As the being contemplated what creature it was sensing, it suddenly felt its surroundings shift and move. "Ah, they are finally moving me" the being thought as its eldritch grotesque lips began to turn into a smile.
"Finally, after who knows how long of that insufferable room and this cramped container! I am finally going to be set loose!" the being cried out as its joy spread across its network and made every creature connected to cry out in joy.
Of course, this was unknown by the guards and workers who were transporting the being and its creations. "What should we do" a worker said as they and several others slowly moved away from the containers while the guards had their guns trained at it.
"Nothing, just go back to work and do what you are told," a voice said behind them as they all turned around and could see a man who was walking beside their commander, who was covered in blood. The man in question wore a white coat you would see a researcher wearing and was the same species as their commander, a Xythanorian. "After all, my creation is only happy that it is finally being let out to play," the man said as he looked at the commander with a smile on his face, "isn't that right, partner?"
Hearing this, the Commander gritted his teeth as his hands trembled. "Well, what do you have to say" the researcher said as he stared at the Commander. The Commander only gritted his teeth harder before he looked at the researcher, "Yes, partner."
"Great, now continue the transportation of my creation and be gentle. After all, we are still trying to figure out its diet and some of my coworkers have some interesting ideas in their head that I also want to test out" the researcher said as everyone, except the Commander, suddenly felt a great fear course through their body as cold sweat began to drip down their body. They all quickly rushed to their stations as they transported the container that held Sovereign to the designated area.
"Wow, your people truly know how to do their jobs right when their life is on the line," the researcher said as he glanced at the Commander, "or should I call you by your new rank, Supreme Commander?"
A loud bang was heard as the Commander had his wrist pointed at the researcher's head with smoke coming out of their wrist gun's barrel. The researcher, with a hole the size of a thumb in the center of his forehead, stared at the Commander for a bit before falling onto the ground, blood splashing across its surface. Commander stared at the corpse for a bit before saying, "Get up you damn freak of nature, I know it takes more than my fissure gun to kill you."
As he said this, the once lifeless corpse began to twitch before cracking noises could be heard from the body of the corpse. Slowly the corpse rose back up and smiled at Commander, "Oh you know me well Supreme Commander." The wound that was on the researcher's head had long disappeared, as if it was never there in the first place. "Though, I must say if I didn't activate my device in time I would most likely have been knocked out by your shot," the researcher said, his smile mocking the Commander.
"Tch" the Commander clicked his tongue as he walked away from the researcher. "Aw, come on. Are you mad because you got to become the Supreme Commander because of me making it seem like the executor and his cohorts were traitors to the Elders" the researcher said, earning himself another shot in the head. But his body didn't fall back but instead continued walking after the Commander. "Guess the rumors were true, it seems to me that you do truly hate receiving the help of others. Is it perhaps because of the fact that you were betrayed by your lov-?"
"Why did you help me," the Commander said as he turned around and looked at the researcher with rage clear in his eyes, "I heard from the many rumors that you do actions that don't make a damn sense, from you gasing an entire planet because you got bored of it, to you not scrapping one of the experiments that you were tasked to end even though one of the Elders asked personally to scrap it."
The researcher stood there for a couple of moments before his smile slowly washed away. "Straight to the point, very well. In truth, the reason for that was because the man you killed was supposed to originally be my guard who was supposed to protect this space station from any "outside" threats, aka the Kings, Emperors, and those who serve under the Elders and still hold a grudge against them. And originally I was going to accept this as a fact, that was until I received a call from a coworker telling me about you and that you saw Sovereign as nothing more of an item. I was curious and so when I saw you arriving at my station I had asked my guard to "personally" greet you. Everything seemed normal from him getting easily angry by your action to his men unhaninding yours, rest their souls, it seemed like it was going to be boring. But when I saw you kill him without a second thought, in that moment I knew having you act as my guard instead of him was a smart move for me to make. After all, unlike you, he still served his species ruler and wasn't one to obey the will of the elders" the researcher said as he stared at the Commander.
"What are you implying" the Commander said as he glared at the researcher. "As you know, this entire operation is the will of the Elders and I have been given full command of it. And if we just so happen to discover some things that would "aid" the power of the Elders, but they wouldn't like. I hope that you will turn a blind eye and allow me to continue my research."
The Commander glared at the researcher for a bit before clicking his tongue and walking back to his ship. "I will take that as a yes" the researcher shouted as he stared at the back of the commander for a bit before he turned around and looked at the containers that were being moved into the station.
