Space Part 1

In the darkness of space, one could see a Thanraxion Dominion High-class Cruisers that is being led by ten High-class Destroyers with the firepower that can wipe out half the life on a planet with three volleys of their weapons. If someone outside saw this scene one would think that it was way too overkill for that many High-class Destroyers to be guarding a single High-class Cruiser towards a nearby spaceport. But that would be unless they saw what was inside the containers that they were transporting to this spaceport.

"How long has it been since they began transporting me? Five days, maybe six?" a being inside one of these crates thought. The being sat on the ground of its container and looked at its roof. It stared at it in boredom and began to recall its past moments. Not that long ago its captors and creators had suddenly come inside its chamber and began to transport its creations away. It didn't mind them doing this since its chamber was getting crowded and it needed some peace and quiet. But then these "researchers" tried to, in a sense, make it fall asleep by using the gas they used in the past days. Of course, this gas did not affect its body and could just be seen as fog that was just entering its room.

But if it didn't fall asleep they might take drastic measures to ensure that it was either put to sleep or in the least restrained. So it played along with their fiasco and pretended to be influenced by the gas. After a couple of minutes of waiting the researchers began to transport it to some kind of container and placed it inside some sort of transport vehicle, it couldn't tell what it was in since its container had no openings in it. All that it knew was that it was being transported and that this vehicle was big enough to transport all of its creation inside of it.

"Ah, they might be putting me on the field" the being thought as it continued staring at the roof. When it and the others of its previous kind were put inside of those tubes they did speak about how they were turning them into soldiers because they were scared of death or something along the lines of that.

"I wonder, what will I be fighting" the being thought as it placed both of its hands on the back of its head and laid back onto the ground. "But, if I'm being honest. It's boring in here" the being thought, for the past days all it had ever done was either sleep or just make an imaginary fight play in its head. 

"Sigh* this might get me in trouble, but it will be entertaining" the being thought as it entered its network and could see the hundreds of creatures that were connected to it. "Make noise" the being commanded and its command traveled through the network's invisible lines and entered all their minds.



In the command room of the High-class Carrier, a being could be seen giving orders to several other people who were keeping their ship in check and ensuring that everything was running smoothly. If one looked at this being they would notice that this being was a part of the the Xythanorians species. A species of advanced alien that have similar characteristics to a human the only difference between the two would be their distinct features that they have. They are roughly double the height of an average human, possess only three fingers on each hand, and have legs akin to those of a deer, with feet resembling crane machine claws (If you don't know what that is just think of General Grievous but instead of his six they only have one-two in the front and two at their heels). Their most striking features include four slit-shaped eyes (two in the usual place and two where eyebrows are on humans), a nose that appears as a deep, indented cut, and pearl-white skin.

Just as the person was about to give another order the room suddenly began to blare red and a loud alarm began playing. "What is going on" the person said as he looked at one of the people who was currently typing away at the console they were on. "One of the guards has hit the emergency alert system on their suits Commander" the person shouted.

"Where are they located!" the Commander shouted. "They are currently at Sovereign cargo area" the person shouted as they quickly pulled up the camera footage of the cargo. In the footage, they could see several guards pointing their guns at the sealed cargo, each either trembling or breathing heavily. That wasn't the most noteworthy thing as they could hear hundreds of roars reverberating from the cargo and could see it beginning to shake.

"What are they screeching for" the Commander shouted into his suit's built-in radio as he stared at the footage wide-eyed. "We don't know sir, they just suddenly began screeching for no reason" a voice came through the radio it was clear that it was one of the guards in the Sovereign cargo area.

"God damn it, we're almost at our final destination and these bastards begin to act out" the Commander muttered as he rubbed his temple before speaking through his radio again, "find out why they are screeching or else you will be put on outer guard duty until we reach the station!"

"Yes sir," the voice said before a loud clicking noise was heard. "Call one of Sovereign's researchers, I want to know why it is doing this" the Commander shouted as he stared at his crew. Moments later the main holo screen on the bridge showed the face of another Xythanorian who was wearing white clothes that made him look like a researcher. "Commander, long time no see. May I know why you are calling me while I'm on my break?" the researcher said as he grabbed a cup filled with a green liquid before taking a sip of it. "Man, these humans have such delicious ideas. Whoever discovered tea I would love to give them a pat on the back" the researcher said as he took one more sip and placed his cup onto the table.

"I will be brief, the creatures in Sovereign cargo area have begun to suddenly screech and I want to know the reason for this action," the Commander said as he looked into the researcher's eyes. 

"Hmm, if I'm being honest. I don't know" the researcher said as he stared at the commander with a small smile on his face. "What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you the main researcher on the replacement soldier program? How do you not know what one of your products-" Before the Commander could finish his sentence his body suddenly began to sweat as the cold feeling rushed over his body.

"Product you say," the researcher said as he looked at the Commander with cold eyes, "yes it might be a product of our creation, but this does not mean it isn't a living, breathing, emotional creature. We might have made it and might have raised it, but we did not program how it will behave nor how it will act in certain environments. For at the end of the day, it is still a sentient creature that has a will of its own. Unlike you, Commander" the researcher said as he looked at the Commander once more before closing the call.

The crew looked at the trembling body of the commander and assumed it was due to rage. "Tell all the guards to be on high alert and to limit any and all personnel from entering or exiting Sovereign cargo chamber," the Commander said as his voice cracked a bit. All the crew members quickly began to type onto their consoles at a faster rate than usual. 

"What about Sovereign sir" someone said before a loud bang was heard throughout the room and the person fell onto the floor, dead. The Commander could be seen pointing something mounted on his wrist towards the spot of the dead person, "Ignore the damn beast for now. It won't be our problem anymore once we reach the damnable station."

"Get rid of the body before it stinks up this place," the Commander said as he stared at the dead body of one of his crew members.