Chapter 87

  There was a chuckle, and with the flash of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, everything around him shattered like a bubble.

  Orochimaru's eyes widened and he stood there with fear on his face.

  "I, I fell into your illusion!"

  "The eye power, such a powerful eye power."

  He recalled the scene when he was defeated by Uchiha Itachi, how similar it was to today.

  Mizuki pretended to be cool: "Orochimaru, all your actions cannot be escaped in front of my eyes."

  "Your strength is not worthy of your ambition."

  "I won't kill you, but if you dare to attack me, I won't let you go easily."

  "Aren't you pursuing eternal life? Then I'll let you experience the excitement of being chased by the God of Death with a sickle."

  The next moment, Mizuki liquefied, got into Orochimaru's body, and crazily devoured his life force.

  "This... what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

  Orochimaru felt that he was aging rapidly, wrinkles appeared on his face, his silky black hair turned into dry white hair, his body was stooped, and his teeth fell out.

  "No... stop, stop quickly."

  Orochimaru's mentality exploded!

  He felt like he was going to die.

  Although the dead can be resurrected, I don't know how long it will take before I have the chance to be resurrected.

  Kimimaro died last time, giving him a chance to resurrect.

  I don't know when it will be next time.

  "I can't die. What will Konoha do if I die? The position of Hokage will definitely be occupied by mediocrity, and Konoha will decline."

  Mizuki left Orochimaru's body, transformed into a human form again, and looked at the extremely old Orochimaru.

  "I've left you three hours to live. If you want to survive, hurry up."

  Orochimaru asked: "What kind of technique is this? Where did the life force that was swallowed from my body go?"

  Shuimu smiled and said: "As you guessed, all the life force swallowed from you belongs to me. Your life span is reduced, and my life span is increased."

  Orochimaru's eyes, which had become dull due to old age, shone brightly.

  An emotion called longing amplified infinitely in his heart.

  "I am willing to exchange this secret technique with you using the Eight-Qi Technique."

  Mizuki smiled and said, "I won't change!"

  "Coupled with the reincarnation of the corpse and the cultivation method of immortality in Ryūchi Cave."

  "There is also the method of curse seal."

  "After learning the curse seal, you can be resurrected even if you are killed."

  Orochimaru took the risk.

  Shuimu was indifferent, but looked at Xiang Phosphorus aside and said, "Come with me." Then he turned and walked towards the door.

  Xiang Ling didn't dare to look at Mizuki, but he still stood up and followed Mizuki.

  Mizuki didn't kill Orochimaru.

  Orochimaru is now the Fifth Hokage. If he dies, Konoha will definitely choose a new Hokage, and the first target will definitely be Tsunade.

  When the time comes, Jiraiya will come looking for Tsunade again. If Tsunade relents and agrees to return to Konoha, Phoenix Village will suffer great losses.

  Therefore, it is better to save Orochimaru's life.

  Anyway, it won't have any bad impact on myself.

  "Xiang Lu, are there any relatives or friends of yours in this village?"

  "If there are, I can take them with me."

  Xiang Phosphorus shook his head.

  "I have no friends and my mother is dead."

  She only has blood-sucking teammates and no friends.

  Shuimu sighed and said, "Don't be sad, you will have many friends when you get to Phoenix Village."

  With fragrant phosphorus, water and wood soar into the sky.

Chapter 81: Water of Heroes

  In the room, Orochimaru, who only had 3 hours left to live, was very uneasy.

  He must immediately find a new body and be reincarnated. Otherwise, when the three hours are up, he will die again.

  Death is not terrible, he can be resurrected anyway.

  However, the waiting time for resurrection cannot be determined. It may happen soon, or it may take decades.

  It would be better to find a new body and seize it.

  He walked toward the door, and then tragedy struck.

  He took too big steps, moved too hard, and then his leg bone was broken.


  He, who has always been elegant, couldn't help but want to use swear words at this time.

  How could he have imagined that this body would be so old? The bones were completely brittle and the movement range could not be extended.

  This fracture made it even more difficult for him to move.

  "Forget it, let's act like a snake!"

  I saw him open his mouth, and a new Orochimaru came out of his mouth. His hair was still white, his face was still wrinkled, and it was dry, not as slimy as before.

  Getting old and dry!

  The difference is that this new body has a snake tail instead of legs.

  Orochimaru landed on his snake's tail and swam forward, but before he swam twice, the scales on the snake's tail's abdomen fell off in batches.


