
Log 0-1

[The two subjects have been separated into their own chambers and have been classified as Sd-1 and Sd-2. The Feathered creature known as Sd-1 has shown signs of anxiety as it still hasn't gotten use to its new body, though this is within reason due to their change occurring five beacon cycle ago. Although Sd-2 has seemingly gotten use to its body seeing as how it hasn't begin to act in a similar behavior as Sd-1]

Log 0-3

[Two central cycles have passed and Sd-1 still is showing signs of anxiety, while Sd-2 is seemingly sitting in its corner unmoving. I have requested from the higher ups to send in one of the creatures from their world, called a pig, into each of their chambers to see their reaction]

Log 1-0

[One beacon cycle has passed and the request has been approved. At the start of the central cycle we have released a single pig inside each of their chambers and shall see the changes in several beacon cycles]

Log 1-0.8

[I quickly rushed back when I received a alert that one of the pigs have seemingly died. Upon my return I discovered that Sd-1 pig was safely coiled between its feathered body, while Sd-2 pig had its innards ripped out. Upon reviewing the footage I could see that the pig approached Sd-2 out of curiosity before annoying it, but Sd-2 didn't move. But after several micro beacon cycles have passed Sd-2 seemingly launched its hand into the pigs stomach before ripping its innards out. It then began to eat the innards before going back to its unmoving posture. It should be noted that Sd-2 did have the pigs blood on its hand and body, but after a couple seconds it would seem like the blood had seeped into its body, leaving no sign of evidence that it had committed the act]

Log 1-3

[1-2 central cycles have passed since the incident with the pigs and it would seem like Sd-1 has kept its pig intact. Upon retrieving the pig from Sd-1, it went into a feral state and tried to attack the guards that were sent to retrieve the pig. Though they were able to retrieve the pig back from Sd-1, one of the guards were injured by Sd-1, it bit the side of his arm, and the guard has stated that it felt a strange sense of fear whenever he thought of Sd-1. Though it might be to the fact he was recently attacked by it, the fact that he felt fear even at the thought of the creature was still useful. For Sd-2, the operation to retrieve the carcass was simple enough as Sd-2 didn't budge from its spot, not even when one of the guards accidently touched it]

Log 2-3

[1 central cycles have passed and Sd-1 has seemingly entered a emotional state, known by the humans as depression. It has not moved and has not eaten the food it was offered. Sd-2 has moved from the corner across from it and has changed from its fetal position into a standing. It should be noted that Sd-2 has twitched several times during its time standing, to a point where I fear that it might have a health issue]

Log 4-2

[1-9 central cycles have passed. The reason to my absence was due to some problems with the higher ups wanting an update on Sd-1 and Sd-2. I have already updated the progress of the two to them and upon my return I have not noticed any change in their behavior. Sd-1 is still facing its depression and Sd-2 is now at the corner on the other side of it, now laying down]

Log Error-@##!#@!

{Sd-1 has gotten out of its depression stage and has begun to move across the walls of its chamber. Sd-2 has acted differently from the recent reports I have read for it is no longer in a corner but now is in the center of the room, staring at its hands. There shall not be any Log updates for several central cycles}

Log 7-2

[I was called back by the higher ups to introduce one of the elders offspring to one of our off site areas. I have asked a colleague of mine to do the log for me, but it would seem that they were lazy and didn't do it fully. Sd-1 has stopped its moving and is currently floating in the center of the room. How this is possible is unknown and might not be known for a while. Sd-2 has seemingly went back to its corner and is now doing a act known by the humans as a handstand]

Log 11-4

[The higher ups have put a order stating that any Logs that don't show any major changes are to not be logged or erased up sighting. Sd-1 has started flying around its chamber, seemingly able to finally control its ability to float. Sd-2 has now started being active as recently it is started walking around its room. Note, when I was examining it Sd-2 had turned its head towards me and smiled. Though this might be a coincidence it is still something to not down]

Log 20-6

[Sd-1 has moved back onto the ground again. Sd-2 has begun doing stretches and has begun to become more and more active. I'm starting to feel a bit worry with this development]

Log 25-9

[I have received word that another elder is requesting to show their daughter one of the facilities they are funding and it just so happens to be ours. Lucky us I guess]

