Ming Lee

Davis reasoned that he wasn't betrothed to Ming, so even though he wants to marry her, she might not feel the same way, or share his opinion about getting without love but strictly for business. So he decided to inveigle her into his affection.

He slowly made his way to Ming. "Hello" he said casually, without any emotions attached.

"Ni hao, Wo jiao Ming" Ming said, speaking Chinese.

Davis wore the most confused expression. He didn't understand what she was saying. He had completely forgotten about the fact that when he had his little encounter with Ming about a year ago, she spoke English to him. 

The confused look on his face made Ming chuckle. Davis didn't know what to say, he thought that whatever he says to her, she won't be able to understand it. The look on his face of not knowing what to do, made Ming's chuckle develop into laughter.

"You look like my grandfather when he's looking for something, but doesn't realise that it's in his hand" Ming said cheerfully.

"You speak English?" Davis said as if he was asking a question. He didn't appreciate the fact that Ming just made him look so confused and stupid; especially so that she could get a laugh.

"Hi, my name is Ming. That's what it meant; ni hao, wo jiao Ming" she said.

Trying to shrug off the embarrassing moment, he felt he decided to respond likewise. "My name is Davis," he said.

"I know, Davis Walton, or is it Davis Chen, which one do you go by now?" Ming asked.

"Just call me D..." Davis was saying but got interrupted by someone, a lady who recognized him. And all Ming heard was that Davis wanted her to address him as 'D'.

"Oh my! You're Davis Chen!" The lady who recognized him yelled and tried to get close to him but Ming's body guard wouldn't let anyone get close to him or her.

Davis, feeling like he has to get out of there, decides to ask Ming out. "I'm guessing you just had a long flight. So you must be tired and hungry. Would you like to get something to eat with me", Davis said, his words masquerading his real intentions of making Ming fall for him.

Ming wore a warm smile as she usually does. "Sure D" she said simply. Then turned to face her bodyguard; "Simon feel free to take a break while I'm gone" She said then let Davis walk her to his car.

Ming was different from the other rich people that he has had an encounter with. She was way too nice; Davis thought. but he doesn't wanna be too quick to judge her yet. 'Wait a sec did she just call me D' his mind said to him.


He knew Ming was wealthy, so he knew that taking her to just any ordinary restaurant would be an insult to her class. He knew that the most classy restaurant in their town was where he worked before. And he'd be damned before he ever sets foot there again. 

Joggling those thoughts he decided to drive her out of town; out of Brooklyn , New York. She didn't complain about the long drive, she just rested her head by the window, and watched the buildings as they passed by in a flash. With the wind blowing tendrils to fill her face.

They drove in complete silence, except for the music coming out of the stereo speakers, and the sound of the gusting wind. 

They finally arrived at the restaurant, which Davis concluded to fit Ming best. It was located at a place called Chinatown; at the outskirts of New York city.

They got into the restaurant, and placed their orders, Ramen. Davis didn't know what it was, but since Ming ordered it he decided to do the same. The waiter that took their order brought it to their table; he was impressed with the huge amount of tip that she gave the waiter. If he got that much tip every day when he was working for Dylan; he would no longer be considered poor within a month.

The ramen was in a bowl with chopsticks. Davis' eyes widened because he knew that he didn't know how to use a chopstick. Ming noticed this and watched him in awe she wanted to see what he was going to do.

Davis thought that since they are two sticks, maybe he should use both of his hands. He picked up the sticks each with a hand just as he had thought. Immediately Ming chuckled.

"You could have just asked for help," she said. That thought never occurred to Davis cuz he wasn't Used to getting help from people. "Try picking them up like this," she said and demonstrated. Following her lead, Davis did as she said. "It's not perfect but it was an improvement,"she added.

She was so nice that Davis couldn't stand the idea, that he planned to make her feel affection for him just so he could marry her and inherit the Chen's group of companies. That wasn't him; he thought, and decided to tell Ming what his intentions actually were. 

"Ming '' he called her. Her attention was fully drawn to him because this was the first time he was actually calling her name. "My grandfather ..." He was saying

"Is it grandpa Chen" she asked;

He nodded, then continued speaking. "He told me that he was planning on retiring , and that I would inherit the Chen's group of companies if I get married. Then he told me about you, and about how beneficial it would be for both our families if we got married, because your grandfather owns a bank. And since I'm no longer capable of falling in love I knew that I wouldn't be able to love you so I decided to trick you into loving me instead" Davis said.