"Now, let us see how much fun you're going to bring to my life," the researcher said as he walked back into the station.
"Why did I feel like someone was talking about me" the being thought as its back shivered a bit. It didn't know why, but for some reason, it had sensed that someone was talking about it behind its back, and in a not-so-pleasant way.
"It doesn't matter since it appears to me that we have reached our destination" the being thought as it felt the container it was in finally stop moving. Even though the being knew its purpose as a soldier for the species that destroyed its planet for the survival of its own, it couldn't lie when it said it was nervous.
The word nervous couldn't describe what it was feeling to the definitions fullest extent, its body was shaking, its mind racing, heck it felt something inside of it quiver. As it thought of these things, it could feel its container quiver a bit before the entrance of the container suddenly opened. And it wasn't just its container, but every one of its creation's containers also opened up.
"Check the surroundings" the being commanded and its creations slowly left their containers and entered the light. The light at first was blinding, but it slowly dimmed down and revealed a massive room with a sphere-like object floating in the center of it. If it had to describe the room it would say it resembled the rooms that many astronauts would use to simulate the lift-off sequence. The only difference was that the device astronauts used wasn't there and the room was ten times bigger.
As the being saw this scene through the eyes of its creation, it noticed several dark-tinted glasses on the sides of the wall, and even with how heavily tinted these glasses were it could still see its captors and makers beyond it. Each one talked to one another and looked at the room it was in with anticipation visible in their movements.
"So, they want a show" the being thought as the vines on its body slowly moved off its body and slowly made their made to the walls of its container, "then let me give them one."
Inside the observation room, several researchers could be seen talking amongst themselves about the appearance of Sovereign's creations and how otherworldly they looked. "So those are the damn beasts that made a havoc on my ship," a man said as most researchers looked at him and recognized him as the newly appointed Supreme Commander of this Sector of space.
"Yes, and I must say they look even more interesting in person than on video," someone else besides the Supreme Commander said and when they looked to see who it was they recognized the person as the man whose name was all over the field discovery. Though his name wasn't ever written, spoken, or even rumored about. One thing that many called him was the rank he was given by the Elders, True Head Researcher.
"But where is Sovereign" The Head Researcher said as he scanned the room and could only see its creation roaming the room, inspecting it like a wild animal would do when put in an unknown environment. "Why not settle on these creatures instead of this Sovereign creature that you and your coworkers have been talking about? Isn't it best that we just put that creature down and just use the others as our replacement soldiers?" the Supreme Commander said as he took out his smoke box and inhaled its gas.
"Well for one, we can't take those creatures far away from Sovereign Network range unless you want to deal with a horde of super healing, cognitively intelligent, flesh-eating creatures attacking our station," the Head Researcher said as he grabbed the Supreme Commander smoke box out of his hand. "And Secondly we have a theory that if Sovereign dies one of two things will happen. The first is that its creations or offspring, as we like to call them, will either collapse and be unresponsive, which isn't helpful in our replacement soldier program."
"The Second theory is that they themselves become Sovereigns, and start creating their own offsprings," the Head Researcher said as he inhaled the gas and began to cough vigorously. "How in everything of this reality are you able to inhale this, it's so damn strong and feels so rough in my lungs," the Head Researcher said as he continued to cough vigorously. The Supreme Commander grabbed the smoke box out of the Head Researcher's hands and began to inhale the gas.
"I fought in so many battles on various types of planets and ships, so my lungs have inhaled many different types of levels of Oxygen and gas, so it's obvious my lungs can handle most things," he said as he blew out a puff of green gas, "unlike you."
The Head Researcher, having stopped his vigorous coughing, stared at the Supreme Commander with shock visible in his eyes. "Might need to replace my lungs with something else then" the Head Researcher mumbled under his breath.
"Also, what's so wrong with having those creatures become like Sovereign? Aren't we looking for something that can create so many soldiers with little to no resources, wouldn't this be the best scenario for us?" The Supreme Commander asked as he put his smoke box back into his pocket.
"It would be, if these offsprings had the same intelligence as Sovereign," the Head Researcher said gaining the attention of the nearby researchers, "I'm not going to bother going into detail, but without Sovereign network these offspring intelligence would drop down to that of a wild beast. So having these guys roam around with the ability to create more of them would bring more harm than good to the Elders."
"And besides" the Head researcher looked back at the room and saw several vines slowly creep out of the container's entrance and all the offspring walking towards the container, "It's best to be able to control one thing that can think like you than a hundred who only know how to fight and die."