Revered Magus Chapter 11 – Attempted Assasination

Rio was back in his carriage heading to the second section of the city wall, he suddenly remembered the points farmed from the bandits he killed and promptly decided to open the system.






Name: Rio Casmir



EXP: 6040



Class: 1st rank Mage Apprentice



Subclass: 1st rank Shicidan Martial Artist



Strength: 20.0



Agility: 20.0



Endurance: 6.0



Mana: 9.0



Since Rio hasn't become a mage officially it would be better to put it into endurance since strength and agility are already high enough, however long-term mana would be needed when he becomes able to use spells more efficiently. Rio pondered before putting 4.0 into Endurance and 2.0 into mana. A mage's weakness is always close combat. If Rio could fill this gap, he would have a higher chance of survival if faced with a difficult situation.



[Ding! Updating....]







Name: Rio Casmir



EXP: 40



Class: 1st rank Mage Apprentice



Subclass: 1st rank Shicidan Martial Artist



Strength: 20.0



Agility: 20.0



Endurance: 10.0



Mana: 11.0



Rio nodded in satisfaction as he felt his skin, muscles, and bone significantly harden and the mana inside his core felt fuller in control. It seems every 10 points has a sort of major upgrade. Rio shortly reached the gate whilst giving the guide a gold coin which he then bowed and left.



Rio walked up to the short line heading towards the inner city. Only 4 guards were patrolling the place, two at the bottom of the gate and 2 at the top. Rio scanned all four of them and he could tell why not many numbers were needed to guard this game.



The 2 guards at the bottom are already peak shicidan and the 2 guards at the top seemed to be peak rank mage initiates. With guards like this, it's no wonder there's no trouble at the gate. Martial arts for close distance and mages at a further distance.



Rio then shortly walked to the gate. "ID please," he said in a boring tone. "I don't have ID" Rio replied to him. A slight smirk appeared on the guard's face "Then that would be 15 Gold to enter the inner-city kid". Rio brought out 15 gold and was directly let into the city. It seems the 15 Gold is a test to make sure no poor people are littering the street.



When Rio saw the inner city, it was more business-orientated, with a lot of shops and some inns and such. Rio went looking at various shops some caught my eye and bought them. The Bandit's wealth was really showing now as my personal wealth would have been spent by now. Rio next walked into a blacksmith shop to see if he could get a better weapon.



Rio searched around to see if anything could pique my interest or the system's and alas, Rio found one short sword that had a tinge of blue aura surrounding it and saw another black dagger with a black aura surrounding it. Rio picked them up and tried them out and he could say these really were amazing. After testing and making sure he was comfortable, Rio brought the 2 weapons to the counter. "How much for these two weapons," he asked.



"Ah it seems you chose 2 runic weapons; their cost would be a lot higher than any other normal weapon, the dagger cost 150 Gold and the sword cost 200 Gold. All together 350 Gold". Replied after looking at the weapon



Rio was stunned if he could count the gold, he had left it around 500 gold. And these 2 weapons would almost diminish the gold that he had. "Since I am buying them together can't I get a bundle deal. I only bought 300 Gold with me as I wasn't expecting to buy such items". Rio said as he pushed the pouch of coins to him, practically forcing him to take the money.



The blacksmith pondered for a second and then replied with a sigh "Since you seem to be a first-time customer and buying these two together, I guess I can give the discount" he said as he took away the bag of coins.



Rio smiled as he got nice weapons that could protect him until he got strong enough to get accustomed to magic. 'System analyse' Rio thought




[Ding! The host has Runic Short Sword, and possesses the rune of wind]



[Ding! Wind Rune increases wind-related attacks by 50% and speed increase by 20%]





[Ding! The host has Runic Dagger, and possesses the rune of poison]



[Ding! Poison Rune has natural poison embedded in the black and takes away enemy health and stamina over a duration of time]



The feeling of spending 300 Gold coins waned when I saw the effects of both weapons. With this, Rio had the power level of a 2nd rank Shicidan. Rio inspected before venturing some more through shops and finally renting a place out for the night.



Rio took out all the things he bought and inspected them. Whilst inspecting the items and nodding with satisfaction the token of the Magus Academy shone and, on the token, showed coordinates and time. "So, the meet-up time is tomorrow perfect, just need a good night's sleep before the first step to the pinnacle of this world," Rio said with a satisfied smile and went to bed.



Rio opened his eyes. It was around 2 am and felt something was weird, so he took his newly bought weapons out of the storage ring, put the pillows under the bedsheet, and hid in the closet trying to make his existence as non-existent as possible. Gas started entering his room. Rio took a deep breath preparing to hold it for at least five minutes. A couple of minutes passed, then the door opened followed by 2 men in black clothes from head to toe, dressed like your typical old fashion ninja. 'System Analyze' Rio thought.





Name: Reynold Waters



Class: 1st Rank Shicidan Martial Artist



Strength: 24.0














Name: Bruce Tanner



Class: 1st Rank Shicidan Martial Artist



Strength: 20.8









'It's better for me to kill Bruce first since he has more endurance and speed than Reynold'. Rio thought whilst still holding his breath, Rio didn't want to take any chances, the two assassins could've taken the antidote for the mysterious smoke that was coming through the door. Rio planned to act as soon as they would attack the stuffed pillow, making their defenses wide open.



As the assassins looked at the bed cover and raised their sword to launch a consecutive attack to ensure the kill. Rio shadow-shifted and cut off the head of Bruce [Ding! Host Killed a 1st rank Shicidan Martial Artist and obtained 3000 EXP], he ignored the notification whilst rushing to Reynold with a wind slice already cast, he shot the spell towards the hand holding the sword, not intending to kill him but to sever his dominate arm.






His arm fell whilst blood was splurging everywhere, he instantly tensed his arm muscle to reduce the bleeding, while Rio waited. The bleeding finally stopped and he looked at Rio with a tinge of anger and fear.



"Who sent you?" Rio asked in a commanding yet calm voice but got no reply. It seems the old trick is needed once again. "Reynold Waters, I am pretty sure I asked you a question, I cut your arm but not your tongue."



"H-how did you know my name?" he was greatly shaken by the fact that his identity was revealed. "What I want to know is who sent you and I can give you a painless death without any friend or family following you" Rio replied to the stuttering question.



A pause occurred; Rio knew he was thinking but decided to interrupt him. "I don't have all day, even after you die, I am pretty sure they will send another, and I will get information from the other group, you would've died to withhold information for maybe a couple of days".



He sighed a then replied, "I work for the Hyuser Family, it seems you angered the young miss and now she wants you dead at all cost". It was your bad luck to anger such a great fami-" His head fell to the ground before he could even finish his sentence.



[Ding! Host Killed a 1st rank Shicidan Martial Artist and obtained 3000 EXP]