Chapter 100 –Future Arc (3)

[Inside the base]

Miguel O'Hara's voice cut through the tension, his words filled with concern and determination. "So that's what's happen," he stated, his gaze fixed on both me and Peter Parker. He seemed worried about what he had just learned.


"Yes, Miguel," I affirmed, meeting his gaze with a solemn nod. "It's a fuck up situation, but we've got to deal with it."


Miguel's expression hardened with resolve as he processed the gravity of the situation. "Then we need to act fast," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "We can't allow the future Peter to destroy the Spider-Verse."


Peter Parker looked shocked by the revelation. "Wa--wait I want to clarify this, so it's my future self causing all of this?" he asked, sounding confused and upset.


I nodded solemnly, confirming his realization. "Yes, Peter, It's a version of you from a different timeline within your universe " I replied, my tone regretful. "Your future self, driven by his own pain and suffering, is responsible for these catastrophic events."


Peter's expression faltered, a mix of sorrow and confusion clouding his features. "But... why?" he murmured, his voice filled with anguish. "I've dedicated my life to protecting this city. How could I become the one who threatens it?"


My heart ached for Peter as he grappled with this harsh truth. "I'm sorry, Peter," I said softly, offering what little comfort I could. "It's a difficult reality to accept, but we have to face it directly."


Peter's resolve flickered to life once more, his determination shining through despite his anguish. "(Sigh) You're right," he admitted, his voice steadying with resolve. "We can't let this future happen. We need to stop him before it's too late."


With a new sense of determination, Miguel, Peter, and I got ready to face the future Peter Parker. Even Though it was difficult for Peter , we still all agreed on one thing: we had to stop him from destroying the Spider-Verse. Our goal was clear - keep the Spider-Verse safe and stop any more damage from happening.


As we huddled together inside the base, strategizing our next move, Miguel's voice broke through my thoughts.


"So, this watch is from my future, and it already has the code to stop the time cube?" Miguel questioned, seeking clarification.


I nodded slowly, realizing the importance of Miguel's question. "Yes, Miguel," I confirmed, my voice serious. "Your future self mentioned that he had already encoded the code necessary to disable the time cube."


Then Peter Parker chimed in with a curious expression. "So, you became Spider-Man in 1947?" he asked, his tone filled with genuine interest.


I nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "That's right," I confirmed, remembering how I became Spider-Man and the journey that followed.


Peter's eyes widened slightly with intrigue. "Um, cool. I became Spider-Man in 2004," he shared, a hint of pride in his voice. Then, he pondered aloud, "So, what should I call you if we fight the villain here? Should I call you... you know, OG or something?"

I laughed a bit at Peter's idea, understanding he was trying to come up with a good nickname. "Um, maybe, uhh... Black Spider-Man or Black Spider? No, never mind, that's kinda racist,"I thought out loud, "How about maybe 'Old Spider'? (Sigh) Anyway Just call me Michael, Mike or whatever you want. You know this whole Spider-Man thing can get pretty confusing," I said with a sigh, recognizing the complexities of our identities as Spider-Men.


Peter understood, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I know, right? Don't get me started," he said, with a playful eye-roll.

Suddenly Miguel stopped our conversation to remind us of our mission. " Guys, enough with this stuff. We need to concentrate," he said urgently, making sure we understood the seriousness of the situation. "Since we're already in the enemy base, we should split up. Peter and Michael, you stick together, and I'll go alone to find the time cube" He paused briefly before adding,"And remember, create as much commotion as you can to draw the enemy's attention towards you both and away from the time cube. Got it?"


Peter recognized Miguel's tactics, nodding in understanding. "So, this is confusion tactics," he said, a hint of playful teasing in his tone.


I nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across my face. "Oh yeah," I chimed in, injecting a bit of humor into the discussion. "Confusion tactics it is"


Miguel repeated his instructions, his tone firm and unwavering. "Whatever, okay? Just do what I said," he said, But Despite the seriousness of the moment, he couldn't resist a small smile at the joke that had just been made.


Then I nodded in agreement, a sense of determination burning within me. "Okay, Miguel. Guys, let's do this," I declared, rallying our spirits as we prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.



As Peter and I moved through the base, his words surprised me. "Seeing the three of us fighting a villain makes me happy," he said sincerely. He paused, then added, "You know, I always wanted a brother."


Peter's words resonated with me deeply, and I nodded in agreement without saying much. "Yeah, I feel the same way," I replied, matching his pace as we continued to move forward. As I became Spider-Man like Peter, I realized that Peter and I might be different, but we had a strong connection because we were both Spider-Man. We had been through a lot in our life, and that made us closer, like brothers.


