Chapter 106 -Future Arc (9)  

 As Peter and I got ready for the big fight, we could feel the tension building up around us. All of a sudden, Future Peter Parker's voice broke the silence.


YOU BASTARD!!!" Future Peter Parker's voice boomed, filled with rage and malice as he eyed us with hostility. In a quick motion, he reached into a pocket and withdrew another serum, his intentions clear.


"Brace yourselves," he threatened, his voice dripping with evil as he injected himself with the serum. We watched in horror as he started changing, his body twisting and morphing into this creepy mix of spider and human. It was like something out of a nightmare.

Peter looked just as shocked as I felt when we saw the monstrous transformation before us. "Is that what I'll turn into?" he blurted out, his voice full of horror and disgust. "Hell no, I wouldn't become like that, not in a million years!"


Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't resist a teasing remark to lighten the mood. "Yeah, Pete, don't become like that if you want to impress your loved ones," I joked, a hint of playful banter in my voice.


"Watch out!" Peter yelled at me as he sense our enemy move, but we were too slow. Before we could do anything, Future Peter Parker had trapped us in his webs, and we couldn't move.


"fuck, we can't get out," Peter cursed, frustration evident in his voice as he strained against the webbing's constraints.


"Yeah, his webs are tougher than ours," I confessed, feeling the weight of defeat settle in as our efforts to escape failed miserably. Each tug and pull only seemed to tighten the sticky strands around us, leaving us more ensnared than before.


Peter grunted in agreement, his frustration palpable as he tried hard to get loose from the tough webs, but it was no use. "Can't... break... free," he muttered through gritted teeth, his muscles straining against the strong strands.


As we struggled in vain, I couldn't help but curse our predicament under my breath. The realization that we were completely immobilized sank in, making me feel increasingly helpless.


As Future Peter Parker, now turned into a scary monster, bragged about having us trapped, I felt really angry and frustrated.


"This is what will happen if you interfere with my plan," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he surveyed us trapped in his webbing.


But I didn't back down from his threats. "Is that what you want, huh?" I yelled angrily, my voice Filled with frustration. "To turn into a monster just for your own happiness, even if it means putting other universes in danger?"

Future Peter Parker's eyes burned with rage as he stared me down, his monstrous appearance adding to the threat he posed. "You!" he hissed, his voice now twisted by the spider-like features of his transformation. "If you experienced what I have, then you would understand."


I seethed with anger, my frustration reaching its peak as I replied from within the webbing that held me captive. "I may not have experienced what you have," I shot back, my voice tinged with emotion. "But have you experienced what I have?"


As I recounted the trials and tribulations I had faced, from the loss of my mother to being trapped in the ice and losing precious years of my life, a sense of bitterness crept into my tone. "Do you know what I've been through? No, you don't!" I exclaimed, my anger fueling my words. "So don't speak as if you're the only one who has suffered."


As I spoke, Future Peter Parker's face twisted into an angry scowl. His spider-like eyes glared at me with hate as he growled in anger.


"How dare you!" he spat, his voice dripping with venom as he advanced towards me, his monstrous form towering over us. "You know nothing of my suffering, nothing of the pain that has consumed me!"


Despite his intimidating presence, I refused to back down, my determination burning brightly within me. "I may not know your pain, but I know mine," I declared boldly, meeting his gaze without flinching. "And I refuse to let it consume me like it has you."


As Peter Parker observed me facing his future self, a complex mix of emotions welled up inside him, feelings he couldn't quite put into words.


As I spoke, suddenly, a smoke bomb was thrown, enveloping us in a thick haze. The webbing that bound us began to snap one by one, setting us free from Future Peter Parker's trap. Amidst the chaos, Miguel's voice cut through the smoke.


"You're okay now," Miguel said reassuringly as he emerged from the haze.

Realizing that Miguel had come to our rescue, a wave of relief washed over me. He had managed to disrupt Future Peter Parker's hold on us just in time.

"We need to get out of here," I urged, my voice tense with urgency. "Before Future Peter Parker figures out where we are and hunt us down."


As we made our escape through the smoke-filled area, I heard Future Peter Parker's frustrated roar from behind us.


"Argh!!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with anger and confusion as he struggled to see through the thick smoke. He was super mad and confused, trying to figure out where we went, but the smoke messed up his plans. He was all over the place, angry and lost.


Despite his efforts to locate us, the smoke provided us with the cover we needed to slip away unnoticed. With each step, the distance between us and Future Peter Parker grew, giving us precious moments to regroup and strategize.


As Miguel O'Hara confidently declared his plan to guide us out of the smoke-filled area using his hyper hearing, we nodded in agreement, placing our trust in his abilities. With his assurance, we felt a renewed sense of determination to overcome the obstacles in our path.


As we made our way through the base, I felt really uneasy. Even though we had a short break from danger, I knew Future Peter Parker was still around.


