SSS+ Rank

Clark turned his face to several directions for him to be worried and thoughts didn't progress further than the first stage.

An idea clicked in Clark's mind, his expression from worried changed to calmness like the monsters wasn't no big deal for him anymore.

The young Clark looked at the calm Clark, he thought in his mind that Clark had given up as he asked concerningly, "Hey, what's with that face?!"

Because of the panic the young Clark wasn't having many things coming in his mind, whatever that was urgent or sudden only came.

"Let them come a little closer," Clark said with a grave look.

"What?! Closer? If they get any closer we will get killed"

The monsters were no longer far from them but had circled them in a small distance.

From several sides, monsters approached very close with the thick wooden stick in their hands and sharpened rocks engulfed in that wood, they were ready to strike.

When the opportunity of hitting the two humans came close, Clark grabbed young Clark by the wrist, with full force he jumped upwards.

The monster eyes were set on the humans moving their heads up slowly as the two humans moved high in the air.

[That was a close one, don't you agree?]

Still grabbing onto young Clark by the wrist, Clark began to float in the air without worrying for any attack from below.

Yeah, that really was a close one if it weren't for my flying ability I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to protect this kid.

[What's your next move?]

Looking at the system screen with silent, he wasn't sure himself for split moment, what was the next move until he asked, "what's your suggestion"

[Since you need to kill 20,000 enemies]

[Why not use the transformation, it would be a great help]

Now that it was mentioned, Clark had to think for a moment before he looked down at the 20,000 monsters throwing their weapons in the sky and some climbing up on top of each other to reach Clark.

Sigh… at least it will be a good way to test out what this transformation is capable of, Clark grinned.

[Transformation activated]

Clark began to transform like before, wings emerging from the back with skin morphing with scales, eyes turning like before with pupils turning thin.

Young Clark lifted his head up to Clark when felt a weird and frightening aura from Clark. His eyes turned wide with fear entering his heart.

That look–he has wings.

[Transformation complete]

Clark remained focused on the monsters with his serious expression not even desiring to examine himself as it didn't have any importance at the moment.

[An extra ability will be given]


[Temporary cloning - you will be able to make a clones of yourself for 30 minutes +]

Great meaning I don't have to worry about taking care of this kid…


[Temporary cloning activated]

A clone of Clark materialising from nothing Infront of Clark and young Clark, surprising both of them at once.

Woah, that's amazing…

Young Clark was perplexed what was happening and why there was a clone of older Clark. When he thought to ask Clark, Clark threw him towards the clone as the clone caught him by his wrist.

Young Clark angrily said when being held by the wrist. "Is there no other way to hold me!! That hurts!!"

Clark didn't mind and proceeded to speed at the monster on the surface of the ground.


His speed was incredible, Crash… landing on the ground in the process killing some monsters.

[Monsters number : 20,000]

[Monster killed : 5]

The monster leaned on him with their weapons but failed to hit him at once as they were getting sliced by the sword without any effort.

[You have killed a monster]

[You have killed a monster]

[You have killed a monster]

With a single swing of the sword, three to four monsters were getting killed at once. Nevertheless, Clark pretty much was enjoying killing them like he was doing some kind of fun sport.

Slice… slice… slice…

[You have killed a monster]

[You have killed a monster]

Not only was he swinging his sword with great speed but also using his fire breath to burn down the enemy.

[Enemy killed : 5 -> 509]

[Enemy killed: 509 -> 1,400]

The rate at which the enemy was getting killed was increasing by each minute. Not even a single monster was able to lay a hand on Clark, with each hand getting close was killed before touching him.

After 20 minutes of ruthless slaughtering of these monsters, a notification arrived.

[You have levelled up]

[Your rank changed]

[Rank : SSS -> SSS+]

[Stats will increase automatically]


Unlike any other system, this system was a little different. It only showed name, age, rank, level and ability except that it didn't show any other stats.

[Yes, with increase in rank, stats will also increase as you haven't seen your stats just understand it that they level up with ranks increase]

Huh? What's the meaning of this?

[In simple, your every stats will be set to SSS+ except for Intelligence]

[INT : E+ (Potential locked)]

"Why is potential locked?"


"Sure, leave it be I'm not expecting something good in hearing"

In disappointment, Clark looked around with his body covered in dark thick blood of monsters, not only was he covered but all the greenish and the ground. The blood flowed around like it was water.

Clark was surrounded by the dead corpse, not a good refreshing feeling. Even from above young Clark had an unpleasant look on face.

Clone and the young Clark landed on the ground while facing the back of Clark.

Clark turned off his transformation, his body began to change back to his normal looking state.

[Transformation wearing off]

[Effects will take place]


At that moment Clark realised that using the transformation, he would face "consequences".

Cough!! Cough!!

Clark began to cough and spill out blood from his mouth, his eyes became reddish like blood entered in them. His body became heavier and pain made its way into all parts of his body.

I forgot about this… D*mm*t…

With struggle Clark barely stood on the ground with his legs trembling while trying to endure.

[The effects will last 10 seconds]

10 seconds, well it might sound a little but for Clark it was like he was thrown in hell for those 10 seconds.



As the count down reached one second.


Clark had a struggling look with sweat, he couldn't hold for much longer.


As the time ended Clark had a small grin on face without knowing…


Someone stabbed Clark with a dagger, "kagh!".


Clark turned around to look at the person behind him and stabbed him from the back.

To his surprise, it was young Clark with a devilish smile on his face, who stabbed Clark with a dagger.


"What's wrong? Surprised?" Young Clark said as his smile widened.