Chapter 53: Daredevil In Action

The "goods" they were talking about were actually people, including women and children. Their expressions were blank, and their once-bright eyes were now dull and lifeless.

Zang Fei felt terrified and took a couple of steps back.

He turned to look at his companion standing beside him.

The companion's name was Sean, one of Zang Fei's best buddies in the gang. Sean was wearing a shiny black vest with a silver skull pendant around his neck. With his tall and strong build, he looked like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to mess with.

"Those are... our goods?" Zang Fei couldn't help asking.

"Yeah." Sean exhaled a smoke ring and grinned at him, showing his blackened teeth. "They'll sell for a good price, right?"

His tone was so relaxed and casual, as if all the people in the container were just bargaining chips for trading money.

Zang Fei felt his breathing become short and panicked. He heard a voice inside him shouting something, but he tried to ignore it.

Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, he said to himself.

He was just a small fry, a nobody, and there wasn't much he could do. He just wanted to complete his first mission and leave a good impression on Brother Dao.

He avoided looking at the blank stares in the container, as if those eyes were burning him.

"Okay... Sean," he tried to find a topic to distract himself, "how many times have you done this kind of mission? I mean... cargo like this?"

But there was no answer.

Zang Fei looked around and realized that the big man who had been standing next to him a minute ago had vanished.

He froze for a moment, feeling a sudden wave of fear as he realized something was very wrong.

Then the walkie-talkie crackled to life.

"Has anyone seen where Ah Wei went?"

"This is Hojo. Brother Qiang is missing."

Zang Fei quickly picked up his walkie-talkie and said, "This is Zang Fei. I can't find Xiao En."

It was only then that everyone realized they had lost five or six people without even noticing.

"We're being targeted," said Brother Dao, who led the team. "Everyone, gather here now!"

Immediately, everyone stopped what they were doing and moved to where Brother Dao was.

Zang Fei also moved, but as he walked, he glanced at the people trapped in the container. Their helpless, sad eyes made him feel like his heart was being stabbed.

Despite the rising panic inside him, Zang Fei did his best to push it aside and followed the order to join the group.

Everyone began to gather in the center. The gangsters stopped their activities and joined the group.

But no one noticed a red shadow crouching on top of a container, watching them closely.

They thought that staying together would keep them safe. After all, in horror movies, it's always the people who wander off alone who get into trouble. Splitting up is definitely a big mistake in any scary movie.

Chu Cheng, watching from behind the screen, couldn't help but laugh.

If the team had spread out, Chu Cheng would need to carefully plan their attack to make sure Daredevil didn't get caught in crossfire. He'd have to think about the best attack path and target sequence.

But since everyone was moving in the same direction, it was a perfect chance.

Daredevil dashed forward, leaped off the top of a container, and kicked a gangster in the head. The powerful kick knocked him out cold.

A thug in front quickly turned around and fired a burst of bullets, but Daredevil had already dodged. The bullets only sparked off the container.

The thug ran to check on his buddy, keeping his gun aimed where Daredevil had been, ready to shoot at any moment.

But he never expected Daredevil to leap out from the shadows. He turned pale with fright and tried to aim his gun, but an alloy baton struck his face sideways. His brain buzzed, and he blacked out as he hit the ground.

Nearby, a gangster heard the gunshots and called out his companion's name while hurrying over. But he didn't expect that as soon as they took a few steps in this direction, a red shadow had already landed behind them. Daredevil knocked the last man unconscious with a quick backhand swing of his baton.

Chu Cheng, operating as Daredevil for the first time, quickly got the hang of it since Daredevil's fighting style was similar to Batman's. The general strategy for this kind of hero is straightforward: avoid direct confrontations and prioritize taking down enemies from behind.

Using Daredevil's radar sense to maintain full awareness, Chu Cheng avoided frontal fights, staying hidden in the dark. He attacked when the enemy retreated and retreated when they advanced. If the enemy hesitated, he would sneak around to take them down from the back row.

Today's mission was a simple daily task to test the new hero. Daredevil wasn't as strong as the other heroes and had specialized skills more suited for scouting rather than direct combat. While Daredevil excelled in sneaking and scouting, Batman was better suited for direct fights.

Of course, dealing with these small-time criminals wasn't the real challenge.

The number of gang members kept decreasing until only a few, including Zang Fei, managed to reach Brother Dao.

Brother Dao, with his swollen face and earrings, usually looked fierce enough to make most people steer clear. But now he looked worried.

He realized his men were getting taken out, and worse, they hadn't even seen who was doing it. He guessed it might be Batman or one of those other masked heroes popping up lately. But whoever it was, they were out of their league.

After all, they were just low-level criminals. Picking on weak people was easy, but these heroes were a whole different story.

Brother Dao glanced at a nearby container, feeling torn. Losing this shipment hurt, but as the saying goes, "If you keep the green hills, you'll never worry about firewood." You can make more money, but you can't replace lives.

So, he casually told Zang Fei, "You, come here. Go get the car. The rest of you, stay back."


No one was prepared for what happened next. Zang Fei walked up to Brother Dao unhurriedly and then picked up a brick.

Brother Dao didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. The brick hit his head, his vision blacked out, stars flashed, and he toppled over.

The others were just as stunned.

They barely remembered that this young man was a newcomer Brother Dao had recently brought along. No one even remembered his name.

Everyone was stunned and didn't move to stop him. They watched as Zang Fei climbed on top of Brother Dao, who had fallen to the ground, and smashed a brick into his head over and over. Once, twice, three times...

The brick was soaked in blood, turning dark red, and Brother Dao's head was reduced to a bloody mess. Each blow splattered more gore, like a stone dropping into a muddy puddle.

Then they heard laughter.

Zang Fei, sitting on the headless corpse, started laughing. At first, it was low, but it grew louder and louder until his whole body shook with it, sending chills down their spines.

Meanwhile, Chu Cheng had taken out most of the gangsters at the docks. Soon, only Brother Dao and a few others remained.

But when Daredevil jumped out of the container and reached the pier, Chu Cheng saw something he hadn't expected at all—

Several gangsters lay in pools of blood, and one of them had his head smashed into a gory mess.

A young man had smeared the sticky blood on the corner of his mouth like lipstick. He held a blood-red brick and turned his head, grinning with a crazy look in his eyes as he saw Daredevil.

He laughed wildly and charged at Daredevil.