Chapter 60 - Vampire Arc (1)

After the incident

"Let's go," said Vice Captain Eddie Thompson as he led the terrorists away.

Suddenly, Jamal Tesfaye spoke up, "Wait a minute, sir."

 "Why should I wait?You're a criminal," Vice Captain replied, his suspicion evident. "What if you try something funny?"


Anton, despite being handcuffed, bristled with anger. "What did you say to our boss?" he demanded, ready to fight.


"Back down, Anton," Jamal interjected, trying to defuse the situation. Then he turned to Vice Captain Eddie, explaining, "It's not like that, officer. I just want to see Mark one more time."


Vice Captain Thompson raised an eyebrow, considering Jamal's request with caution. "And why do you need to see Mark?" he asked, his tone skeptical.


Jamal paused, his gaze softening as he chose his words carefully. "Mark... he's similar to a friend of mine, someone I consider like a brother," he explained, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I just want to thank him once again for everything."

Vice Captain Eddie Thompson regarded Jamal with a hint of skepticism, but he could sense the genuine emotion in Jamal's words. After a moment of consideration, he nodded. "Alright, but make it quick," he instructed, gesturing for Jamal to proceed.

With a nod of gratitude, Jamal followed Vice Captain Eddie towards where Mark was being held.


(Mark Side)

As Mark talked with Chris, Loe, and Emily, suddenly Jamal showed up. His unexpected appearance stirred up a lot of feelings in the group.

"Jamal?" Mark exclaimed, his voice tinged with surprise and confusion. He couldn't help but wonder why Jamal had chosen to approach them now, after everything that had happened.

Chris's muscles tensed instinctively as he locked eyes with Jamal. Although he didn't know Jamal personally, he recognized him as one of the henchmen of the Villain, Spider-Man had defeated. 

Loe's face twisted with anger when he saw Jamal. He blamed him for killing his old boss, Albert, which fueled his desire for revenge. This made him deeply suspicious of Jamal.


Emily's heart raced as she watched Jamal's approach. Fear and horror gripped her as she remembered the chilling moments when Jamal callously ended the lives of his own men. The memories flooded back, plunging her into a state of sudden and overwhelming distress.


Mark, sensing Emily's distress, stepped forward and gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Emily. You're safe now," he said gently, his voice calm and soothing. He offered her a comforting smile, hoping to ease her fears in the midst of the tense situation.

Loe growled at Jamal, his voice filled with hostility. "What are you doing here? Do you want me to kill you?" he said, his tone menacing as he confronted him.

"It's not what you think," Jamal Tesfaye clarified, his tone gentler. ""I just want to thank Mark for sparing my life from you," he explained sincerely. "And his presence also brings back memories of someone dear to me, reminding me of words my friend once shared," he added, his eyes reflecting sadness as he recalled the past.

"Who's that, Mr. Jamal?" Mark asked, his interest sparked.

Jamal smirked before responding, "You don't really need to know. Let's just say he's someone who can be quite troublesome at times."

"Anyway, I just want to say thank you, kid," Jamal continued, shifting the conversation. "If it weren't for you and Loe, I probably wouldn't know who I am," he said, his voice carrying a note of sincerity. " That , I am Jamal Tesfaye, Not Jon Jackson. Thats why I've decided I want to be me again."

Mark studied Jamal's face, searching for any hint of deception or insincerity. But all he saw was a genuine willingness to change, to leave behind the darkness that had consumed him.

Then Vice Captain Eddie Thompson intervened, he gestured towards the group of prisoners, signaling that it was time to depart. "Let's go, time is over," he announced firmly, his voice cutting through the conversation.


Jamal nodded, understanding the situation. "Thank you again, kid" he said, offering a final expression of gratitude before turning to follow Vice Captain Thompson.

A moment of silence settled among the group, each lost in their own thoughts. The weight of this situation hung heavy in the air, but so did a sense of relief and quiet satisfaction. Mark glanced at his friends, noticing the different expressions on their faces.

Suddenly Chris then said to Mark, "That's unexpected. I didn't know you could change someone's path, Mark."

Mark smiled softly at Chris's remark. "Sometimes, it's not about changing someone's path," he replied thoughtfully. "It's about showing them that there's another way, a better way. Everyone has the power to choose who they want to be, and sometimes all it takes is a little push in the right direction."

"By the way," Mark added with a reflective tone, "I also didn't know how I changed his path. After all, what I did back then was just to stop Loe from killing him." He paused, contemplating the series of events that led to this moment. "But I guess sometimes, the smallest actions can have the biggest impact."