"We need to find a way to stop him," I muttered to Miguel and Peter, my voice tight with determination. "Before he causes any more damage."


Peter nodded in agreement, his expression grave as he surveyed our surroundings. "Agreed," he replied, his voice low and serious. "But how do we defeat someone who's become so powerful?"


As we pondered our next move, Miguel's keen senses suddenly picked up on a faint sound echoing through the smoke-filled corridors. "I hear something," he announced, his voice tinged with curiousity as he strained to pinpoint the source of the noise.


Following Miguel's lead, we pressed on, our footsteps echoing through the base With each passing moment, The suspense kept building up as we went.


Then, just as we rounded a corner, Miguel's sharp ears picked up on the sound once more, this time much clearer and closer. "There!" he exclaimed, pointing towards a nearby door.


Without hesitation, we rushed towards the door, our hearts pounding with anticipation. With Miguel in the lead, we burst through the entrance, ready to face whatever awaited us on the other side.


But what we found was unexpected: a control room filled with monitors and equipment, the source of the mysterious sound that had guided us here.


As we entered the control room, our eyes widened in surprise at the array of monitors and equipment that greeted us. The room was filled with an assortment of high-tech gadgets and screens displaying various data, indicating that we had stumbled upon something significant.


Before we could fully process our surroundings, a sudden voice from behind caused us to turn around in alarm. "Found you," Future Peter Parker's menacing voice echoed through the base, sending shivers down our spines.


With a sense of urgency, we quickly turned to face our formidable opponent, our instincts kicking into overdrive as we prepared for the impending confrontation.


As Future Peter Parker came closer, looking terrifying in his monster-like form, we realized we had to act quickly. The room felt tense, making us feel even more determined to win. We knew we had to do everything we could to beat him.


Standing before the intimidating sight of Future Peter Parker, who now appeared as a terrifying monster, we felt a wave of fear wash over us. But I didn't let it deter us. I encouraged Peter and Miguel with a simple message.


"Guys, we can beat him. He's just one person," I said, trying to reassure them in simple way.


Peter looked unsure, clearly worried about the strength of our adversary. "But how? He looks so strong and fast," he replied, his concern evident.


Looking at Peter directly, I outlined our plan. "We'll attack him from three sides. Peter, you go left. Miguel, you go right. And I'll stand in the middle, facing him head-on," I explained, keeping it straightforward.


With nods of understanding from Peter and Miguel, I concluded, "Let's go for it."


And with that, we took our positions, ready to confront Future Peter Parker .


As we headed towards Future Peter Parker, determined to confront him head-on, Miguel positioned himself on the right side, ready to strike with his razor-sharp claws.


But as Miguel moved to attack, Future Peter Parker reacted with lightning speed, his spider claw lunging towards us. However, Peter was quicker, shooting out a web from the left side to ensnare Future Peter Parker's claw.


"Not so fast, Spider me," Peter quipped, his voice laced with determination as he thwarted Future Peter Parker's attack.


Seizing the opportunity, I stepped forward and delivered a powerful uppercut, catching Future Peter Parker off guard. "Take this!" I exclaimed as my fist connected with his jaw.


"Argh!" Future Peter Parker cried out in pain as he staggered backward from the force of the blow, momentarily stunned by the unexpected assault.


"I told you two it would work, this plan," I said grinning, a sense of satisfaction coursing through me as our coordinated attack proved successful.


Then Future Peter Parker shouted "Enough!!!" we braced ourselves for his next move, his monstrous form standing right in front of us.

With a growl, Future Peter Parker ran at us, looking angry and determined. Even though we all attacked him together, he didn't seem bothered. He was so strong that our hits didn't affect him much.


"Shit, shit, what do we do then?" I exclaimed, scanning the area before us. My eyes fell upon the electrical equipment in the room, a glimmer of hope sparking within me.


"Good, good, I need this for my plan," I muttered to myself, swiftly turning towards Miguel and Peter.


"Peter, Miguel, can you hold him for me one minute?" I asked urgently, my voice tinged with determination as I outlined my plan.



"What? What do you intend to do?" Miguel asked, his voice filled with confusion and concern as he looked at me.


"Something that will turn this battle to our advantage," I replied confidently, determination shining in my eyes. Without wasting another moment, I quickly made my way towards the electrical equipment, knowing exactly what I needed to do.


Once at the electrical equipment, I quickly accessed the system interface in my mind and requested assistance from the AI system. "Do you have an item that can handle electricity so that I can aim it at Future Peter Parker, please? Something affordable," I requested, hoping for a solution that wouldn't drain all my resources.


"There is one, host," the AI system responded promptly. "Initiating search... ding...." 

Among the options displayed by the AI system, one caught my attention.


[Volt Absorber 5000 – 500,000 shop points. This cool gauntlet lets you absorb electricity. But here's the catch: when you use it, you feel the electricity too.]


"Perfect," I muttered under my breath, a sense of relief washing over me as I confirmed my selection. "This will do."


To be continued