Chapter 35: What a Surprise!

Caleb was being oddly secretive and mysterious the next morning.

Unlike his usual grumpy nonchalant self in the early mornings, he had this mischievous glint in his dark eyes and the corners of his lips were curved into a slight smile. Alexandra spent the entire morning watching him sneaking around and hiding from her at random times of the day.

It seemed obvious that he was trying to do something that was meant to be a secret. She wrecked her brain, trying to come up with a plausible answer in her head but only ended up with more questions than before. What is he trying to do? What could it possibly be? Maybe a surprise or something?

Just barely past the one-hour mark, she knew she had given up. She finally stopped him in his tracks, and they locked eyes. He flashed her a smile, feigning innocence. "What is it?" He asked.