A young man finds himself in a tube surrounded by beings he has no clue could be. He is subjugated into experiments that changed his DNA to degrees that no one could even recognize what he was originally. After who knows how long he is given a task by these beings, to invade another world. This world, like his own held humans in them, but were far different. For in here Gods truly existed and truly held a domain in the world's law. Not only that but humanity as a whole had somehow united under one banner and progressed to such technological heights that it couldn't be compared to humanity in the past.
With this task in hand, he now moves towards this new world with a swarm that is always hungry and hopes he can give this world either a quick end so they don't have to face what these beings did to his or some hope of being able to fight back against them.
(If someone wishes to use this for their work they can, but tell me about it so I can read it as well you can also use the image for the cover)
Nice story hope you keep writing and I wish all the luck on your writing journey but I do hope u improve ur grammar a bit you convey the message that is required but tends to get ur grammar mixed up so if you fix that you will be golden