Plagued Mind

I ran to the bathroom and quickly washed my face. After dressing up in my jeans and one of Julia's t-shirts, I impatiently waited for Caleb to arrive.

Julia sat beside me, her hand on my fidgety knee, and waited alongside me.

While waiting, she advised me, "Valerie, I know you can't say no to people if they demand something from you. That's a very bad habit of yours. So, be clear and direct when you reject moving in with him. If he still insists saying it's for your security, say you will move in with me instead. That way, you will get to live inside the Moonlit Valley's territory without fully committing to him from the get-go."

"I can move in with you?" I asked, surprised.

Julia lovingly gazed at me and smiled softly. "If Alpha Helblaze can allow you to move in with his Beta, he surely can allow you to move in with me. If the alpha or anyone else questions why you don't want to move in with your mate, say that you don't feel comfortable doing that before the official mating ceremony."

"You mean before marrying him?"

"Yes. Later, if he treats you well and you want to move in with him before the mating ceremony, I will happily give you my blessing. But I need to see that he has changed for the better with my own eyes. Otherwise, I will be worried sick for you."

With eyes full of tears, I hugged Julia and expressed my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. "Thank you so much for worrying about me, Jul. I don't know what I would do without you."

Julia gently caressed my hair like she used to when we were kids. "Of course, I worry for you. You're the only family I have."

We've always felt familial affection towards each other. Still, hearing her say it genuinely warmed up my heart. Maybe I needed to hear it.

At quarter past four, I heard a car's horn followed by my phone's ringtone.

Caleb was here.

I shoved my phone inside my purse and hurriedly ran towards the door. "I don't know when I will be back so, don't wait for dinner if I don't arrive in time."

"Okay. Take care." Julia walked me to the door of her floor and said as I put on my shoes, "But be back before 8. And don't follow him to his home or hotel. Don't drink any alcohol either."

I chuckled and shook my head because she was treating me like a child. "Okay, mom."

"You!" Julia lifted her hand as if threatening to slap my back.

I laughed and ran down the stairs before her "playful" slap landed on my back.

When I opened the front door, I saw Caleb standing on the driveway while leaning on his car.

He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of knee-length green cotton shorts. Even in the casual attire, he looked so attractive that I suddenly felt enraged. How dare he look so handsome? I understand why women throw themselves at him. That doesn't mean I forgive them, or him.

"Hey, beautiful!" He walked to me while flashing a smile. His smile was so enchanting that I almost forgot I was mad at him.

"Hey!" I smiled back and held his extended hand. He immediately pulled me close, making me slam into his body. Oh, dear Goddess! My heart! Please give me enough strength to keep my mind clear so that I can say what I want to say to him.

He led me to the car and opened the door for me. Before I could pull the seatbelt, he was already sitting beside me and leaning in to help me put on the seatbelt.

I inhaled sharply and held my breath, my back firmly pressed against the seat. I lowered my eyelids. His face was inches away from mine and I didn't want to lose my sense of reasoning.

Before he straightened his back, I caught him smirking through my peripheral view. This man! He was doing that on purpose!

"So, where shall we go?" he asked as he turned the car key.

"Hmm? Oh. Um… Let's go somewhere quiet."

He looked at me and didn't even hesitate for a second before asking, "Shall we go to my home then?"

"No!" I didn't mean to scream but I did that because Julia's warning rang in my head. "Sorry. Uh… By somewhere quiet, I meant a place where people can't eavesdrop on our conversation."

He nodded and suggested the same thing again. "My house is relatively secluded so no one can eavesdrop on us. And while we are at it, you can also check out my house and choose a room for yourself."

"Uh… I don't know…" I clasped my palms together and let out a nervous chuckle. Julia was right. I can't bring myself to say no. I wish she was here to speak on my behalf.

"Valerie, is–"

I instinctively dodged when I saw his hand approaching my face. When he saw my reaction, he curled his fingers and withdrew his hand. Oh, no! What's with his expression? Why does he look so hurt?

He smiled sourly and asked after sighing softly, "Is something bothering you?"

"Umm…" Oh, heaven! Why was I feeling so guilty when I hadn't even done anything wrong? Should I not tell him what's bothering me? But if I don't tell him, what other excuse can I give him to deny moving in?

Since I was taking my sweet time to reply, Caleb nudged me with his words again. "Clearly, something is bothering you. That's why you asked to meet me, right? What's on your mind? Tell me."

I clutched my purse with my hands and pressed it on my lap when I realized I was incessantly tapping my foot.

Yes, I need to tell him what's troubling me. But before that, I need to hear about his… previous affairs from his mouth. And then I need to tell him about the change in my plans.

"How many girlfriends did you have before meeting me?"

A new thought plagued my mind as soon as I asked that. What if he is currently seeing someone? Oh, goddess! I hope there aren't any women in his life right now. Even if there are, I hope he breaks things off with the others before things get messy.