Revered Magus Chapter 12 – Contract of Confidentiality

'These annoying people, why must there be someone to cause you trouble when you just want to peacefully ascend the strongest person to possibly ever exist.' Rio thought while marking the Hyuser Family on his enemy list. 'I need to get stronger. These guys were probably disposable waste they sent since I was a kid, so if they really wanted to kill me, Rio probably wouldn't have to know how he died today.' Rio muttered while forming plans to get Stronger since the Hyuser Family is too big of a family for him to eliminate as he is.


Rio threw the bodies away, however, the stain of blood still remained covering the floor and wall of the room. The next day, Rio went on his way to the location that was sent on the token. Did he feel bad for the innkeeper for having to walk into the room to see blood just everywhere? No, not one bit.



Rio arrived at the coordinate and saw a plethora of people lining up to what seemed some kind of massive airship. After an hour or so Rio was inside the airship and was given the key to his own room as they inspected Rio's token. If he had to describe the ship in one word it would be...well duh, Amazing. The interior seems so spacious and luxurious. Rio walked towards where his room was whilst looking around like a sightseer.



"Huh? Why are you still alive?" a girl shouted. Rio's head instinctively turned towards the area of the voice, just to see a blond brown-eyed brat yelling at him. 'As young as one is, how can one be so evil to the point of sending men to kill someone for a trivial matter? And at such a young age? Anyway, since she probably won't have her family protecting her in the academy, it would be easy to pick her off to avoid the future commotion.' Rio thought



Rio turned his gaze back to the surroundings and walked past her angry expression that seemed that she wanted to kill him and torture his soul for the fun of it, however, Rio didn't mind it and went back to appreciate the interior design, it a feeling of a private jet interior but more lavish and about 100x bigger. After about 20 minutes of going through rows and finally finding his room, Rio put the key into the keyhole twisted it, and pushed the door. Due to the outside, he was expecting something lavish, however, to his disappointment, it wasn't as he was expecting. It wasn't bad he still had everything that was needed. Single-sized bed, toilet, and bathroom.



It might be because this is a temporary accommodation, they didn't put too much into the design and instead into useability. Rio slumped on his bed, relaxing and envisioning the future he may have. 'I've taken the first step to my goal.' Rio said with satisfaction before cultivating further.



Around 4 hours passed and Rio heard a sound transmitting that sound like a telecom "All passengers, please make sure you pack everything and do not forget your items, we are going to be landing in the next 10 minutes". The sound snapped me out of cultivating and he went out of his room to see the scenery. 'The least they could do was put a window in our rooms' Rio thought with a sigh.



As we were descending below the clouds, he saw a massive institution of some sort. Kind of like a university but about 10x bigger. The Academy was covered in a sort of invisible globe, and the Airship slowly descended and passed through the protective globe Rio assumed.



After about 5 minutes we finally landed and were told to depart, as everybody got off in uniformed lines, and he saw the institution from close up, he couldn't help but be in awe. With the size of the academy, it could be a city of its own. It looked like he was not the only one who had the same reaction as others who had the same aghast expression Rio had.



They walked for about 10 minutes before entering the main academy, they presented their tokens and entered, some were drawn to the side, maybe they tried entering by forging or something, but however, Rio didn't really care. Rio presented his token and entered a room, someone was sitting waiting, and he gestured for Rio to come before saying "Don't worry, it won't hurt it's just making sure you don't divulge where the location of the Academy is". He then proceeded to slide a piece of paper, that seemed like a contract. Rio read it and it indeed seemed like a contract of confidentiality, so Rio proceeded



and Rio felt like chains were constricting his heart as if they were going to tighten and burst it. This feeling lasted for a couple of seconds before Rio returned back to normal.



[Ding! Change in host's body...proceed to remove?]



I swiftly replied, since only God knows when it will be threatening to my life.



[Processing removal...failed...]






[Ding! The host has been affected by a contact]



'What the hell?' Rio was surprised and looked at the guy, and he looked with a smile as if nothing was wrong. 'I guess everybody goes through this process, as long as it's not restricting me, it's fine.' Rio thought as he walked through the door behind the man to arrive at a massive hall where there were several students, wearing different color magus robes. It seems the color changes depending on what rank you are as a mage.



Black-colored robe mages were the most common and from their mana stat, the most Rio saw was 18 indicating they were still a mage apprentice; they seemed to be outer disciples.



There was one person in a white robe and his mana stat was 30 showing that he was a mage initiate, a newly ascended one as that, smiling ear to ear, looking and touching at his clothes as if he just got them. He must've just gotten the inner disciple robe just now.



We were told at the check-in to go and register for a course at the Course Selection Area, where the majority of the people immediately went, of course, me included, the Hall was filled with new people looking for courses that would interest them. A couple interested Rio, but as you are only allowed to select up to three Rio decided to go for the ones that could be useful to him in the future.



Rio went to the booth and gave them his token. "Rio Casmir, Age 10, Top grade Twin Spirt Root? It seems you're a very luck and talented kid, I doubt any course would decline you". The person behind the booth smiled and said to Rio in a praising tone. "Hello senior, I would like to apply for Alchemy Course, The Magic Course, and Artificing." Rio chose the ones that would be helpful, Rio was going to choose creature class to learn the weaknesses and strengths of any creature researched, but he could just absorb the knowledge of a book, however, the 3 Rio chose need experience to go further in.



Alchemy can be a source of income for him, the magic course can help him with providing and learning spell books and Artificing can help create weapons and embed them with runes. Since he was doing three of them, Rio would be constantly busy with classes to have any free time. 'A small price for power.' Rio thought while nodding in satisfaction.



"Okay. Alchemy, Magic, and Artificing requests have been sent. Your selected course will appear on your token if you were accepted and if a selected course of yours didn't show up it means you have been rejected. When you get your answer come back here and I will give you the timetable for your selected courses." she said whilst giving Rio a black robe showing he was an outer disciple, Rio replied with a simple nod and started heading to his room. They said Rio's room number was on the back of the token. The number S6 45B.