Space Part 2

"Huh, I guess they aren't going to do anything about the noise" the being said as it stared at the roof of its container. Hearing the roars and cries of its creations go on for minutes on end and no one outside attempting to do anything about it, it at first made it confused but now it is just annoyed by the noise that its creations are making. "Quite" the being commanded as its command traveled through its network and all of its creations became quiet.

"When are we reaching our destination" the being thought as it continued staring at the ceiling. It lifted its hands in front of its face and inspected its changed eldritch hand. The white vines always moving, always pulsating, always shifting as if they were water in the middle of a river, hitting rocks that blocked their way or fell because of a dip in the river path. "Ha, even though I agreed to this. I still can't think that I chose the wrong decision" the being thought as it clenched its hand as it recalled its time on earth. The slaughter these creatures outside its container did to its home planet, how they ruined its once peaceful life, just recalling their faces made its blood boil, that is if it had any left.

"But, it's so my species is allowed to live" the being said as it lowered its hand back to the ground and shut its mind off, entering a state similar to sleeping but in truth isn't.


"Commander, we have reached the space station," one of the people on the bridge's monitors said as the looked at the Commander who was currently looking at several holographic windows.

"I see. Send a message of our arrival and tell them to be on high alert and to prepare the dock for the "cargo" The Commander said as he looked at one of the holographic monitors and stared at a stack of cargo holders. "Tch, can't believe I had to sully my ship to transport that abominable creature," the Commander said as he pulled a small rectangular item from out of his pocket and placed it up to his mouth. A green smoke slowly flew up to his nose and mouth as he inhaled it before letting out a refreshing breath.

"Much better," the Commander said as he placed the item back into his pocket. "Sir we have received the go-ahead for docking and have been told that they have prepared the docks for our arrival" The Commander smiled as he heard this, "Good, pull towards the docking bay and tell the men to get ready to transport the containers off our ship."

Soon the people in the ship began to move around, transporting items needed to secure and unsecure the lines that were used to hold the containers still and other items to turn off the shield that protected them from the dangers of space. As they moved around, the ship slowly began to pull up to the docks and began to prepare itself to dock.

Soon the High-Class Cruiser docked at the station's docking bay while the destroyers stayed out in space. A portion of the ship soon began to slowly move as it slowly revealed a giant entrance used for items and people used to leave and enter the ship. A ramp could be seen lowering itself down as the Commander and several armed men, who stood to both his left and right, slowly began to descend the ramp.

As they descend the Commander could see several people wearing clad white armor that had distinct features on each of their surfaces from the several black lines that ran across their chests to the slit marks that are on their helmets that were placed where their eyes would be. They also wore white capes on their backs that had their Empires emblem on it, three black diamonds inside one another, and a golden orb in the center of it. But what stood out the most to the Commander was who was in front of the group of armored men.

It was a being that had the shape of the species known as humans from their legs to their head, the difference was that this being had four arms instead of the two and had six fingers. This being also wore the white armor, but unlike the others that bore the black lines this being instead had golden lines that had a single white circle inside the center of the lines. Another thing he noticed was that the being had no slit holes on its helmet but instead had a single lens in the center of its head.

"Six true lines, this man must be one of the Emperor's personal Executors," the Commander thought as his hardened face turned into a smile. Once the ramp met with the ground the Commander and his guards slowly walked towards the Executors group. Once the Commander was an arm's reach away from the Executors group he smiled and extended his hand out.

The Executor looked down and the hand before looking back at the Commander, "Are you challenging me?" The Executor glared at the Commander as steam shot out of his armor, the guards that accompanied the Commander quickly brought their guns up.


The guards cried out as they felt a great pain in their hands and when they looked down they could see their hands missing and blue blood pouring out of their wound. The guards heard a thud noise behind them and they quickly looked behind them only to see the white armored men standing behind them dropping their severed hands onto the floor. The Executor stared at this scene before looking back at the Commander expecting to see some reaction of fear or anger on his face. But instead of seeing those writhing looks on his face, he could only see the Commander still having a smile on his face. The Executor shot steam out of armor once again to get a reaction from the Commander, but he instead continued smiling as he continued to wait for the intended action.

