see the other side view.

"The whole room is made out of Laytin Tamin"

Sara and Clark looked at the room from the entry point which was an expression of stunning.

Both had similar questions in mind which was…

Holy… a whole room made out of Laytin Tamin that means he's no normal person.

Clark spoke in his mind while giving a surprised expression towards the old man.

Officials of the country do not let such rare and valuable defence items be handed over to anyone unless they value that person.

"Don't give me a look like that. Before you think that those scums made this room for me let me tell you in advance that it's my own created place with my own hands"

"How so? Aren't Laytin Tamin only available to officials of the country?" Clark inquired.

Entering the room the old man sat on a comforting seat and beside him stood Kamal with a smile.

Placing his hands on the stick top and serious eyes set on the three. Jabbar answered the question.

"let me ask you a simple question"


"Can you trust people who killed their own saviours and helpers? People who gave them freedom from harsh life?"

That's not a simple question!!...

"I would never"

"Correct, you must be unaware that the person who discovered the Laytin Tamin in Pakistan was none other than me"

"but I kept this secret until officials found out I knew about these rare rocks. That's when they decided to struck a deal with me"

"What was the deal?" Sara inquired.

"The deal… that was to work under them as they will provide me everything to modify those rare to a higher levels"


On Jabbar's behalf Kamal decided to speak up. Kamal seemed to be quite excited when he spoke.

"Yes, that's possible to do. Modification to these rocks can improve the durability. At some point it can become an Energy PowerHouse for a whole country if we are able to add some…"

"That's enough Kamal"

Jabbar puts an end to Kamal's talk before he reveals too much of the information that they have to keep secret.

I didn't know these rocks could be modified, energy powerhouse… Can these rocks really become an energy powerhouse?

[Yes, there's high chance they can]

It was the first time someone talked about modifications, although no country or anyone has ever done or thought to modify these rocks since the concept of it didn't come to mind as they were already top notch then why need more durability? However… The part where Kamal mentioned Energy PowerHouse meant many things, not just giving basic energy but many more.

"Then why not do it? I mean, if you can make them more durable and can make energy PowerHouse then why not do it? It's gonna be better for everyone"

Although Clark said the right thing. However, What he didn't know was that the world wasn't ready for anything like that… reason why?...

"Kid, didn't I tell you before why I don't trust those scum officials?"

"Because those scums are gonna kill me the moment I reveal this secret to them"

"Wait… the officials don't know about this?"



Kamal once more interrupts the conversation to explain to the three what the problem was.

The problem with the Pakistan officials is that they want all the power for themselves. Jabbar knew that if they got their hands on the Laytin Tamin wouldn't be any problem. Although he did decline the offer made by the official yet told them the location of Laytin Tamin and took some for himself.

Jabbar's little secret of experimenting on gate rocks got exposed to the officials, knowing the potential of this genius they wanted to learn behind the method to modify them however.

Jabbar denied anything related to experimenting on the rocks, he was well aware that the moment he led them the method of modification they were gonna annihilate him on the spot.

He wasn't afraid for his own life but for the safety of the people of his country. The officials known to be corrupted only desire power and the biggest problem is that they never cared about the civilians.

2 million innocent people were killed and the reason they stood up for justice. Officials have only been fighting with civilians and killing them at every chance they get to put fear in them. rather than working to improve the country and protect it from neighbouring countries.

But what does these Laytin have to do with all of this? Energy… energy which can be provided by these special rocks not only is beneficial for defence but if used as an energy powerhouse can benefit civilians as it will provide them many useful resources that can last Billions of years.

It can be called miracle rocks too… However, the corrupted officials only desire to make profit from these and instead of letting them for free, they wish to keep them for their own goods and if used by civilians only rich with money can use.

"So yeah that's all, the situation of the country is already worse if we led them the method, people will die more"

Crossing his hands over each other, Clark makes a serious expression as he felt disappointed and furious over such officials.

"why not kill them?"

"If I had power I would have done that but they have quite a support of SuperPower Countries" Jabbar said as he continues further, "let's not change the topic the reason you came here for let's focus on that"


"Another world i talked about, which I believe you are interested in that's why you came looking for me"

"Yes, that's an important matter. I also think that there could be another world beneath the surface" Clark said.

"Think? I already know there exist another world, you don't need to think let me show you something"