Delinquent and After Party Mistake ***

After a wonderful evening of dancing and an enormous feast, Ryuji found himself staggering along the halls, a maid helping him towards his room. 

He placed his hand along the wall while trying to focus his mind. The thoughts of Yumiko and Erika in their outfits tonight drove him crazy with lust. Because he drank, the usual restraints on his demonic thoughts vanished.

'I want to find Yumiko.'

"Please take me to the blonde girl's room instead." His words slurred and stuttered, but the maid thought nothing of it because of how close the trio were.

Erika and Yumiko retired to their rooms first because Alan wanted a quiet drink with Ryuji to speak about the plans for tomorrow onward. 

Though Ryuji couldn't remember much of that right now, inside his mind was a fiery desire, and it all but controlled his actions as the maid guided him to her room.