The Executor seeing that the Commander wasn't backing down stared back down at the hand that was not far from his own body for several seconds before finally reaching for his hand. When the Executor grasped the Commander's hand, the Commander did an unexpected action and pulled the Executor's hand towards his body. Both their faces were inches away from each other and the Commander opened his mouth to say something, "that was quite rude of you."

Before the Executor could respond it felt a great pain in its hand that held onto the Commanders and when it looked down it could see that its once perfect hand had turned into a mangled mess.


The Executor quickly pulled its hand out of the Commander's hand and quickly jumped backwards. As the Executor landed and held onto its mangled hands it quickly looked at the Commander and was prepared to shout at him, but stopped when it saw the Commander point his wrist at its head. "You know, it is quite rude to act disrespectful to someone who had offered a handshake," the Commander said a smile still on his face, "and well. Let's just say I don't like to be disrespected by someone who thinks they are higher than me."


A loud noise was heard throughout the docking bay as the Executors body stood tall for a couple of seconds before collapsing onto the ground. The Commander smiling face turned into a scowl as he lowered his smoking wrist and stared at the corpse of the Executor, "damn inferior thinking that just because it reached the rank of Executor that it is as equal as the rest of my species."

The Commander looked back at the white armored men who were staring at the Commander with a steel rod in each of their hands. They quickly twisted these steel rods as orange lines ran across each of their surfaces and soon the rods shot out spear-like tips out of both ends. The men quickly got ready to fight.

"Ah, I should have expected this," the Commander said as he pulled out the white box from his pocket and brought it up to his face, "after all you were put under the command of a damn inferior." The Commander inhaled the green smoke that came from the box before breathing out a breath of relief. "Well, this is good for me, since having that damn inferior beast in my ship has my blood boiling, so thanks for allowing me to take some steam off my shoulders," the Commander said as he placed the box back into his pocket before grabbing something else from his pocket.

The white armored men stared at the Commander as they held their weapons tightly. What he brought out was a blue orb that seemed bland. There was nothing special about it, or at least that is what it looked like on the surface.


Suddenly the guards could see a blue colored creature smash against the orb surface as its red eyes stared at them. "Aquariom, a creature that was hailed as a God by a species of inferiors on a planet that didn't even make it past the rock and sticks age. Though I understand why this creature was hailed as a "God" when me and my men came across it. Ha, just a simple bite from this creature destroyed so many vessels that were said to be able to survive the aftermath of a supernova. Thankfully we were able to capture this creature and seal it off inside of the core of the planet, but before we left I discovered one of the creature's offspring hiding inside a nearby plant. I was going to kill it, but then realized if I raised it and trained it to obey me it would aid our Empire greatly" the Commander said as he crushed the blue orb.

The blue creature fell onto the hard ground and began to wriggle a bit before its body began to slowly expand. "Of course training this bastard took quite a long time, and the fact that it couldn't understand most things that I said, most things," the Commander said as the creature now towered over the group of people, its red eyes glaring at the white armored men. 

Its body resembled that of a serpent for its legs were nothing but a giant serpent-like tail that reached up to its neck, but unlike usual serpents, this creature had an arm and a hand that had four fingers that were shaped similarly to that of a claw machine, its claws seemingly sharp enough to cut a tree in half in one clean strike. Its head resembled that of a dragon you would read in fairy tales, its horns long, sharp, and bulky. Its maw was tough as iron and its teeth were bulky and sharp. Its skin resembled that of water ever flowing as small white orbs could be seen moving inside this moving water.

The Commander slowly raised his hand and pointed at the white armored men, "food, eat." With those two words, the blue creature cried out before lunging at the white armored men. 


"What is that" the being said as it slowly stood up and stared at a part of its container. It didn't know why, but its body suddenly felt a sense of dread from something beyond its confinement. The being stared at the wall for a bit before it lay back down and looked at the ceiling once again.

"Whatever it is, it's not after me or my creations" the being said as it dove off to sleep, "but still that thing seems a bit scary."