Chapter 61 - Vampire Arc (2)

As the group started to disperse, Chris suggested, "We should probably head home now since it's already over. Michael is alright, so there's nothing to worry about."


Mark nodded in agreement, "You're probably right. I think I'll swing by my sister's workplace."


Emily chimed in, "My father and mother are waiting for me. Bye, guys." She then turned to Mark, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Bye, babe."


Mark smiled, a hint of warmth in his eyes as he watched Emily walk away. "Take care, Em. See you soon." The group's casual banter filled the air as they prepared to go their separate ways after a day of shared memories and camaraderie.

Mark turned to Loe, intrigued. "How about you, Loe? Where are you going?"


Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversation. Thomas Halloway, a weathered old man at 69 years, approached Loe, a buzz-cut 15-year-old boy. "Kid, you don't have a place to go anymore. How about staying with me?" he offered, his voice gruff but with a hint of kindness.


Loe, with a determined look in his eyes, replied, "I have my comrades and friends with me in that mansion, old man. I can't leave them; they are my brothers in arms, after all."


Thomas persisted, "You can still visit them even if you are with me. It doesn't have to be one or the other."


Loe, feeling conflicted, questioned, "Why are you insisting on making me go to you? What's your angle, old man?" His loyalty to his friends and comrades was unwavering, but there was a curiosity in his tone, wondering what Thomas's true intentions were.


Thomas Halloway's words carried a warmth of understanding. "You're like a reflection of my younger self," he reflected, a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. "That's why I simply want you to have a chance at a normal life, like going to school and learning a thing or two about life."

Mark, sensing an unspoken desire within Loe, gently nudged him further. "Come on, Loe. You need Teacher Thomas. I can sense it deep inside you. Perhaps you just need some guidance and wisdom, something you've been missing," Mark suggested, his tone empathetic. "Your bond with your boss and his teachings may have left a void you're trying to fill."


Loe's expression hardened as he challenged Mark, questioning his understanding of both himself and his late mentor. "What do you really know about me and my boss?" he demanded, skepticism evident in his voice. "And who are you to assume anything about us?"


Undeterred by Loe's defensive stance, Mark remained steadfast. "While I may not have firsthand knowledge of your boss, I can discern traits about you and your boss through observation," he explained calmly. "Your reactions to his passing revealed a strong connection. Trust me, Loe. Opening up to what Teacher Thomas can offer might bring you a fresh perspective, a privilege you haven't encountered yet." The tension in the air lingered as Mark attempted to convince Loe to consider a new path that could potentially lead to personal growth and enlightenment.


Loe felt torn between staying loyal to his comrades and embracing the opportunity for personal growth that Thomas presented. The gravity of the decision hung in the air as the sun set, casting a warm, colorful glow over the scene.

Taking a deep breath, Loe finally spoke, his voice a mix of hesitance and determination. "I... I need some time to think. This decision isn't easy.


[Emily side]

After the intense rescue mission outside the base, the group found a peaceful moment outside, the heaviness of the day still hanging in the air. Emily Hawkins, a mix of relieved and worried, saw her parents, Gary and Sharon Hawkins, talking with some business people as the sun started to set.

Emily walked toward her parents, Gary and Sharon, who were chatting with some business folks outside the base. "Dad, Mom," she called out, her voice full of relief and a touch of worry. "Are you finished talking to those business people?" Her question hinted at a longing to be together after the intense rescue mission earlier that day.

Gary and Sharon looked at their daughter, their faces relaxing as they saw her. Gary, a tough-looking man with a worn face, gave a small nod. "Almost done, honey. Just finishing up some stuff," he said warmly, his eyes showing fatherly care.

Sharon, a calm and caring woman, gently touched Emily's arm. "We'll be finished soon, honey. How are you feeling after everything that happened today?" Her voice was filled with motherly worry and affection, offering Emily a strong source of comfort during this challenging time.

Emily's voice trembled as she opened up to her parents. "I'm still shaken up by what happened today. I just... I want to push it all away and forget about it," she admitted, her words tinged with a mix of vulnerability and a desperate desire to move past the traumatic events of the day.

Sharon's gaze softened as she listened to Emily's words, her motherly instincts kicking in to provide comfort and reassurance. Placing a gentle hand on Emily's shoulder, she spoke in a soothing tone, "It's okay, sweetheart. It's natural to feel overwhelmed after such a frightening experience. Take your time to process it all, and remember, we're here for you, no matter what."

Trying to lighten the mood, Gary cleared his throat and asked, "Where's Mark, your boyfriend?" His tone was a bit gruff, with a hint of grumpiness showing through.

Emily, her voice tinged with a mix of playfulness and a hint of teasing, responded, "Dad, you still haven't accepted Mark as your future son-in-law?" Her words carried a light-hearted tone, , poking fun at her father's hesitance with a touch of affectionate banter.


Gary, wanting to express his approval in his own way, replied, "I never said I didn't like Mark. I just want him to always look out for you, no matter what." His words carried a sense of fatherly concern, emphasizing the importance of Mark's role in Emily's life.


