In the prestigious circles of the Third District, everyone knows of the affection Amelia, the heiress of the Johnson family, holds for Alexander. They are childhood sweethearts from equally esteemed backgrounds.
the bride, Amelia, is unusually excited! For completing this wedding means she can finally break free from an arranged marriage, fulfilling a promise to her grandfather.
However, on the very day of their grand wedding, the groom suddenly disappears! People may express sympathy or wait for it to turn into a joke.
Amelia, left without a groom on her wedding day, decides to randomly choose a replacement groom. Little does she know, this decision leads her into an unforeseen marriage with the Empire's top commander, Ethan. Although initially panicked, Amelia gradually discovers Ethan's extraordinary charm through a series of events.
This story is brimming with humor and unexpected twists, while delving into the whims of fate and the wonders of love. As the relationship between Amelia and Ethan unfolds, they will face a series of challenges and adventures, embarking on a journey filled with passion and laughter, presenting readers with a unique love story.