Ryuji - Dancing with two hearts

Ryuji sat on a soft couch for one person. The satin cover felt silky and smooth to the touch while he sipped a fruity cocktail from a crystal glass. In the past, he never had much use for alcohol or even regular drinking, but since coming to this world, he desired to try things he ruled out because of his previous self.

'This tastes quite good. The citrus fruits are light compared to the sweet flavours that follow it up.'

He watched Erika and Yumiko in their beautiful outfits, sitting together on the opposite side of the room, speaking with several maids. What Ryuji liked about Alan was that the party was one for everyone. Not just him and the girls but for the maids as well, allowing them to change clothes and join them.

Ryuji noticed Alan seemed to be enamoured with the head maid, who looked old enough to be his mother. Still, she appeared to be smiling a lot around the young man and kept getting drinks and food for him.