Chapter 101 –Future Arc (4)

Miguel's heart raced as he understood how serious things had become. He quickly aimed his web shooter at the time cube to escape along with it but before he could, he felt something pull him back. It was like an invisible force dragging him away. He felt scared as he was pulled away from his goal.


"Not so fast," came from the chilling voice of Future Peter Parker, dripping with malice and evilness.


Miguel fought against the sticky strands of webbing, his muscles straining against the web force pulling him back. With a strong effort, he used his claw-like talons to cut through the webs. As he stumbled to the ground, he clenched his jaw against the pain, his mind filled with uncertainty and dread.



"Please Stop this, Peter" Miguel pleading, his voice filled with defiance and desperation.


As the older Peter Parker moved closer with a wicked grin on his face, Miguel prepared himself for the coming fight. He knew he needed to face this challenge head-on, even though he didn't have expect this to happen but he is still determined to fight him.




As we moved quickly to avoid the robot tentacles, the woman her suit looked like Doctor Octopus got really mad. "Spider-Mans are always sneaky!" she said angrily. You could hear the hate in her voice.


Peter, always ready with a comeback, used his usual funny style even though we were in the middle of a fight "Welp, we can't help but dodge when someone's swinging tentacles like they're trying to chop us like veggies!" he joked, his grin showing he was both amused and ready for whatever was coming next.


I gave Peter a nod, recognizing his talent for making things funny, even though things seemed really bad. "You know, Pete, if we survive this, we should consider stand-up comedy as a side gig," I joked, a smile matching his own starting to spread across my face.


Before Peter could come up with another witty response, the villain charged at us with her robot tentacles, showing she was serious about fighting. I dodged her attack smoothly, using my experience, and quickly shot a web at her, hoping to trap her and get the advantage.


Peter, always quick on his feet, leaped into action beside me, his movements fluid and graceful despite the chaos surrounding us. "Seems like it's time for a dance, partner," he said with a smile.


Then I hold my webbing firmly against the villain, trapping her and stopping her from moving. Then, Peter punched her in the jaw, sending her flying backward. She looked surprised and hurt as she stumbled from the punch.


The Woman Octopus shouted, "I won't give up that easily!" She grabbed something from her pocket, and my eyes focused on it—it was a syringe. I watched as she jabbed it into her arm. "I'm going to kill both of you Spider-Men," she said sharply. 


Her words carried weight, but Peter's humor stayed strong. "Oops, Sorry! But please, no more tentacles, we're already struggling with just four," he joked, his tone light despite the looming threat.


Peter's joke eased the tension, and I chuckled, thankful for his humor even in tough times. "Can't make any guarantees, Pete," I teased in return, a smirk forming on my lips as we readied ourselves to confront our foe.


We braced ourselves, ready to face whatever new abilities this injection gave her. Together, we were determined to protect our universe no matter the circumtances.


As the Woman Octopus writhed in pain, her transformation unfolding before our eyes.

My stomach churned with unease. "Peter, this is bad, really bad," I repeated urgently, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.


Peter, always one to inject humor into even the most dire situations, couldn't help but crack a joke despite the looming danger. "Yep, more tentacles now? But I specifically remember saying 'no' to that feature," he joked, trying to keep things light, but his concern about the situation was clear as we confronted the grotesque hybrid in front of us.


The villain transformed into something terrifying. Picture this: Imagine a person turning into a mix of a human and an octopus, with their arms and legs becoming squirming tentacles. Their face changed, too, blending human and sea creature features in a horrifying way. It looked like a scene from a scary movie, but it was real. As she stood there in her monstrous form, it was obvious that she had become even scarier and more powerful.

In the heat of the moment, I called upon the system in my mind, desperate for any information that could help us understand our enemies capabilities.


"System, what is her status?" I mentally urged, hoping for a quick answer to our dire situation.


And then, after a brief pause that felt like an eternity, the system responded with a simple "Initiating status... ding."


Name: Liz Allan

Alias: Octavia

Age: 44




Strength: 200

Agility: 240

Endurance: 180

Stamina: 200

Intelligence: 180

Charisma: 150

Luck: 120

Hybrid Abilities:


Octopus Physiology: Liz Allan has undergone a transformation, merging her human DNA with that of an octopus. This grants her several unique abilities:


Tentacle Extension: Liz can extend and retract powerful octopus-like tentacles from her body, allowing her to manipulate objects, ensnare opponents, and navigate her environment with remarkable dexterity.


