A Once Remembrance

"Well–you see…" the boy nervously rubbed the back of his neck and gave out a grin.

"What do I see? Tell me, who are you and what are you doing here?" Clark was being serious, his expression on the face wasn't so friendly looking nor was his voice.

"Alright, alright, jeez man, what's up with you" - sigh - "my name's Clark Benjamin and to be honest I don't know myself what I'm doing here and what this place"

His name… it's just like mine…

Both of them not only had similar looking faces but also names matching with each letter. Maybe… Clark thought that maybe he might be Clark from this universe just like how every world has alternate worlds too.

But there was a little problem…

"What do you mean by you don't know about this place?"

"Yeah, it's just one day I suddenly fell unconscious and when I opened my eyes I was in this place"

Unconscious? Could it be that he's got transported into this place?

Well that might be the case however the clarification for this wasn't yet available for Clark to know whether the other Clark got transported to here or it something else.

Clark did not really think much about it as his focus was on something else… "i have something else you ask you"

"Okay" the other Clark hesitantly said.

"Do you have siblings?"

"I have two siblings, a little sister and a little brother"

Same goes for me… no it can't, I need to know more if he really is me from another world.

The evidence of this much wasn't satisfying Clark yet, he wanted to know much more.

"What about you?" The other Clark asked.

"Huh?... Oh… I have two siblings also a little sister and a brother"

"Stranger isn't it, or it is just coincidence?" The other Clark said, he was giving Clark a suspicious look, as if he still doesn't trust him plus he didn't get to know his name neither nor that Clark is him but from another world.

Clark gave a smile to the other Clark and said, "yeah" well the investigation of Clark hasn't ended yet, there were certainly many things he needed to ask however the most important question that came to his mind which would end his every other questions in mind.

"Do you have parents?"

"Yeah, why are you asking these questions?"

"Never mind, just tell me there names"

"Sharon Bakmin and Arin Benjamin"

Clarks eyes widened, he was suddenly paused like a statue or someone frozen time on him, he was in disbelief.

That's my parents name… Sharon Bakmin and Arin Benjamin… this kid…

Clark looked at the young Clark, who wasn't sure why Clark was staring at him like that, a feeling of discomfort.

"What's with that stare, you wanna kill me or something?" He shouted at Clark.

Coming back to his conscious self as his space out time ran out by the young Clark's voice, Clark had confirmed that this young Clark standing before him is really him but from another world with few years earlier.

Clark felt sad upon hearing his parents name, it has been 2 years since they disappeared to somewhere that no one knows of.

He wanted to ask the young Clark whether his parents were doing well or not, even if they weren't Clarks but he still had concern if the incident that happened with him and his parents happened with young Clark.

"How are—"

Rumble… rumble…

The ground unexpectedly shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred; however , it wasn't any quake but running steps of unknown numbers of monsters that surrounded Clark and young Clark.

"What—there are even more of them?" The young Clark, afraid for his life, said, seeing that the sum of these monsters felt uncountable he knew this was a mess.

[More monsters have arrived]

[Defeat all the monsters]

[Reward - Rank - SSS+ will be granted to all of your stats]

Sss+? If it's saying that then this means the number of these monsters aren't anywhere two thousand but twenty thousand.

One against twenty seemed like a bit of a hassle because the atmosphere wasn't as pleasing after these monsters arrived as it was before them.

Not only that, the aura of these monsters wasn't anywhere closer to easy going beasts, these looked not only tough but their physics were decent.

The place, what was this place like? Like a normal forest but that felt endless with no end of greens.

There are many of them, I'm not sure if I can handle them all but…

Clark gave out a grin, he was surprisingly excited as he gave out a glance to the monsters before him. His little hesitation became a sudden boost of energy.

What's with this feeling? Why am I so excited? Could it be…

Exactly, his thought hit right on the mark. Setting his gaze on the sword that appeared out of nowhere into his hand.

Huh? I didn't call the dragon slayer then why?

The sword "dragon slayer" appeared in his hand even without his own knowledge until he felt that he's grabbing onto something.

I can feel it…

Clark could feel that the reason he's feeling this much excitement is because of this sword, oddly he could feel such emotion from the sword too.

It felt like the sword itself had emotions. It was weird however, it wasn't time to pay attention to a newly discovered thing that isn't holding surprising meaning.

"We are in big trouble, they have surrounded us from all sides" the panicking young Clark said, he felt scared it was like it was his first time seeing all of these monsters but who knows?...

"Tsk… Yeah"

I didn't think about it before but I have to fight and protect this kid at the same time… sh*t, what a mess.

It was a clear disadvantage for Clark, if he were to fight and not to protect the young Clark then the kid would be killed by the monsters and if he were to protect and fight that would be an extra burden and when against twenty thousand and from all sides it's harder than ever…


The monster charged at Clark and the young Clark. "tsk"

What should I do?...

Clark had to think fast; there wasn't much time before the monster reached any closer to them.