Stella was worried

3 Chapter 3: Stella was worried.

Mr. Jack was in bed with Stella when he heard her groan and immediately woke up.

"What's wrong with your head?" he asked.

"Ahh! I have a terrible headache, and my head feels incredibly hot," she cried.

"Please, I need to go to the hospital."

"You'll have to wait until morning because late now," Mr. Jack replied.

"Okay, I'll try my best to wait until daybreak," she agreed.

"Good. If you disturb me again, I'll push you out, and you can shout outside since I didn't tell you to go out yesterday when you shouldn't have," he warned.

"I'll bear it," she promised.

Mr. Jack lay down again to sleep, while Stella was in pain and blaming herself for going out for money the previous day.

The headache kept her awake until daybreak, and her head felt increasingly hot to the touch.


Stella glanced at the wall clock; it was 5:00 AM. She got up and left the house.

After walking for about a mile or two, she found a large bag and opened it. Inside, she discovered thousands of naira.

Suddenly, she heard a man's voice, "Now, carry the bag." She obeyed and lifted the bag, disappearing instantly.

She found herself in a strange room with a woman who commanded her to place the bag on a table behind a bed. As soon as she followed the instructions, she disappeared and reappeared on the street.

"Oh my God! It was a dream!" she exclaimed.

"I've gotten myself into trouble; they've used me for ritual purpose." She wondered whether she should tell her husband, but decided against it.

"Ahh! My head!" she cried, as the headache intensified.

Mr. Jack woke up again. "What's happening now? Can't you let us have some peace?"

"Sorry, the headache got worse," she apologized.

"It's alright. It's after five now; let me take you to the hospital for a checkup."

"Thank you so much."

Stella thought, "Oh my God, this isn't an ordinary medical issue. I think I need serious deliverance. I won't tell him about the dream I had. I pray the doctor finds a solution for this headache, so my secret remains safe.

Mr. Jack and Stella got dressed and went to a nearby hospital. Upon arrival, they found many patients waiting for the doctor.

They collected a card and were asked to wait patiently for their turn. After about an hour, they heard the doctor call Stella's name, and they proceeded to the doctor's office.

The doctor listened to their complaints and then asked Stella to follow him for some tests.

After running a series of tests, the doctor came out and sat down in a chair. He informed Mr. Jack that despite conducting multiple tests, they couldn't find anything wrong with Stella's health.

"Thank you, Doctor. We'll be on our way now," Mr. Jack said, and they left the hospital.

When they got outside, Mr. Jack expressed his frustration.

"I've tried my best, and now I'm fed up. Ever since you mentioned not knowing how you ended up in the forest, I've suspected that they used you for blood money, but I ignored the thought, hoping it wouldn't be your fate."

"Please, don't think that way..." Stella pleaded.

"Don't think which way? We went to the hospital, the doctor said there is nothing wrong with your body system and you are disturbing me with headache..."

"Ok I thought we should go to the Socerer and complain to him," she interrupted.

"Alright let's go there now."

With those final words, Mr. Jack and Stella entered the car and sped away.

Stella regretted not listening to the prophet's instructions and blamed herself being disobedience because of the love for money.

"If only I had known, I would have listened to the prophet. I disobeyed because of my greed. Money is the root of all evil." she thought.

"Oh no, the headache is back again," Stella cried out while Mr. Jack was still driving.

"Sorry we would soon got to the place now."

Few minutes after Mr. Jack arrived at Orile Igamu, the area where the socerer lived.

He went to packed his car in front of the Socerer house.

The socerer was inside his room sleeping when he heard someone knocking.

"Yes who is that?"

"Hello, sir," they greeted him.

"Hello, how are you doing?" the Socerer asked.

"Fine sir," Mr. Jack replied.

The soccer noticed Stella's dull expression and asked, "Why does your face look so troubled?"

"Sir, I'm facing a challenge, and I've come to you for help in solving it," she explained.

"Okay, what is the problem you're facing?" the socerer inquired.

"Sir, I've been suffering from a severe headache since yesterday. I went to the hospital for a checkup, but the doctor couldn't find any reason for the headache. Please, sir, I'm still feeling the pain," Stella pleaded.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Let me see your hand," the socerer said.

Stella stretched out her hand, and the Socerer examined her palm for a few seconds. He nodded and said, "Your problem is critical. They have used you."

"Please sir, Is there any solution to my problem?" Stella asked, her eyes welling up with tears.

The socerer, moved by her despair, said, "Don't cry, Stella. There is a solution to your problem if you can do what I ask of you."

"I'm ready to do anything you ask," Stella said, desperate for a solution.

The socerer explained, "The only solution is a sacrifice that you must carry out in the next seven days. However, it will cost you a significant amount of money. Once completed, you'll be free from the ritual's influence."

How much will it cost?" Stella asked.

"It will cost you 1.2 million," the socerer stated.

"Oh no! That's too much; I can't afford it," Stella lamented.

"What amount can you afford?" the socerer inquired.

"I can manage to gather 800,000," Stella offered.

"Alright, but you must pay before the end of this week. If you don't, the problem will become permanent. After payment, you'll need to wait seven days for the sacrifice to be ready,"