  He couldn't help it anymore and started swearing.

  The movement of snakes depends entirely on the expansion and contraction of the scales on their abdomen, which are equivalent to human feet.

  Now that the scales have fallen off, Orochimaru is equivalent to having his legs and feet broken.

  He didn't give up yet. He couldn't move his lower body, so he put his hands on the ground and slowly moved forward.


  Broken wrist...

  He still didn't give up, put his arms and chest on the ground, and used the power of his forearms to move forward.


  Broken elbow...

  "Gift crab!"

  He lay on the ground, completely in disarray.

  The horror of aging is vividly reflected at this moment. Orochimaru's desire for eternity began to grow infinitely.

  "What should we do now? Whether it's a human body or a snake body, we have lost the ability to move."

  "If no one comes within 3 hours, wouldn't it be the end of me?"

  "As soon as I die, Danzo will definitely take the opportunity to become the new Hokage. If he really becomes the Hokage, Konoha will be doomed."

  Orochimaru was worried, but no matter what he thought, he could only wait patiently for now.

  Waiting for a destined person!

  Time passed minute by minute, ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, but Orochimaru felt like ten years had passed.

  The wait is always long!

  Finally, footsteps sounded outside the door, Orochimaru was overjoyed, thinking that the opportunity had come.

  But the footsteps were just passing by, and soon they were gone.

  Half an hour, an hour, two hours, two and a half hours...

  No one has come!

  The reason is that when Shuimu left with Xiangphosphorus, he did not hide it and flew away from the air.

  This resulted in Kusaku Ninja leaving after seeing Karin.

  Therefore, no matter who is injured, they will not come here to look for fragrant phosphorus.

  Seeing that three hours were approaching, Orochimaru felt that the god of death was waving to him.

  "I'll fuck you!"

  At this moment, slow footsteps approached and an old voice sounded.

  "I just saw from the window that the red-haired little girl was taken away. She must still have food and money at home, and we can't waste it."

  "The enemies are fighting at the entrance of the village. It's safe here."

  The next moment, an old lady in her 70s and 80s on a cane opened the door and looked right into Orochimaru's eyes.

  Two swallowing sounds sounded at the same time.


  Shuimu returned to Fenghuang Village and found that everything was safe and sound.

  The construction of Fenghuang Village has begun to take shape. Around Fengying Tower, hospitals, schools, commercial streets, squares, parks, residential areas, etc. have been built around it.

  The construction radius has exceeded three hundred meters.

  The layout of the village is also set according to the Bagua shape.

  Shuimu plans to build Fenghuang Village into a standard Bagua Village.

  Ninjas are basically practicing, but of course there are exceptions.

  Tsunade is addicted to gambling and can't help herself. She won't stop until she loses hundreds of thousands of taels every day.

  Zabuza searched for orphans everywhere and brought them back to Phoenix Village. He paid people to take care of these orphans and planned to build an orphanage in the village.

  Naruto has perfected the shuriken shadow clone technique, and with nothing to do, he helps move wood and contributes to the construction of Phoenix Village.

  Seeing how quickly Naruto's training was progressing, Sasuke showed no expression on his face.

  But when he was practicing alone, he would often say something like "I'm not even as good as the tail of a crane." He would even kneel on the ground and beat the ground crazily, raising his head and roaring.

  Sai, who likes to hide in the woods and draw, saw these and drew them all in his album, and shared them with his brother Nobu.

  "Hey, poor baby, she was tricked like this."

  When Mizuki flew back to Fenghuang Village with Xianglan, he saw Sai and Nobu on the roof of Fengying Tower, pointing at the scene in the painting...

  With the addition of a whirlpool, the population of Phoenix Village has grown again.

  After gathering everyone together and introducing Xianglan, Mizuki left Sasuke behind.

  "Sasuke, I know you want to become stronger quickly, but I need to remind you that haste makes waste."

  Sasuke frowned and murmured: "Haste makes waste?"

  Mizuki explained: "The efficiency of people's work has a very important relationship with their mentality. The more you want to accomplish something, the more urgent your mentality will be, and people will appear anxious, restless, or even manic."

  "As a result, the efficiency of doing things will be greatly reduced."

  Mizuki said seriously: "Sasuke, you are too anxious!"

  "Your qualifications are better than Naruto's. Your ability to understand, learn, and think are all better than Naruto's."

  "But your training speed is not as fast as Naruto's, and that's why."


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there