Honesty hasn't really been a problem for Davis. In fact Rita used to tell him that part of the reason he was poor was because of his honest and modest nature. But looking at what he had planned to do; there was nothing honest or modest about it. Was just a few days of being rich changing him already. And seeing the angry and disappointed look Ming had on her face made him hate himself even more. He clenched his teeth together and promised himself that he wouldn't let money or riches change him into someone he wasn't.

"My grandfather also told me that it would be beneficial if we got married, but I was never going to trick you into marrying me. I would have let it be your choice." The obviously annoyed Ming said.

"I'm sorry," Davis muttered. He had also lost his appetite so he just fiddled his chopsticks around. 

Ming was still angry at him, but seeing how she had made him obviously mad at himself, she decided to ease out on him a little bit. she has always been compassionate, but there was something more going on that she couldn't explain, which made her unable to stay mad at Davis for long. "Why do you believe that you are no longer capable of falling in love? '' Ming asked, waiting to hear his reply. Maybe that was the real reason that she got mad at him.

Davis looked up, surprised that she was still talking to him. He's euphemistic; that is he hates showing his emotions. But ever since he met Ming he has been unable to stop his emotions from displaying on his face. Not his confusion, not his anger, not his embarrassment, and definitely not his surprise.

"I once loved someone with all my heart, and then she broke it in two, violently. I had to watch her cheat on me with a bully she knows that I never liked. She jumped at him the first chance she got because he was rich and I was dirt poor. I can't love anyone like that again, so I would never get hurt like that again" Davis said.

Ming, sharing his empathy, decided to ask, "what's her name?".

"Rita" he replied bluntly.

"Rita, that's such a nice name. It's strange that someone could do that to a person. It's unfair what people would do to someone just because they are poor " Ming said.

"What would you truly know about being poor? You know what, maybe this whole marriage thing is a bad idea. Sorry for wasting your time" Davis said and was about to leave.

"You know that idea about pretending to be poor so your children can have a clear view on how to handle wealth, it was actually Grandpa Lee's idea which your grandfather adopted"Ming said then Davis halted he wanted to hear more, to figure out what she was trying to tell him; so he sat down back.

 "I too thought for years that I was poor, it wasn't until I turned eighteen that my parents told me that I would be the future owner of the bank. Maybe I may not have suffered as much as you have but I know what it's like to be poor" she said and sighed, "I've actually lived it" she added.

"You keep surprising me," Davis muttered.

"Same here D" she said," so if the cards are still on the table then yes I would marry" she added.

Davis, obviously surprised, couldn't mutter anything but to simply ask "Why?"

"It's what my grandfather wants, he says; it would be beneficial, and his right, isn't he? Plus, I may not have had my heart broken as you have, but you and I are similar more than you know, and it would be nice to be around someone like that. Like you D" she said.

"Okay. If that's the case then I don't see any reason to wait. We can get married tomorrow, or even next" Davis said.

"I saw the restaurant that you're building, and I must say it's coming along pretty fast. You rush everything as if you plan on dying tomorrow. Your heart was broken and instead of giving it time to heal you decided to close it off. One of my aunts, Ming; I was named after her. Due to an earthquake a building collapsed on top of her. But I don't hate the earth or buildings because of it. Instead I learned to move on '' Ming said,, then focused on her Ramen.

Davis decided not to talk about the date again; for now at least. He watched Ming eat, but didn't touch him. He wasn't very good with the chopsticks, so there was a need to use it, just to end up with Ming laughing at him. Not that he hated the laugh, he just hated the fact that she would be laughing at him.

After she was done with her food, Davis paid for it using his card. He decided to drive her back since he's the one who brought her here. And she didn't come with her car. And just like before when they are arriving. Their drive back was long and quiet; and Ming still kept her head by the window.

"Do you have any place specific in mind that I should drop you at?" Davis asked.When they arrived back at Brooklyn.

"Yes my family has a building in this city" she said and gave him directions, until he reached it.

Grandpa Chen and his friend Lee, were at the Porsche talking with each other. They were pleased when they saw Davis and Ming together.

Ming got down from his car and started walking into the house. Davis wanted to walk her inside so he followed her. And seeing how amused Grandpa Chen and Lee were. He drew Ming close to him in an intimate position. Then he leaned forward and kissed her passionately. He's intention was to give Grandpa Chen a hint that he would be going through with the marriage. But the way they kissed, any one that sees them would actually think that they were in love with each other.