As we kept moving forward, we spotted a bunch of spider robots up ahead. "Oh, not good. I know these guys," Peter remarked, recognizing the threat.


"Yeah, those are the spider slayers," I said, getting ready to fight. We prepared to take on the approaching robots, steeling ourselves for the fierce battle ahead.

These are the Spider-Slayers. I know them from Spider-Man comics, series, and movies.

 This Spider-Slayers are robots made to hunt down and defeat Spider-Man. They've been causing trouble for Spider-Man since their first appearance. They were invented by a smart but morally questionable scientist named Spencer Smythe. He made them because J. Jonah Jameson, who runs the Daily Bugle newspaper, really hates Spider-Man and wanted a way to get rid of him. So, Jameson paid Smythe to build these robots to fight Spider-Man.

Also they were different version of reason on why they built this thing.

Anyway these motherfuckers always keep coming back.


As Miguel explored deeper into the enemy base, he paid close attention to everything around him, ready to react to any signs of trouble. He walked carefully, taking his time to make sure he didn't miss anything as he moved through the base. Miguel was on a mission to find the time cube, and he knew he had to be focused and cautious to succeed.


Miguel's super-sharp hearing noticed faint sounds coming from the corridors. This made him even more careful as he walked. Every little noise, like metal creaking or machines humming far away, made him feel like he needed to be extra cautious and keep his guard up.


Turning a corner, Miguel spotted a dim light coming from a room nearby. Instinctively, he knew he had found what he was searching for. With newfound determination, he sped up, feeling his heart race with anticipation as he moved closer to his goal.


When Miguel stepped into the room, he saw the time cube right away. Its strange designs made it stand out, glowing softly in the dark room. Miguel didn't waste any time. He walked right up to the device, moving quickly and carefully as he prepared to disable it.


Just as Miguel was about to touch the time cube, he heard a noise behind him. He spun around quickly, feeling his heart racing with alarm. In the dim light, he could see the outline of someone standing in the doorway. his presence felt threatening and gave Miguel a sense of fear.


Miguel felt a surge of fear as he struggled to speak, his voice shaky and hesitant. "You're Peter Parker, but... from the future," he finally managed to get out, his eyes wide with shock as he looked at the older man standing before him.


The older Peter Parker looked at Miguel with a calm demeanor, his face betraying little emotion as he studied Miguel in front of him. "Well, well, what do we have here," he said in a calm tone




Peter watched me fighting the spider slayer with my organic web, and he couldn't help but wonder about my special powers.

In the middle of all these situation, he just had to ask me about it. He wanted to know how I was able to do what I was doing.


"You have an organic web,"Peter said, sounding both surprised and impressed. His voice carrying a hint of intrigue as he delivered a fast kick to another spider slayer.


With a nod of confirmation, I responded while quickly evading an incoming attack from a spider slayer. "Yep," I confirmed, focusing on my next move as I delivered a powerful punch to destroy another spider slayer's core. Then, I quickly webbed up another spider slayer and threw it at the others.


Peter was clearly impressed by my abilities. "That's pretty cool, dude. I mean, I don't have an organic web like you and Miguel," he admitted as he continued to fend off more spider slayers. However, his next question took me by surprise as he glanced towards my butt.


"I don't want to pry, but does your web only come out of your wrist, ..... or is it coming out, you know, somewhere else?" Peter asked, his attention briefly shifting as he posed the question.


With a chuckle, I shook my head, While staying focused on the fight. "Nope, nope, it's only from the wrist," I reassured him, knowing what he was getting at. Even though we were talking during the battle, I stayed focus on taking down the spider slayer.


Suddenly our spider-sense is tingling with warning, Peter and I moved quickly, our instincts guiding us to dodge the incoming danger. The one who attack us it looks like a robot tentacles , we managed to avoid them just in the nick of time.


We looked towards the direction of the attack and saw a woman wearing an outfit that reminded me of Doctor Octavius, one of Spider-Man's well-known enemies. Seeing her made me feel confuse


"Whoa, what's with the Doc Ock cosplay?" Peter joked, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and concern as he sized up the situation.


The woman looked at us with a cold, calculating gaze, her tentacles ready to attack again. "You meddling Spider-Man are always getting in the way," she hissed, her voice filled with contempt.


With a quick glance exchanged between us, Peter and I prepared to face this new threat head-on. Peter and I were determined to protect this universe and put an end to this predicament.


To be continued