Chapter 34: The Aftermath

Everything else was a blur after that. 

As cliche as it may sound, Alexandra could only remember hearing the loud screeching noise of the tires dragging against the road and the horrified screams from the people driving the very car that was heading right at her echoed through the once peaceful and quiet night. The next thing she knew was that she felt herself being pulled back violently and she fell to the ground in the very next second. 

She could hear a very faint voice calling out to her over and over again, each time sounding even more desperate than the last one. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and her vision was clouded, she could barely see who was in front of her eyes. But, she could somewhat see a face before her face though she couldn't exactly make out who it was just yet, not until after she blinked a couple more times and her eyes finally adjusted themselves.