Chapter 52: Testing Daredevil

Daredevil crouched on top of the tall building, listening intently to the city below. The night was like a massive, dark painting, with various shades of black and the unique red and green city lights looking like stains on the canvas.

But in truth, he couldn't "see" any of this.

Daredevil is blind.

The devil, whose real name is Matt Murdock, is a lawyer. Many call him "the lawyer." As a child, Matt had an accident and was hit by a truck carrying chemical reagents. The radioactive substances spilled from the truck blinded him. He lost his vision, but his other four senses became superhuman, giving him a "radar sense."

This radar sense allows Matt to perceive the world in a unique way, mainly through super hearing. It's different from Superman's hearing, which can pick up sounds from anywhere on Earth. Matt's hearing is more like sonar, mapping out objects and scenes to create 3D models in his mind.

In a way, Daredevil "sees" with his ears instead of just "listening" like regular people.

Because of this unique ability, walls and barriers are useless to him. The whole world is like an open book in his "vision."

His sense of hearing can create 3D models of several streets in his mind. If needed, he can even "see" the exact positions of people in a building.

This ability was displayed on Chu Cheng's monitor. When Daredevil appeared in urban areas, the whole screen turned gray, similar to the Eagle Vision in the Assassin's Creed games.

At this time, Chu Cheng's visual experience was very similar to Batman's detective vision but with more detailed information and better sensory effects.

First, the detection range is a huge improvement. Daredevil's radar senses cover about twice the area of Batman's detective mode. No one's movements within this range can escape his senses.

There's also enhanced hearing. While the devil was on the roof, Chu Cheng could even hear the gossip of people on the street below through his headphones.

This is with Daredevil's hearing being automatically suppressed. When fully open, the amount of information and noise can cause a mental breakdown, so Daredevil has been trained since childhood to manage and filter the information he receives.

But Chu Cheng found that he could control Daredevil to enhance his hearing, focusing on a specific direction or room to listen more intently. This ability allowed him to hear farther and more clearly.

After just a bit of practice, Chu Cheng found this experience very strange. It was like stepping into Daredevil's shoes with a 360-degree surround sound effect in his headphones. He could even hear Aunt Li in the barbershop praising someone for being handsome.

However, the game screen only showed what Daredevil could hear. When operating other hero characters, you could see the horizon and cityscape in the distance. But with Daredevil, anything beyond his hearing range was completely blurred.

So, Chu Cheng immediately directed Daredevil to rush in that direction. In the dark night, the red demon pulled out the short stick tied to his leg, swung it, and the rope flew out.

The short stick is Daredevil's special weapon, similar to Batman's grappling hook, helping him fly over rooftops and walls.

Fans of Daredevil know that this hero shares many similarities with DC's Batman, except he doesn't have money, high-tech gadgets, or an extensive skill set.

Early Daredevil was actually very different.

Although his origin involved the tragic death of his father, Daredevil wasn't a major superhero at first. His story and personal life were pretty simple.

As a superhero, he fought low-level street thugs in weird costumes, and in his private life, he often found himself in complicated love triangles with his best friends and beautiful secretary.

The real change for Daredevil came with Frank Miller, the author of "Batman: Year One" and "The Dark Knight Returns." Miller brought his dark, serious style from Batman to Daredevil, making the character more complex and mature. This is why later versions of Daredevil are so dark and gritty, full of bitterness and perseverance.

Despite his serious demeanor, Daredevil has a complicated love life. His past girlfriends include his secretary Karen Page, the villain Typhoid Mary, and the assassin Elektra. Even Black Widow, a well-known Marvel character with many relationships, had an affair with him.

Zang Fei stood on the pier with his hands in his pockets, shivering as the cold wind blew off the water.

Yesterday was his eighth birthday, but no one seemed to remember. His divorced parents had moved on with their lives, forgetting about him.

He had dropped out of high school two years ago. Since then, he had been drifting aimlessly until he found himself here.

Recently, he'd had some luck. Brother Dao, a notorious gang leader, had noticed him and decided to support him. Brother Dao was feared by everyone around, including his own gang members.

Zang Fei was no exception.

This was his first mission for Brother Dao. He just wanted to get the job done, keep his mouth shut, and avoid any trouble.

But when the shipment arrived and the container door was opened with a clanging of heavy chains, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Inside the box were... people?