Chapter 105 –Future Arc (8)

As the confrontation between us escalated, Miguel kept working hard to figure out the time cube. We all felt the pressure to solve the problem quickly. It pushed us to do our best, even when things got tough.


While everything was happening, Peter stayed focused. His spider-sense helped him stay aware of what Future Peter Parker was doing. Even with all the craziness around us, Peter stayed calm and ready to act fast if needed.


As Future Peter Parker looked at us with anger and said, "It seems like all of you are trying to ruin my happiness." His voice was filled with malice. He then took something out of his pocket and injected it into himself.


As Future Peter Parker injected himself with an unknown substance, we felt a wave of unease wash over us. We watched with growing alarm as his behavior changed drastically.


Peter turned to me with a furrowed brow, concern etched across his face. "Michael, this isn't good, right? Right?"

I scratched the back of my head, trying to stay positive even though things looked really bad."Well, um, maybe?" I said, my voice not sounding very sure. But honestly, deep down, I was freaking out.


In a desperate attempt to gather more information, I silently pleaded with the system for assistance in my mind. "System, can you show me his status?" I requested, hoping for some clarity in this situation.


The system responded promptly, as usual. "Affirmative, host," it replied.


Name: Peter Parker

Alias: The Broken Spider-Man

Age: 45


Attributes (Base):


Strength: 410

Agility: 400

Endurance: 420

Stamina: 420

Intelligence: 300

Reflexes: 400

Charisma: 140

Luck: 150

Spider Boost:


Duration: 3 hours

Attribute Boost: +100 to all attributes except Luck and Charisma and Intelligence

Consequences: If another injection of Spider Boost is taken before the effects wear off, Peter Parker will undergo a transformation into a monstrous spider-like creature.This transformation is irreversible without antidote.



Driven by grief and despair after losing everything, Peter Parker was consumed by darkness and seeks to rewrite history by altering the past. He travels back in time, intent on creating a timeline where he can be happy and his loved ones are alive. However, the consequences of his actions are catastrophe, resulting in the destruction of countless universes where different versions of Spider-Man exist.



As I glanced at the data, my eyes widened in horror. "Oh, crap," I muttered under my breath, realizing just how overpowered Future Peter Parker had become.


Turning back to Peter, I tried to play it cool despite the overwhelming odds. "Yep, Pete, this is not good. Not good at all," I said with a forced smile.


Peter's face turned serious as he realized the seriousness of the situation. "Well, that's comforting," he said sarcastically


As Future Peter Parker absorbed the power of the serum, a surge of energy coursed through his veins, it made him much stronger and faster than before. With a primal roar, he unleashed a wave of power, shaking the very foundations of the base.


"We're in trouble now," Peter muttered, his voice filled with worry as he witnessed Future Peter Parker's transformation.

With a menacing grin, Future Peter Parker sneered, "Time to End This." His words were laced with malice as he prepared to attack.


As Future Peter Parker spoke those words, I felt a shiver down my spine. His voice was filled with wickedness and nd a twisted sense of enjoyment, sending shivers through the air.


With determination, I straightened my stance, ready to confront whatever challenge approached. "Let's do this," I declared, my tone unwavering despite the tense atmosphere. "You're not scaring me, old man."


Peter nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing as he focused on our opponent. "Yeah, wait Wh-what?" he replied, his tone filled with confuse.


Then, Future Peter Parker, with a wicked grin, muttered, "Very well." He quickly moved towards us, his movements fueled by newfound power. Then, he kicked Peter really hard in the face.


When Future Peter Parker suddenly attacked, Peter was sent flying backward, and hit the ground hard. I felt really scared seeing him fall like that, and it made my heart beat faster. I was filled with adrenaline, like I needed to do something right away.


Just as I was about to rush to Peter's side, a sudden jolt ran through me, causing my spider-sense to crazily alarm me. But this time, it didn't matter how strong my spider-sense was— it was no match for the overwhelming power of Future Peter Parker.


My instincts screamed at me to move, to dodge, to do anything to avoid the impending attack. But it was too late. In a flash, Future Peter Parker struck, his blow landing with devastating force.


I felt a surge of pain rip through me as I got thrown backward, hitting the ground hard. It hurt a lot, and everything started spinning. I clenched my teeth, trying to get my bearings while feeling really dizzy.


I tried to stand up, but Future Peter Parker stood over me, looking down with a menacing grin. "You're weak," he said, sounding really evil. "You're no match for me."


As I struggled to catch my breath, pain coursing through my body, I desperately called upon the system to make me stronger.


"System," I pleaded in my mind, "add all my experience points to strength." 

The system responded promptly, its digital voice echoing in my thoughts. "Affirmative, host," it confirmed. "Strength:250"


With a quick motion, I activated my berserker mode, instantly amplifying my strength to 300. As the berserker effect kicked in, all my injuries were nullified, allowing me to push through the pain without any hindrance.

Despite my increased strength from activating berserker mode, I knew I was still no match for Future Peter Parker's overwhelming power. With his strength exceeding 500, even my enhanced strength of 300 His strength was way more than mine.


But I wouldn't give in. Despite the pain, I clenched my teeth and pushed myself to stand. Every muscle in my body protested, but I refused to let Future Peter Parker defeat me. I was determined to find a way to stop him, whatever it cost.


"Ha," he sneered, his voice full of disdain. "You believe you can challenge me? You're just a weakling."


Then Future Peter Parker continued his relentless assault, I found myself unable to keep up with his overwhelming strength. With each blow, pain shot through my body, leaving me gasping for breath and struggling to stay on my feet.


He punched me in the gut "aurg!!!" I grunted in pain, the force of the blow sending me reeling.


But Future Peter Parker didn't stop there. He continued to rain down blows upon me, striking my chest, lower body, and sides with brutal force. I cried out in agony with each strike, feeling as though my body was being battered and bruised beyond repair.

"Argh!!!!!!!" I shouted, the pain and agony overwhelming my senses as I fought to stay conscious.


Just when I thought I couldn't endure any more punishment, a sudden intervention changed the course of the battle. A web shot out from behind Future Peter Parker, catching him off guard and sending him flying backwards with a resounding "aurghh!!" It seemed evident that he was so consumed by his aggression that he wasn't paying attention to his spider sense. His focus on beating me left him vulnerable, caught him off guard by someone.


As I struggled to lift myself from the ground, I looked up to see Peter Parker, despite his own injuries, coming to my aid. His endurance and resilience were truly remarkable, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for him.


"Pete!!!" I shouted, my voice filled with gratitude and relief as I attempted to rise despite the broken bones and injuries that plagued my body.

Peter Parker rushed to my side, concern etched across his features as he helped me to stand. "Michael, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.


I grimaced in pain, but nodded weakly. "I'll be fine," I replied, my voice strained. "Thanks to you."


Suddenly the Spider-Man system gave me a powerful boost called the "Brink of Death Boost." It filled me with energy, making me feel stronger and more resilient. The pain I was feeling seemed to fade away as I stood up straight, feeling refreshed and ready to keep going.


"It can really turn the tide of the battle" I muttered, acknowledging the significant impact of the boost.


As we confronted our strong opponent once again, Peter's determination was just as strong as mine. "We can't allow him to win," he stated firmly, his voice brimming with determination. "This time, we will defeat him."


With new determination and resolve, Peter and I faced Future Peter Parker once more, ready to give everything we had to stop him. Despite the odds stacked against us, we refused to back down, We leaned on each other for strength as we got ready for the Final showdown.


To be continued