
Caleb appeared surprised at first but then burst into laughter as if he had heard the most amusing joke. "How many girlfriends?" He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. "Where did this question come from all of a sudden?"

My ears burned up as I felt embarrassed. "I know this question came out of nowhere but… I would like to know." For the peace of my mind.

He cleared his throat and finally looked at me with seriousness. "I knew you would ask this question sooner or later. Julia told you, didn't she?"

I might have imagined it, but I felt a hint of hostility behind his eyes when he mentioned Julia. I don't want to get her in trouble. She was just looking out for me. "No, I was curious. She didn't want to tell me, but I pestered her until she had no choice."

"What exactly did she tell you?" His eyebrows twitched. Although it was subtle, I felt that he was displeased.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Umm… Just that you are a little flirty."

"That's all?"

"Mhmm…" I gulped dryly. "Should she have said something more?"

"No." Caleb finally looked relaxed like his usual self. "She's right, more or less. I'm friendly with everyone, so people–especially girls–think that I'm flirting with them even though there's no hidden meaning behind my words or gestures."

Huh… So, did Julia also have a misconception about Caleb?

"You didn't have any girlfriends then?" Please say you didn't.

Caleb replied with a guilty look, "I had a few."

Ouch! "How many, exactly?"

"Six/Seven? I don't know. None of those relationships were serious anyway." He looked at me with a flirtatious smile. "I was waiting for you."

Right. Of course. He was waiting for me. With other women in his arms.

I'm glad Julia warned me not to move in with him right away. First, I need to know how serious he is about me. Yes, we have a mate bond, but I don't want to be counted as his one more fling. I need to know he is willing to commit to me for life, not until he finds another woman with a strong wolf.

"Hey! Look at you!" He suddenly pinched my cheek and playfully teased me. "Someone's jealous. Aww! You look like a chipmunk when you're pouting."

Yeah, be glad that I'm not looking like a bear who is ready to pounce on you! I held in my urge to roll my eyes at him and simply smiled.

And since he wasn't driving me to a quiet place as I wanted, I said what I had to say right there. "Caleb, I reconsidered your proposal to move in with you. I don't think moving in right away is good for me. I want to take my time."

"What? What are you saying all of a sudden?"

Oh, goddess! Why is he looking at me like a lost puppy? I quickly averted my gaze because if I continued looking at him, I would melt into a puddle and take back what I just said. I didn't want to go back on my decision simply because he stared at me like a lost, broken, cute, soft puppy!

"Tell me you don't mean it." He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

In response, I clenched my jaw and lowered my eyes. I was not taking any chances. I was not going to look at his hurt expression and sway.

"You are saying that because you're feeling jealous, right? I'm sorry, Valerie. I swear none of them meant anything special to me. They were just casual hookups when I was in heat. Nothing more than that."

I felt something sour boiling in my chest. An uneasy feeling crept around my nape and made it into my head.

Breathe, Valerie.

"No, it's not because I'm jealous. It's just that, I think we are moving too fast. Besides, I'm only eighteen. So, I want to take things slow… get to know you more before taking the big step."

"You're serious," he said in a pained whisper.

I looked at him apologetically. "I am. I'm sorry for going back on my words."

"I won't allow it." He crossed his arms and knitted his brows like a stubborn child. "I thought I had made myself clear, Valerie. It will be unsafe for you if you aren't under my protection. Words about you being my mate will soon spread out. How will I protect you if you're not by my side?"

Thank you, Julia, for giving me a solution beforehand.

I pretended to think deeply and snapped my fingers as if the idea suddenly popped into my head. "Ah! What if I move in with Julia instead? I will be inside the Moonlit Valley's territory, and you don't have to worry about another pack orchestrating an attack on me. What do you think?"

"Does Julia even have a spare room here?" He looked through the car window at the old house before us.

"I bet we can manage. Julia and I used to share a room back at the orphanage. So, it's not a big deal." I tried to give him a puppy-eyed look. I don't know how successful I was in imitating the look though. "Please, Caleb. Will you talk with the alpha and ask his permission?"

Caleb ran his fingers through his fluffy hair, probably in frustration, and sighed. "If you don't have any problem moving in with Julia then why is there a problem in moving in with me?"

I can't bluntly say it's because I have known Julia since I was a kid and I only know him since yesterday, can I?

"Caleb…" I lightly placed my hand on his knee and spoke as sweetly as I possibly could, "I'm not saying I won't ever move in with you. I'm simply postponing the inevitable by a little."

"Define little," he said curtly.

Who knows? It depends on you. "I don't know… Maybe a couple of months or even a year?"

Caleb drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and stared blankly as if he was giving it a thought. "How long until you graduate again?"

"I will graduate in three months."

He hummed and said with finality, his gaze authoritative, "Then you will live with Julia until your graduation. After you graduate, you will move in with me."

He rested his palm on my neck and looked at my lips. His voice gradually became seductive as he traced my lower lip with his thumb. "I hope three months are sufficient to get to know each other, Valerie. What do you say?"

Huh? What was I supposed to say when the question flew over my head? All I could focus on was the tingling sensation on my lips as he glided his finger on it!

And what more? He slowly leaned closer to my face, his intent gaze on my lips making his intention clear. His minty breath fanned across my face when he asked in a ragged whisper, "Do we have a deal?"


"Good girl." He smirked.

Wait, what did I say yes to? I was so hypnotized by him that I don't remember what I agreed to. Please, remember, Valerie! What did he–


Did he just try to kiss me? Yes. He tried to kiss me and I dodged! I DODGED! I closed my eyes and pushed him away!

I think this is the curse of not having any prior romantic experience. I'm used to ducking and dodging any male advances at the diner, and I did the same to him. Let me dig a hole and bury myself. Aaaahhh! I'm sure I hurt him again.

I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. Surprisingly, he didn't look hurt. Instead, he looked rather determined.

Oh, it's going to happen, isn't it? My first kiss.

I felt as if someone released hundreds of butterflies in my stomach when he smirked and firmly placed his palm on the back of my neck. His dark brown eyes looked dangerously seductive, holding me in place and pulling me in.

I closed my eyes in anticipation, awaiting the sweetest moment of my life. And there it was. I felt his lips crashing against mine without any warning.