Angelina got pregnant

5 Chapter 5: Angelina got Pregnant

"Yes, I said it. I just want you to know more about myself. I am a contractor. I have only one child named Samba and My wife is no more, and I'd like you to be my new wife," said Mr. Jack

As he knelt down, bringing out a ring from his pocket.

"Angelina, will you marry me?"

"Yes, my King," she said happily, allowing him to slip the ring onto her finger.

"Wow! You called me King?" Mr. Jack asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, my queen," he said, and they laughed together.


Angelina was asked to cook at Mr. Jack's house one evening. She prepared rice and beans for supper, serving Mr. Jack, herself, and Samba.

Samba was only four years old at that time.

After supper, Mr. Jack asked Angelina to spend the night with him, and she agreed, informing her mother over the phone.

Her mother gave her consent, and Angelina stayed the night.

As they lay in bed together, they discussed their future.

The next morning, Angelina woke up to find Mr. Jack gone.

She checked the time on her phone—it was 5:30 AM. Then she stood up and went to the sitting room.

In the sitting room, she found a letter which was placed on the table.

The letter read: "Hello, my one and only.

I didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping.

Don't worry about me. I was called by the CEO to report to work by 6:30 AM

because of goods arriving from the north.

I had to obey the instructions to avoid being queried.

Please take care of my daughter and prepare food for both of you.

The school vehicle will arrive by 7:30 AM. Please ensure she eats before going to school. Have a nice day."

After reading the letter, Angelina went to the kitchen and followed his instructions.

Two months later, Angelina fell ill. Upon hearing about her sickness, Mr. Jack left the office at 5:30 PM to visit her at home.

He found her lying in bed, with her mother sitting beside her.

"Good evening, ma," he greeted.

"Welcome," she responded.

Mr. Jack walked over to Angelina and touched her neck to feel her temperature. Her body was hot.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Don't mind her. She only ate two spoon of the rice I prepared for her, and she says she's okay with it. I tried to feed her more, but she wouldn't eat," Angelina's mother said.

"Angelina, please try to eat so you can take your medicine and get well. What would you like to eat?" Mr. Jack asked.

"I'd like to eat Indomie," she answered.

"Alright, wait a minute. I'll be right back soon."

Mr. Jack went to a nearby shop where a woman was cooking Indomie for sale.

He bought the food from her and waited for it to be ready. Then, he returned home with the cooked Indomie.

Then he fed Angelina and she ate all the food and was given medicine.

The following day, Mr. Jack visited her again but saw that her condition remained the same.

He suggested that they should take her to the hospital for treatment.

Her mother agreed, and Angelina was taken to the hospital.

The next day, Angelina was discharged, and the doctor prescribed medication to help her feel better.

The following week, Angelina and her mother were watching a movie when Angelina suddenly rushed outside to vomit.

Her mother followed her and became suspicious that she might be pregnant.

Her mother fetched some water for Angelina to wash her face, and they returned to the room to continue watching the movie.

While they were watching, her mother said, "Sorry, my daughter, but I think you should go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."

"No need, I'm okay," Angelina replied.

"No, you're not. Tomorrow, you're going for a checkup."

"Okay, I heard you."

They continued watching the movie.

The next day, Angelina and her mother went to the hospital, where the doctor discovered she was pregnant.

"She is one month pregnant," the doctor said.

They went back home, and her mother called Mr. Jack to discuss the important news.

In the evening, after Mr. Jack finished his work for the day, he drove to Angelina's house.

Upon arrival, he learned about Angelina's pregnancy and acknowledged his responsibility, promising to take care of her.

One day, Angelina's mother sent her to deliver some money to one of her friends.

As Angelina was on her way, she saw her neighbor, Mrs. Gillo, entering a hotel with an unknown man.

Angelina quickly took out her phone, hid, and captured a photo of them, then she save the picture and move on.

She wanted to take revenge of what Mrs. Gillo had done to her mother.

Mrs. Gillo had fought with her mother last two months.

Later that evening, Angelina was playing games on her phone outside the compound when she saw Mr. Gillo returning from work.

Mrs. Gillo wasn't home yet, so Angelina greeted him as he went inside.

Angelina thought about reporting what she had seen to Mr. Gillo. She made up her mind and went to his house.

She knocked at the door.

"Yes, who is knocking?" he asked.

"It's me, Angelina."

"Okay, come in."

"Sir, I came to show you something," Angelina said.

"What is it?"

Angelina showed him the picture on her phone. Mr. Gillo was surprised and asked, "What? Is this my wife?"

"Yes, I saw her clearly," Angelina confirmed.

"Don't worry, I'll handle the situation. Thank you, send the picture to me."

And she sent the picture to him and left.

Mrs. Gillo came back from her shop around nine he met her husband in the sitting room and greeted him.

Then he confronted his wife.

"Where are you coming from?" he demanded.

Mrs. Gillo was shocked by his question.

"I am coming from work," she answered.

He stood up angrily and said, "Which work, you liar! You think I'm a fool? You will go out in the morning and slept with another man outside and when it is midnight you will say that you are tired."

"No it's a lie, who told you that I go with another man outside?"

"Someone captured a picture with her phone and sent it to me, but I won't tell you who the person."

Mr. Gillo showed her the photo on his phone. Mrs. Gillo was surprised of what she had seen and she thought of what to say to defend herself."

"It was my boss, sorry it's was my customer We went to discuss together in the hotel about...."

"About what? Can you see now that you are lying, you said it's your boss and you change it to your customer."

"Please, I'm telling the truth it was my customer."

"I don't want to hear anything else again. Pack your things and leave!"

Mrs. Gillo begged him to listen, but he didn't budge and packed her belongings outside.

Mrs. Gillo went to stay with one of her friends and shared the story of someone lying about her sleeping with another man.

In the middle of the night, around 3:00 AM, Mrs. Gillo transformed into a malevolent mermaid and vanished into the ocean.

In the ocean, she met other malevolent mermaids, forming a circle.

Mrs. Gillo, now in her mermaid form, recounted the events to her fellow mermaids.

"Please, I'd like to know who was involved in capturing me and the man who took me to the hotel," she said.

One of the mermaids who is called the great one, stretched her hand toward a large mirror opposite them, and thunder emerged from her hand, striking the mirror.

And vision appeared in the mirror, and all the mermaids focused on the scene unfolding before them.

As they watched, Mrs. Gillo recognized the person in the mirror and was surprised.

Once the vision faded, the great one asked, "Do you know the person shown in the mirror?"

"Yes, she is one of my neighbors."

"Good. What do you want us to do to her?"