Chapter 54: Trouble In the Police Station

Chu Cheng was shocked when he first saw the bloody corpse on the floor. He wondered if there was a traitor in his own group, someone who had solved the problem before he even got there.

What was going on? Was this some twisted way to show loyalty to him?

No, that couldn't be it. Before the other guy could pick up a brick and rush at him, Chu Cheng saw the twisted smile on his face and realized he was dealing with an infected person again.

This new attacker was just as enthusiastic, charging at Daredevil.

Chu Cheng controlled Daredevil to quickly dodge, narrowly avoiding the brick. He then kicked the attacker's wrist, sending the brick flying.

Daredevil moved to the outside of the attacker's arm, drew his baton, and struck the attacker hard on the head. The impact was enough to knock out a normal person, but the infected guy only staggered, then turned around and grabbed at Chu Cheng.

Chu Cheng stayed alert. Daredevil held his sticks in a defensive posture, ready for another attack.

But the infected person didn't attack again.

He took two stiff steps toward Daredevil, acting like he was going to make a move.


Without warning, his head exploded like bloody firework.

The headless body fell to its knees, then collapsed to the ground, unmoving.

The infection had overwhelmed his body, causing him to explode.

Chu Cheng frowned.

After confirming the infected person was dead, Chu Cheng felt strange but released the hostages locked in the container first.

Criminals come in different types. Some are grand thieves, some are poor people forced into crime, and some follow their own set of controversial rules.

But there's also a group of criminals so despicable that even other criminals despise them. Brother Dao, whose head had just exploded, fell into this category. Despite his gruesome death, Chu Cheng felt no sympathy for him.

Daredevil waited for a moment. It wasn't until a team of Secret Service Nine agents arrived—identified by radar senses—that he ensured all the hostages were handed over to them. Then he extended his stick, fired the claw, swung the rope, and left.

Chu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief. He felt like it was time to wrap things up for the day. He had earned plenty of points and tried out the new heroes.

But points can only be earned if he didn't exhaust himself.

Daredevil landed on top of a building. Chu Cheng called up the menu, and his mouse hovered over the logout button. Just then, he saw an exclamation mark appear in the corner of the screen, indicating a new mission.

His cursor moved away from the logout button, and his eyes were drawn to the exclamation mark.

It was like cleaning a window and spotting a stubborn stain on the shiny glass. He couldn't ignore it.

Every mission that pops up means someone needs help in reality, and each of these missions is a valuable experience. Ignoring such a big exclamation mark felt like missing out on something important.

Chu Cheng realized that being a hero was really tough.

Batman might be able to run a company during the day and fight crime at night, but even just sitting in front of a computer and patrolling the virtual world for hours was exhausting enough.

The next day, he might be suspected by his coworkers of being up to something shady all night.

Daredevil's heightened senses let him detect more than other heroes. He could sense ongoing criminal activities in a wide range, overhear plots in closed rooms, and even pick up on phone conversations hinting at impending events.

It might be easier to complete quests with Daredevil, and you might gain experience faster.

Chu Cheng guided Daredevil towards the exclamation mark on the map and used the hearing booster. The sound came from a security patrol car. The car's radio transmitted chaotic shouts, noises of objects colliding, and calls for help.

"This is the Fourth Precinct of the City Police Department!" someone shouted desperately. "Requesting backup! We need help."

Then there was a loud bang, like a gunshot, abruptly cut off, followed by a creepy laugh.

The patrolling officer immediately turned on the security lights on the car's roof. The siren wailed, and the patrol car sped towards the Fourth Precinct.

Chu Cheng was stunned.

Wow, is someone attacking the police station?


A few minutes earlier at the Fourth Precinct of the Jiangdu Police Department.

Chief Lin sat in his office, smoked his last cigarette of the day, and got up to leave.

Even though it wasn't quite time to leave yet, today he promised his wife he'd pick up the kids from school. The kids had an evening class, and they only had an hour to eat dinner before that, so he had to leave a bit early.

As soon as Chief Lin stepped out of his office, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound. Without warning, the entire police station plunged into darkness.

"What's going on?"

"Is there a power outage?"

The officers were confused for a few seconds, but then the backup generator kicked in, and the eerie, cool-toned lights came on.

But before they could relax, someone said, "George? What are you doing?"

They saw Officer George standing by the water cooler, slowly turning around with a stiff and creepy smile on his face.

He raised his arms slowly, holding his gun.

Chief Lin quickly realized that the black muzzle of the gun was pointing right at him.


The gunshot rang out, and a flower of blood bloomed on the chief's chest. The intense pain was brief, and soon he couldn't feel anything. He fell to the ground as everyone around him screamed.