Jamal recalled his friend Jamal Afari. They were both 25 years old at the time.

 [Past Days of Jamal]

Jamal, feeling a surge of anger, addressed his friend with the same name. "We need you, man. You're strong and we can count on you. We need you to lead us against the government," he said strongly. "It's time to put the government in their place."


"Why seek revenge when the war is already over?" Jamal Afari questioned calmly. "Moreover, the corrupt individuals are already caught by the war heroes. We've already achieved justice."



"What do you mean, we've already achieved justice?" Jamal Tesfaye retorted, his voice rising with anger. "Remember our loved ones who died because of them!" he shouted furiously.


"Stop, Jamal. This isn't like you. Your thirst for revenge will only lead to more bloodshed," Jamal Afari continued, his tone filled with concern. "I don't want to be a part of such pointless actions."


"You!" Jamal Tesfaye shouted in anger, throwing a punch at his friend.


But Jamal Afari just took the hit without flinching. "You're acting just like them now, Jamal. Is that who you want to be? Jamal, or should I call you Jon Jackson now?" he said, looking at him with pity.


Then as Jamal Tesfaye looked at Jamal Afari, he realized they were different. Despite sharing the same name, their goals were not alike, and their personalities were opposite. Then, Jamal Tesfaye suddenly said, "Leave, before I get really mad. And don't ever come back here again."


Jamal Afari replied, "You're still my friend, Jamal. Even if you change your name, But to me, you're still the Jamal I knew during those days."

In that moment, as Jamal Tesfaye stared into Afari's eyes, he saw not just a friend, but a reflection of his former self—the self he had chosen to leave behind when he adopted the persona of Jon Jackson.

(Back to the Present)

Now Jamal Tesfaye couldn't shake the memories of his encounter with Jamal Afari. He wondered where his old friend was, what path he had chosen, and whether he had found the peace he had sought. Despite their differences, Jamal Tesfaye couldn't shake the bond they had shared, nor the lingering hope for Afari's well-being.


"You're right, my friend," Jamal Tesfaye whispered silently in his thoughts, his voice tinged with regret and longing. "I wonder if you're okay now."



As Kevin Bridget and his comrades continued their investigation into the blood-sucking incidents in Queens, they were suddenly attacked by a horde of zombies. These creatures appeared out of nowhere, their ugly bodies moving towards the team with a fierce craving for flesh.


Kevin grumbled quietly to himself as he looked at the chaotic scene, saying, "I don't earn much for dealing with this shit." He looked annoyed, wiping sweat from his forehead even though it was cool outside. The streetlights made creepy noise, showing the scary sight of the zombies coming closer. Kevin tightened his hold on his gun, getting ready to fight, staying determined even though it seemed tough.

Kevin Bridget, a veteran cop with plenty of years on the force, quickly took charge. With his gun ready, he led his team into battle against the swarm of terrifying zombies.


The team fought bravely near a big Mansion their bullets hitting the never-ending group of zombies. Each person in the group showed courage and determination against really hard challenges. They had good training and skills and worked together to fight the zombies.

As the fight continued, Kevin felt like he was losing control as more and more zombies came at him. He tried his best to fight them off, but one of the undead monsters broke through his defenses and lunged at him with its sharp teeth.

 As Kevin prepared for the zombie's attack, someone suddenly jumped in front of him. In one quick move, He hit the zombie and saved Kevin from being bitten.


Breathing heavily, Kevin looked up to see his rescuer, and his eyes widened in surprise at the appearance of the man, an African man he didn't recognize.

He didnt know that It was Jamal Afari, The famous vampire hunter. Jamal stood tall and confident, his manner showing he was strong and filled with resolve.

"Thanks," Kevin gasped, still in shock from the narrow escape. "I owe you one."

Jamal nodded briskly, his attention fixed on the ongoing fight. "No need for thanks," he said urgently. "We've got a bigger problem on our hands."



 In the bathtub, there was a naked woman, with blood all around her. Her eyes were a deep red, and if you looked closely, you could see a tattoo of the number 69 on her back.

"Oh, Sephiro just died. I can feel his connection is gone," she remarked, a faint smile appearing on her lips. "Interesting. Who could it be? Is it that new vigilante called Spider-Man they were talking about?" She paused briefly, then continued with a sly smile, "I'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's play with the intruders." Then she revealed her fangs, showing that she's a vampire.

To be continued