Enhanced Strength: Liz possesses superhuman strength, courtesy of her octopus physiology, enabling her to overpower foes and deliver devastating blows in combat.


Underwater Adaptation: Liz can survive and thrive underwater, with enhanced swimming speed and agility, as well as the ability to breathe underwater through specialized gills.




Limited Land Mobility: While Liz excels in aquatic environments, her hybrid physiology may limit her mobility and agility on land, especially in confined spaces or urban environments.

Vulnerability to Drying: Liz's octopus-like skin is susceptible to drying out if exposed to prolonged periods outside of water, which can impair her camouflage abilities and cause discomfort.


Vulnerability to Strong Hits: Even though Liz Allan is tougher than most, really strong punches or hits from powerful force can still hurt her a lot. If someone hits her hard enough, especially in spots that are sensitive or important, she can get knocked out or badly hurt, just like anyone else. Her octopus body helps protect her, but it's not invincible against really powerful attacks.


Can Be Killed: Just like any other person, Liz can be hurt badly enough to die if she faces really serious injuries or deadly attacks. Even though she can heal faster than most people, she's still not invincible. If she gets hurt too badly, her body might not be able to fix itself, and she could die for good.


As I processed the shocking revelation that the Woman Octopus was none other than Liz Allan, a flood of memories washed over me. Liz, once a familiar face from Peter Parker's past and one of his former love interests, had now transformed into this monster hybrid.


The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. How did Liz end up like this? What had driven her to become this monstrous version of herself? And what secrets were hidden behind her change? These questions swirled in my mind as we faced her, demanding answers about this predicaments.


But there was no time to dwell on those questions. Our immediate priority was to prevent the future Peter Parker from wreaking havoc on the Spider-Verse. With the fate of countless lives hanging in the balance, we had to focus on the task at hand and put an end to the threat before it was too late.



[Meanwhile Miguel Side]


Miguel's heart pounded in his chest as he faced off against the older, more sinister version of Peter Parker. He knew he couldn't let fear paralyze him; he had a mission to complete, and he wasn't about to let anyone, not even a twisted version of a hero, stand in his way.


Miguel lunged forward quickly, his sharp claws out, ready to fight. But Future Peter Parker matched his movements, his experience evident in the way he effortlessly dodged Miguel's attacks and countered with precision strikes of his own.


The room became a blur of motion as Miguel and Future Peter Parker clashed, Each punch and kick showed how determined they were.


With a sudden burst of speed, Miguel jumped at Future Peter Parker, trying to kick him in the head while jumping through the air. But before Miguel's foot could reach him, Future Peter Parker punched Miguel quickly, knocking him back down to the ground.


Miguel tried to get up, but Future Peter Parker stood right above him, holding the time cube tightly.


Future Peter Parker grinned smugly. "Looks like you don't have Spider-Sense, do you?" He said, sounding cocky. "Even with those claws, they're no good without Spider-Sense."

Miguel struggled to get up, panting hard. His muscles ached, but he was determined not to let his opponent's cocky attitude get to him. He knew he had to keep fighting.


"It's not about what I lack," Miguel said, trying to catch his breath. "It's about what I have."

With that Miguel make his move and attacked again, swinging his claws at Future Peter Parker. He wouldn't give up, even without Spider-Sense.


Future Peter Parker easily dodged Miguel's moves, but Miguel kept coming at him, determined not to back down.


Future Peter Parker chuckled mockingly at Miguel's determination. "Oh, really?" he sneered. Then, he swiftly moved closer to Miguel and kicked him hard in the chest, making Miguel flew back.


Miguel groaned as he hit the wall hard. It knocked the breath out of him, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest from Future Peter's kick. It hurt, but Miguel didn't let it stop him. He forced himself to stand, his eyes still filled with determination.


"It's over, kid," Future Peter Parker said confidently. "You fought hard, but you can't beat me."


"It's not over until I said it's over," Miguel said, his voice filled with defiance. "I won't let you win. Not today, not ever."


"Is that so?" Future Peter Parker's smirk turned into a menacing frown as he stared at Miguel. "If you're not backing down, then I have no choice but to bring this to an end."

To be continued

[After Dark] 


As the hours pass

I will let you know

That I need to ask

Before I'm alone

How it feels to rest

On your patient lips

To eternal bliss

I'm so glad to know