Chapter 50: End Of Analysis

After being amazed by Captain America's incredible physical feats in the first battle, the experts quickly noticed something important.

It was his shield.

Professor Miyazaki was the first to present a theory. He suggested that while the physical strength shown by Captain America was impressive, his most amazing stunts—like facing a rocket and jumping from the sixth floor—weren't just due to his strong physique.

Especially the perfect free fall.

Professor Miyazaki paused the video, showing Felix standing by the window looking down. He pointed out that when Captain America landed, there were no cracks on the ground, unlike the other man, whose landing caused significant damage to the concrete.

This can't be explained by physical strength alone. So, Professor Miyazaki believed the secret was in the shield.

"Maybe it cancels out the shock," he said. "Whether it's against shells or falling from a height, the shield is key.

He used the shield to buffer his landing, and the impact force was absorbed by the special power in the shield, so the ground remained undamaged.

This also explains why he's unaffected by kinetic energy when blocking shell attacks with the shield."

Everyone in the meeting was silent for a while, trying to understand and accept what was being said.

Soon, someone looked at Minister Shi Jinqiang of the Equipment Department.

"Minister Shi..."

"We don't know, I don't know, and I haven't heard of it," Minister Shi quickly responded before anyone could ask.

Shi Jinqiang was frustrated. He thought to himself that he was only in charge of the equipment department. Why did everyone keep asking him these complicated questions?

Why don't you just ask the magic conch?

Continuing to discuss this wouldn't help unless they could get their hands on the shield for research. Maybe then they could figure something out.

Ever since Batman showed up with all his fancy gadgets, Shi Jinqiang's team had been working nonstop, trying to figure out if those high-tech weapons could actually work in real life.

It felt like someone gave you the answer to a really hard math problem and then asked you to figure out how they got it. It was still hard, but now you had to figure it out in front of everyone and not mess up.

At the start of this meeting, Shi Jinqiang had hoped that since this was about a warrior, not a magician, someone else would have to deal with it, like Professor Miyazaki. He thought this time it wouldn't be his problem to solve.

The real issue was the shield itself, which ended up being a problem that they couldn't solve.

Batman's technologies, like mobility, propulsion, and freezing effects, had clear starting points for research. But a plain shield didn't give any clues on where to begin.

Minister Shi was stumped.

Fortunately, they didn't dwell on the shield for too long and moved on to the next topic: the source of infection.

The main source of infection seemed to be Xu Wenhan. Driven mad by the infection, he pretended to be his resurrected girlfriend and attacked Dr. Li at the Central Hospital and other women similar to Guo Xiaoyun.

However, there was no significant spread of the infection this time. Some residents in the same building felt spooked and frightened recently, causing some negative emotions, but it wasn't a major issue.

Finally, there was the mysterious smiling man who appeared.

Based on video evidence and Felix's description, the smiling man seemed connected to the previous case involving Guan Ye. It suggested the same person was behind both incidents.

The smiling man's identity was soon revealed.

His real name was Nagao Katsumi. He was framed and imprisoned. After being released, he lost his family and couldn't find a job, leading to a long period of depression.

In the previous incidents, like with Guan Ye, Xu Wenhan, and Nagao Keshi, they all had one thing in common: they should have been dead.

"I suggested this idea before, and this incident confirms it," Professor Miyazaki said. "The person behind all this seems to have a special ability to infect those who are dying or even those who have died.

People infected after death tend to gain powerful abilities. These infected individuals and the people they infect are more likely to leave behind a spiritual body after they are eliminated. When these spiritual bodies gather, they can become an unknown monster, like what happened last time."

"So," Li Changcheng said after a pause, "we're dealing with an infected person who has enhanced infection abilities. He can infect the dead and turn them into a more terrifying source of infection."

Everyone realized that if this was true, the situation had become even more serious.

If there's anything scarier than a madman, it's a madman with ideas and strength. And even worse, if the madman has money and power.

It's like being Batman...

If there's anything scarier than a madman with money, power, and ideas, it's that he's contagious.

There was a long silence in the conference room, and everyone looked worried. Felix thought for a moment before speaking.

"I think,"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone turned to look at him.

"The man—I mean, the person behind all this—he's a twisted lunatic. He claims to be the embodiment of the 'nothing' that people fear, and he thinks everyone is as dark inside as he is. He's committed to proving that."

Professor Miyazaki nodded. "People with strong negative emotions are more likely to be infected. This is a basic principle of infection events."

Even the dead, only those who had strong emotions like resentment, anger, or fear while they were alive, can be used."

"Exactly," Felix said, clearing his throat. "The man tried to infect the girl who died, but he found he couldn't do it. Because she died without resentment, anger, or fear."

He took a deep breath and raised his voice.

"Here's what I'm trying to say... the man behind all this was wrong. He wanted to prove that everyone was as dark as him, but this incident proved him wrong.

Maybe this is what Batman and his group are trying to tell us too. The darkness inside us is what allows the infection to spread. Demons are, to some extent, of our own making.

So, if we can inspire people's good sides, teach them to face their fears, and get rid of the 'darkness' in everyone's heart, the infection will be stopped at its source."

After speaking, he added, "I think that's exactly what they're doing, trying to tell us... like the signal lights that appeared that night."

These words made the leaders think deeply, and even Chu Cheng, who represented the "Batman Behind the Scenes Organization," was stunned for a moment.

So that's what it is?

But I think what he said makes sense...

In the Grove Group Building, Felix's uncle, Galadin Grove, sat behind his desk. Felix's maid entered the office with a handheld computer and handed it to Galadin.

Galadin unlocked the screen and saw a video shot by Felix during his recent mission. In the video, a hero in a tight uniform held a shield and easily defeated the laughing Infected, knocking him down from the sixth floor and then finishing him off.

"A new mysterious character? Interesting," Galadin smiled.

"I didn't expect it would be so convenient for the young master to join the organization," the maid said, bowing slightly. "These are top-secret images from Secret Service Nine. We wouldn't have been able to see them without him."

Galadin looked up at her and smiled slightly.

"It's not luck."

The maid tilted her head, puzzled.

"Felix thinks he joined the Ninth Division on his own will. But the truth is, this is the path the family arranged for him from the very beginning."