Log 27-1

[The request has been approved]

Log 31-4

[The daughter has arrived and we have begun to show her around the facility from the simple reactors to the different machines we use to store, record, and dispense various types of DNA of the many creatures that live in our world. During this time she has requested to meet Sd-1 and Sd-2, how she knew of their existence is beyond my understanding for Sd-1 and Sd-2 is classified information that not even most elders know about. We showed both Sd-1 and Sd-2, but she has requested to go into the room with them both. The request is currently going through the higher ups and we shall wait for their response. Note that during this time Sd-2 acted weirdly when the daughter looked at it, it might be due to the fact that the daughter is not normal in our sense. But then again, most of the elders and their children aren't normal with most of them enhancing their bodies and mind with various technology. Though this does make me wonder what she used to upgrade her body]

Log 32-3

[1 central cycle has passed and Sd-2 has become somewhat agitated for some odd reason. It would look at the door that we use to give it its food for minutes on end before making a growling noise and walking away. Another sign of its agitation is that Sd-2 has begun to claw at the nearby walls and even on its own "flesh." We flooded the room with a nerve gas that should sedate it and calm it. It worked for a couple seconds before Sd-2 slowly began to wake up shortly and walked towards a corner. Note that during its sedated time Sd-2 flesh had been wiggling and moving in unnatural ways. Whatever the reason for this is, I, nor my colleagues, know]

Log 34-1

[The request for the daughter was accepted, but she was to be accompanied by several armed guards. Upon entering Sd-1 chamber, Sd-1 had shown signs of unease at first. But when the daughter began to speak to it, Sd-1 slowly began to calm down before returning to a calm state. The time the daughter had spent in Sd-1 was far longer than was allowed and when we told her that her time was up, she reluctantly left the chamber. When the daughter left, instead of its usual reaction to someone leaving its chamber, it instead just went to the center of its room and slept. When it came to Sd-2, we had told the daughter that in the past time Sd-2 has shown aggressive signs and that we needed to ensure that it was in a state that it couldn't show no harm to her]

Log 34-3

[We flooded Sd-2 with gas once again, this time not in a high amount like last time. It seemed to put Sd-2 in a state of calm, though temporarily. But when the daughter entered the chamber, the state of calm turned... Hostile. Upon sight of the daughter, Sd-2 suddenly went, in a sense, ballistic. It tried to attack the daughter, but the guards were able to temporarily subdue Sd-2 by shooting its legs. Though we were afraid of the permanent damage this might have on Sd-2, we discovered that Sd-2 seems to have some sort of instantaneous regenerative ability. The once mangled legs returned back to normal in such a small amount of time that even the cameras couldn't film it. The daughter was safely taken away and as of now there are restrictions of Sd-2]

Log 37-9

[We had received a alert that another life form was detected in Sd-2 chamber, which shouldn't be possible for the only way in is either through the heavily sealed door that is able to withstand a supernova or through the vents that is physically impossible to squeeze through due to how small it is that not even a strand of hair could pass through it. But upon our arrival our worries changed to confusion, for inside the chamber was a creature similar to Sd-2, although a bit different. It had the white vine like body, but its shape was similar to that of a quadrupedal predator. Its head was the same as Sd-2, the dome shape and bits of its vines flowing to the back of its head as if it was hair being blown in the wind. But unlike Sd-2, this creature had several bigger vines flowing on its back. We checked the cameras to see where this creature came from and what we saw completely shocked us. Sd-2 could be seen doing nothing but laying on the floor "sleeping", but moments later its vines on its back began to squirm before slowly falling off its body. These small strands, probably just a handful, slowly began to duplicate and over time created this creature that is currently in the chamber. Sd-2 as of now is currently just staring at this creature confused as to where it came from]

Log 38-4

[More of these creatures have appeared in Sd-2 chamber and we discovered that they act similar to that of a hive mind. They don't move unless Sd-2 "tells" them, though how he is able to tell them we speculate that it has to do with some sort of invisible network that only they can access. We discovered this when we attempted to take one of these creatures out of the room. Sd-2 seeing this did not try to harm the people during their time in its chamber, in fact it seemed relieved that we took it away from it chamber. But when the people had taken the creature far enough away from Sd-2, it would appear the network that it was connected to had, in a sense, snapped. The calm creature suddenly became feral and attacked the people, it was put down but we lost a few personal in the process. We attempted to see if Sd-2 network for these creatures truly did have a range and to prove this we took 3 of these creatures from its chamber. When they had entered the distance that the first one reach, their connection also snapped and became feral. They were quickly put down before any harm could happen. Note that during this time of snapping, Sd-2 has shown signs of discomfort when these creature had left its network range]

