Chapter 143: The Dawn of Sun (11)

After declaring his intentions, Electro wasted no time in heading towards the Hilton Company. His determination fueled his steps as he stormed through the building, electricity crackling around him. With a burst of power, he shattered the walls, clearing a path straight to the CEO's office where Chris Hilton awaited.

Inside the Hilton Company, panic rippled through the corridors like wildfire. The thunderous sounds of Electro's rampage echoed through the building, each crack and crash sending shivers down the spines of the employees.

As Electro charged through the offices towards Chris Hilton, he left a path of destruction behind him. He blasted holes through walls, leaving gaping openings that showed the chaos of his rampage. The terrified employees were left huddling together, not knowing where to run or hide. The sight of the damaged walls served as a clear sign of the danger they were in, adding to their fear and confusion.

Some fled in terror, scrambling for exits and stairwells in a desperate bid to escape the danger that lurked within their own workplace. Others cowered under desks or behind overturned furniture, praying for safety as the chaos raged on.

Upon entering the CEO's office, Electro was taken aback to find Chris Hilton calmly seated, making no attempt to flee or hide. Surprised by Chris's lack of reaction, Electro confronted him, demanding to know why he hadn't attempted to escape.

Meeting Electro's gaze with a somber intensity, Chris spoke with a tone heavy with remorse. "It's my fault." he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm the one who shaped you into what you've become."

Electro's anger flared at Chris's display of empathy, rejecting any notion of care or concern from the man he once admired. "Don't pretend to care now," he snapped, his frustration palpable. "You've turned me into a wanted criminal!"



Chris's attempt to defend himself fell on deaf ears as Electro continued to accuse him of betrayal. Pointing an accusatory finger at himself, Electro's voice cracked with emotion. "I trusted you, looked up to you like a father figure... and you let me down." he choked out, tears welling in his eyes.



Chris, confronted with Electro's raw pain, offered a feeble apology. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice heavy with remorse. "But I never said those things."



Electro's frustration boiled over, dismissing Chris's apology as he demanded answers. "Bullshit!" he spat, his tone laced with venom. "Why did your daughter say those things?"



Chris faltered, grappling for an explanation. Aware of the danger his daughter faced, he made a split-second decision to shield her from harm, accepting the blame. "I'm sorry, Max." he conceded, his voice strained with regret. "But I swear that I will fix—"



Before Chris could finish his sentence, Electro cut him off with a harsh command. "Shut up!" he roared, his anger igniting another surge of electricity. Without hesitation, he unleashed a bolt of energy toward Chris, his rage pulsating with intensity.



Chris quickly dodged the electric blast and grabbed a nearby chair to shield himself from more attacks.

[Electro's attacks were all over the place, like a storm gone wild. He was throwing bolts of electricity in every direction, but it seemed like he didn't have much control. Due to his inexperience, instead of aiming carefully, he was just letting loose, hitting anything and everything around him. It was chaotic, with sparks flying everywhere, but most of his shots were missing their targets by a mile.]

"You!!" Electro's anger was palpable as he watched Chris defend himself. "Tricky bastard!"

Tension filled the air as they faced off, both ready for the next move in their intense confrontation.

Then Electro's words crackled with resentment as he glared at Chris. "Don't evade, you slippery bastard!"

Chris, crouched behind the chair for cover, spoke with a mixture of regret and determination. "I'm sorry, but I can't heed your words. I want to live, for the sake of my friends and family. They'd be devastated if I died."

Electro's anger surged. "Do you think I don't have a family? I do, you bastard! But because of you, I can't go back to them!"

Chris, his voice heavy with remorse, pleaded, "I'm truly sorry. I want to fix this."


But Electro's resolve was unyielding. "Too late. I am now consumed by revenge. Nothing can stop me now!"

Chris sighed, resignation coloring his tone. "Then I have no choice but to fight you."



[Despite no longer actively training, Chris's years as a vigilante and his military background had honed his combat skills to a mastery level. He prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation with Electro, ready to defend himself and those he cared about.]

"Is that so? Then rot, you bastard!" Electro's voice thundered as he unleashed a surge of electricity towards Chris.

Chris, utilizing the chair for cover and relying on his agility, narrowly evaded the deadly bolts. Despite his efforts, some of the electricity grazed him, prompting a muttered curse. "Shit, I'm getting rusty."

With relentless determination, Electro continued his assault. "Die!"

Chris swiftly hurled the chair towards Electro, using it as a distraction before bolting towards the exit of the office to gain more distance.

Electro's reflexes were sharp due to his mutation, and he evaded the incoming chair with ease. Frustration etched across his face as he watched Chris make a break for it. "You bastard!"

Electro, fueled by his resolve, pursued Chris through the building. Every step he took crackled with electric power, like bolts of lightning at his heels. The chase was like something out of a movie, with tension so thick you could practically feel it in the air. They darted through the twisting corridors, their paths crossing in a dangerous game of hide-and-seek. It was like watching a predator chasing its prey, with Electro relentlessly hunting down Chris, who was doing everything he could to stay one step ahead.

As Chris escaped the office room, his plea for mercy fell on deaf ears. "Stop this, Max, please!"

But Electro's resolve remained unshaken. "I won't stop until I kill you!"

As Electro shot another blast of electricity, Chris saw it heading straight for the terrified Employees. They were frozen in place, unable to move as danger loomed closer. Despite the risk, Chris realized he had to act fast. He knew he had to protect them, even at the cost of his own safety. Chris shielded the panicked bystanders, absorbing the brunt of the attack himself.

