Chapter 15

~The Next Day

Once again I was ditched by Gordon at the rehearsals, and was left standing out at the part one of our dance, some people were taking a break before the part two of their dance and I felt my anger rising. What is so wrong with a guy that he can't even be nice toward his mate? Kindness in form of a dance is not so hard.

Selene's words still rang in my ears from yesterday when she told me that Gordon is mean from the outside but soft from the inside, to heck with that knowledge. He is obnoxious.

First he marks me on our first meeting without a warning, then when he gives me a tour of the house, he tells me to stay away from his almighty personal room, then he shows himself murdering a rogue in some sort of way for me to build fear of him, and then he throws me into a lake as a punishment for spying on him and his ex-girlfriend. How crazy is that?