Continuing, Gary added, "The way I saw him show bravery that day, the way he handled himself—it was then that I truly approved of him as my potential son-in-law." There was a touch of pride in his voice, acknowledging Mark's strength and character.


With a hint of humor, Gary concluded, "But let's not make him too cocky. Keep that bit between us." His gruff tone softened slightly, revealing a fondness for Mark and a desire to see him continue to stand by Emily's side with humility and strength.

Emily chuckled, her laughter rising in response to her father's words. "Okay, Dad," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and amusement, a sense of ease settling over their conversation. The tension of the day began to dissipate, replaced by a shared moment of laughter and family bonding.


[Meanwhile Chris side]

Chris called out, "Dad!" as he walked over to Conrad Hilton, who was chatting with the Albarado family, a respected Filipino clan, and the Yoon family, a prominent Korean household Both Asians known for their richness of rice and other necessities.


Conrad Hilton glanced at his son, nodding, "Chris," his voice a blend of authority and warmth in the midst of the multicultural gathering and business talks.

Conrad Hilton turned towards the head of the Albarado family, Lito Albarado, a distinguished figure in the Filipino community known for his culinary expertise and business acumen. Lito Albarado's presence exuded a sense of respect and authority, his gaze meeting Conrad's with a nod of mutual acknowledgment in the midst of the bustling gathering.

Then, Conrad shifted his focus to Yoon Min Lee, a revered member of the Korean community known for his family's culinary creations and hospitality. Yoon's demeanor radiated elegance and refinement, and there was a silent understanding between him and Conrad that surpassed cultural differences in the vibrant setting.


"Thank you for the wonderful time," Conrad addressed both the Albarado and Yoon families, his tone gracious and appreciative. "I must take my leave now since Chris is here." With a polite nod, he bid farewell to the affluent families, thanking them for the fruitful discussions and camaraderie before turning to his son, Chris.


Then Conrad, trying to move forward from recent events, said, "From now on, I'll make up for the time I've missed with you and your mother. It's become clear to me now." His words held a mix of regret and determination, a resolve to prioritize his family moving forward.


Chris, hearing his father's heartfelt words, felt a surge of emotion welling up within him. The weight of past absences and missed moments slowly began to lift as he absorbed Conrad's promise to be more present in their lives.


With a sense of understanding and forgiveness, Chris responded, "Dad, that means a lot to Mom and me. Thank you." His voice held a tone of acceptance and optimism, a flicker of hope shining through the darkness of the past.


Conrad's eyes softened as he looked at his son, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "I want to make things right, Chris. I want to be there for both of you, always," he vowed, his voice tinged with sincerity and a newfound commitment to repair what had been broken.



During the intense battle against the zombies, Kevin Bridget turned to Jamal Afari amidst the chaos. "What's your name?" Kevin asked, his voice laced with urgency.

Jamal Afari met Kevin's gaze with a steely resolve. "I am Jamal Afari," he replied succinctly, his tone carrying a sense of authority.

Kevin's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, are you the famous Vampire Hunter in New York everyone talks about?" he asked in a mix of astonishment and admiration, realizing the significance of the figure standing before him in the midst of the supernatural crisis.

Jamal Afari's expression remained stoic, his demeanor exuding a mix of humility and strength as he acknowledged Kevin's question. "Yes, that would be me," he confirmed, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Kevin Bridget's admiration for the renowned vampire hunter grew as he witnessed Jamal's unwavering composure in the face of the supernatural threat. "It's an honor to fight alongside you," Kevin remarked, a feeling a surge of determination as he fought alongside the renowned hunter.



(Meanwhile Mc pov)

As I swung towards the location where Sir Kevin and his comrades awaited, a surge of anticipation coursed through me. With a quick command to the system, I requested an update on my status, seeking to assess my readiness for the impending battle.


The AI system responded promptly, providing me with a detailed rundown of my attributes, abilities, and available points. As I scanned through the information, a sense of determination settled within me, knowing that the choices I made would impact the outcome of the upcoming confrontation.


Name: Michael Wilson (formerly Jonathan Anderson)

Nationality: American

Energy: 100


Physically: 15 years old

Mentally: 27 years old



Strength: 80 ➔ 90

Agility: 60

Endurance: 72

Stamina: 60

Intelligence: 64

Reflexes: 60 ➔ 70

Charisma: 40

Luck: 33



- Berserker

- Chi Sense

- Enhanced Spider-Sense

- Enhanced Wall-Crawling

- Enhanced Organic Web

- Enhanced Detective Skills

- Leadership Skills


Available Points:

Experience Points: 0

Shop Points: 2 million


Reviewing my attributes, I decided to allocate my 100 experience points strategically. Enhancing my strength to 90 and boosting my reflexes to 70. This way, I'd have a better shot at handling whatever came my way and dodging any incoming dangers more effectively.


As I drew nearer to Sir Kevin and his team. I used my chi sense to find my way through the fading light. The quiet vibes of the evening gently nudged me in the right direction, ensuring I reached them with a strong sense of purpose and determination.

To be continued