Chris's agonized grunt filled the building as he sank to his knees, the searing pain coursing through his body forcing him into submission.

Electro's lips curled into a cruel smirk as he watched Chris's suffering, relishing in the sight of his adversary brought to his knees. "Finally, I hit you," he taunted, his voice dripping with vindication. With a chilling calmness, he added, "Any last words?"

Despite the intense agony, Chris mustered the strength to speak, his words strained and labored. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the father figure you needed."


Electro's confident smirk wavered, replaced by a fleeting moment of vulnerability when Chris unexpectedly apologized. But he swiftly regained his composure, determined not to let emotions sway him. "Bye bye, Chris Hilton.." he retorted coldly, dismissing Chris's words as mere attempts to manipulate him.

Then A strange sensation pricked at the corners of Electro's eyes, his fingers trembling slightly as he reached up to touch his face. "What is this?" he muttered. He was Shocked, his eyes widened as they filled with tears. Despite his vow to close off his heart and exact revenge on Chris, the unexpected surge of emotion caught him off guard.

Before Electro could dwell on the strange sensation, a commanding voice pierced through the tension like a clarion call. "Get away from him!!"



Electro's attention snapped towards the source of the voice, his eyes widening in recognition as he beheld Spider-Man Red standing defiantly before him.

"Spider-Man!!!" Electro exclaimed, his surprise tinged with a hint of apprehension at the unexpected arrival of the Red Spider.



[Meanwhile Dr Doom Side]


Meanwhile, atop the Empire State Building


After Chameleon finished his monologue, he turned to Dr. Doom with a sense of urgency. "Sir, I should leave now and cause some chaos throughout New York."


 Dr. Doom nodded, his expression unreadable behind his metal mask. "Okay, you may go now."

Chameleon nodded in return. "Thank you, sir." He then activated his watch, which transformed him into an eagle. With a final glance at Dr. Doom, both nodded to each other in understanding.



Chameleon spread his wings and soared into the sky, leaving Dr. Doom alone atop the Empire State Building.



Dr. Doom watched as Chameleon flew away, his mind already turning to the next phase of his plan. He picked up the megaphone once more, ready to address the city.



Dr. Doom, with the formidable "Orbit Sun" glowing ominously in his hand, stood alone after Chameleon's departure. The city stretched out below, unaware of the impending terror.



Dr. Doom's voice, amplified by the special megaphone, boomed through the city, reaching every corner. "Citizens of New York, I am Dr. Doom. I have a message for you all."



He paused, allowing the tension to build. "If you do not heed my commands, if you do not follow my rules, you will all suffer through my power!" His voice reverberated with a chilling authority.



He held up the Orbit Sun, its intense light casting an eerie glow across the city. "Behold the Orbit Sun!!" he declared. The orb's light intensified, illuminating the skyline and causing widespread panic among the inhabitants.



Below, people stopped in their tracks, shielding their eyes from the bright light. Fear and confusion spread quickly as they realized Dr. Doom's threat was real.


Dr. Doom continued, his voice unwavering. "If you follow my rules, then nothing will happen. But if you defy me, you will die under the Orbit Sun, which I hold in the palm of my hand."


[Meanwhile, with Nightwing and Lady Vamp]

Mark Taylor, aka Nightwing, and Emily Hawkins, aka Lady Vamp, continued their assault against the terrorists. The chaos in the streets was palpable as they moved through, rescuing civilians and subduing attackers.



"Keep moving!" Mark shouted to the panicked civilians, guiding them to safety.



Emily, her vampiric senses heightened, detected more terrorists around the corner. "Mark, more coming our way."



Mark nodded, his resolve solid. "Let's finish this and get to the source of those voices."


[Meanwhile, with the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]

Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Al MacKenzie, Agent Maria Hill, and their team continued their fierce battle against the terrorists. The streets were a warzone, but S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were trained for this.

"Focus fire on the flanks!" Phil ordered, coordinating their efforts.

Maria Hill, with steely determination, led a group of agents to secure a nearby building. "We need to clear this area and get these people to safety."


Al MacKenzie nodded, covering her as they moved. "On it, Maria."


[Peter Parker]

The battle raged on between Me and Electro.

The crackling electricity and the sound of my web-shooters filled the air as we clashed. Electro's blasts of raw power were relentless, but I kept moving, using every ounce of agility to stay one step ahead.



Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chris Hilton. Despite his injuries, he managed to find some cover. His eyes were filled with a mix of fear and hope. He was counting on me to stop Electro's rampage.



Electro's frustration was palpable. He unleashed a massive surge of electricity, the air around us crackling with energy. "Enough! I'll take you all down!" he roared, his voice echoing with fury.



I leaped to avoid the surge, firing webs to distract him. "Not today, Electro!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination. Each move I made was calculated, as each web shot I aimed was to keep him off balance.



[Back with Dr. Doom]

Dr. Doom, satisfied with the panic he had caused, lowered the megaphone and looked out over the city. He knew the heroes would come for him, but he was prepared. The Orbit Sun pulsed with energy in his hand, a symbol of his ultimate power.



"I won't let them interfere with my plan for absolute peace!" he declared, his tone resolute and unyielding..


As chaos reigned in the streets below, the stage was set for a final confrontation. The heroes, including Michael Wilson, aka Legendary Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man Red, along with their comrades, knew that they had to band together to stop Dr. Doom and his allies. Their mission was clear: to save the city and restore peace. But the path ahead was fraught with danger, and they would need every ounce of their strength and courage to win.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, as Michael, Peter, and their fellow heroes face their greatest challenge yet in the battle against Dr. Doom and his formidable forces.

To be continued