Chapter 108: Why The Hurry?

The defense was quickly overwhelmed.

Even though Chai Yanluo appeared calm on the outside, he was panicking inside. 

What was happening?

The intelligence he'd gathered said these costumed heroes were just regular people—maybe well-trained, but still regular folks with good skills.

That's what his reliable sources had told him. Stories about people who could turn invisible or cast spells were just rumors. He thought that as long as he could trap them, no matter how strong their armor was, they'd eventually go down with enough firepower.

But what was up with the guy in pajamas down there? This was insane!

Chai Yanluo was starting to think he'd been completely fooled by those shady intel dealers.

How were they supposed to handle a freak like this?

Meanwhile, the fight below continued.

Four major gangs had teamed up, surrounding a guy in pajamas who seemed harmless. But within two minutes, more than half of the gang members were down. This one-man army scene was crazier than anything in the movies.

They quickly realized that this guy wasn't just fast.

Tang Shining from one of the gangs was probably the toughest there. He was over six feet tall, built like a tank, and his strength was legendary among the gangs. If there was a ranking of the toughest thugs in town, he'd be in the top ten for sure.

But when he threw a punch at the skinny guy, everyone saw something wild. The guy in pajamas raised his palm behind him without even looking.

Compared to Tang Shining's massive frame, the skinny dude's arm looked like a twig—like it could snap at any moment.

Tang Shin's fist slammed into the open palm.


Tang Shining let out a painful groan, holding his fist as he stumbled back, wincing in pain. His hand was broken.

The people around him were in shock, their mouths hanging open.

Some of them had felt Tang Shining's power before. Even professional boxers wouldn't dare take a punch from him head-on.

But here was this scrawny guy in pajamas, blocking the punch like it was nothing—no serious counterattack, just a simple block—and Tang Shining was down for the count.

"Wow, that was a strong punch, dude. You look like you eat your veggies and drink your milk." Spider-Man quipped, trash-talking as he kicked Tang Shining in the chin with a flying kick.

Tang Shining felt like his chin had been hit with a sledgehammer. His head buzzed, and stars danced in front of his eyes. He blacked out for a moment, falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Everyone else: "What the hell?"

The scene was even crazier because of the huge size difference between the two. The remaining gang members were completely demoralized.

To be fair, what they'd seen was just a fraction of Spider-Man's true strength. With a strength of over 40,000 pounds, he was holding back.

Fortunately, Spider-Man was a kind-hearted hero with a no-kill rule, even softer than Captain America when it came to handling criminals.

Batman doesn't kill people, but he doesn't hold back when it comes to crushing bones, as long as he knows it won't be fatal.

However, that's a bit intense for a superhero like Spider-Man. He usually just knocks out his enemies or ties them up with webs, maybe giving them a mild fracture at most. Nothing too severe.

In fact, in the game, Spider-Man has a non-lethal setting when facing regular people. Otherwise, his 20-ton kick would do a lot more than just knock someone out.

That picture wouldn't be so PG-13.

Okita, the leader of the Okita gang from the Jade Gate Collective, was also part of today's ambush. Back in the day, Okita was famous for single-handedly taking down entire gangs, earning a reputation across Jiangdu. People called him a legend.

After the other gangs, like the Hatchet Gang, Carver Cartel, and the Edge Syndicate, went down after some heavy fire, they were pretty much done for. But the Jiangan Alliance wasn't finished yet.

Or at least, not completely.

Brother Okita was like a beacon for his crew. His legendary status within the organization, often hyped up to mythical proportions, gave his team some reassurance. Just being near him made them feel safer.

Okita, a seasoned fighter, stayed calm despite the chaos. As he saw more and more allies fall, he quickly came up with a plan.

"They're just a mob; this isn't how you fight," Okita said calmly. "We'll split into four groups and each take a limb. Follow my lead, and we might stand a chance."

He knew that in street fights, numbers win. As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands. No matter how skilled you are, if you get grabbed by your limbs, you're done.

"Yes, brother! We're with you!"

This order might not have been perfect, but it gave the nervous gang members some comfort. With their leader taking charge, they felt like they had a chance.

"Alright, on my count—three, two, one... go!"

The gang members howled and charged at Spider-Man all at once, each trying to grab a limb. They weren't interested in fighting fair; they just wanted to bring him down.

... But then there was a loud crash, and they were all thrown in different directions.

The strategy was solid, but the problem was that their opponent wasn't human.

One of the gang members, coughing up blood, wanted to tell Okita that his plan didn't work. But when he looked around...

...Why was Okita so far away?

It turned out that as soon as Okita shouted the command and his crew rushed in, he had already turned and run. The reason he sent them in was just to buy himself some time.

What? Work together to take down Spider-Man? Not a chance!

What the heck? How can someone this fast and strong be from our side? The guys who got beaten didn't realize there's a rule against killing from the other side. They thought if they were caught by this freak, they wouldn't survive.

Are you afraid of being executed?

Luckily, the black van they brought was parked in the alley nearby. Okita jumped into the driver's seat, started the van, and floored it, driving away as fast as he could.

Okita was tough, but he knew when to run. He might be mocked later, and he might lose some respect, but right now, escaping from the freak felt like the only smart choice.

He felt a mix of fear and relief. As he sped away, he noticed his whole body was drenched in sweat, his hands were shaking, and he was breathing heavily.

He tried to calm himself down. There was no need to be afraid. His team had bought him enough time, and the van was speeding away. There was no way the freak could catch up.

But then he heard a thud from above.

The van top seemed to sink suddenly.

Panic washed over him, like a warning light flashing in his mind. The freak in tights had somehow landed on the roof of his van. The freak leaned down into the window next to him and asked, "Hi there, where are you going in such a hurry?"