Log 40-4

[It would appear that Sd-2 can now creature these creatures on command now as it was recently recorded Sd-2 creating another one of these creatures willingly unlike the last several. Though this will greatly help in our replacement soldiers, the range of the network is a problem]

Log 46-7

[Sd-2 has created a new creature. This new creature has the same look as the others, the only difference is that unlike the others that had beast like legs, this new one had bulky insect like legs that had small spikes on the outside. Another difference is that unlike the usual blank smooth face that the other have, this creature small horns made out of the vines of its body. These horns were, at most, five inches long and three inches wide, slowly getting less when it ran up to the tip of the horn. Though this creature didn't last long as Sd-2 angrily put the creature down before absorbing its remains back into is body. Whatever Sd-2 tried to create, it had gone wrong]

Log ERROR-@$$@#(!

{SD-2 has greatly increased the number of creatures in its chamber and has ordered them to attack one another. This act has lowered the amount of occupants in the chamber within reasonable ranges. Note that Sd-1 during this time has been taken out of our hands and has been given to the daughter of the elder that has previously came to our facility as compensation for Sd-2 act}

Log 52-1

[Sd-2 name has been changed due to Sd-1 no longer being in our care. The new name given to it was made by the elder of the daughter. From now on Sd-2 will now be labeled as Sovereign]

Log 53-2

[Sovereign has made a great discovery that not only benefits it, but also the whole reason for this experiment. Sovereign has created a new creature that has the same vine body like the rest, but its shape was completely different. It main body was round as a perfect circle, but had several giant gaps on its surface that showed its inside which was another perfect circle that had several vines connecting from the inside circle to the insides of the outside circle. The inside circle has been seened constantly moving in different paths and different angles that its doesn't make sense to us. It also has four legs similar to the last new creature it had made and no face. But what was great about this create was what it can do. When we tried to take this creature out from the chamber and tried to see if it would also go feral, but when we walked out of the network range, the creature acted normal. We were shocked by this discovery and tried to see how far it would go before it lost its connection, but when we took it to almost the otherside of the planet it didn't change. We quickly brought it back and thought of something. We took several of the original creatures and brought them with the new one and when we left their range, they also kept acting normal. This new creature was not only able to act allow creatures that were near it to keep its connection with Sovereign, but also seemed to have its own network, that seems to be greater than sovereign since if the creature are taken out of its range they also go feral, that leads back to Sovereign, sort of like a sub network. This discovery has now showed us that Sovereign was not only our greatest asset, but also our solution to our lack of manpower]

Log 55-1

[Sovereign appears to have created more of this new creature and also has appeared to have increased the range of its network greatly]

Log 57-7

[Sovereign has created another new creature that now shows us how far his limit is at. This new creature was 3 times taller than sovereign, who has been measured to stand by about 11 feet. This new creature has four arms that have six fingers instead of three, two of them are on the other side of the thumb. It walked on five insect like legs similar to the other one and has one long tail that ends in a the spiked blade of sorts. Its face was similar to Sovereign the difference for this is that its lower jaw was split in half. At first we didn't know why it was this big and shaped like this, but what it did next shocked us. From it mouth white vines poured out and slowly fell down, as these vines fell the hands quickly grabbed them and began to try to create something. When it was done it dropped the bundle of vines down and showed a creature that was exactly the same to the one Sovereign first made. Not only was this shocking, but it also had a subnetwork to it, though it was less than the Sovereigns and the circle creatures, but with this discovery it still increased the value of Sovereign]

Log 59-0

[The Higher ups have ordered us to begin the transportation to the New World Facility for its deployment into the field. Though it was not difficult to transport Sovereign by itself, we needed to transport the creatures it had made alongside it and with the amount it has made, we most likely will be here for a long time]

Log 60-9

[Sovereign and its creations have been transported]