Chapter 88

  When Sasuke heard this, he became even more anxious.

  He said loudly: "I can't be like Naruto, carefree and smiling all day long."

  "When I think of the tragic situation of the Uchiha clan being wiped out, I can't calm down."

  His face became ferocious, his eyes automatically turned red, and two magatama appeared.

  "I want to become stronger quickly, I want revenge, I can't wait to kill Danzo now, I can't wait to destroy Konoha immediately."

  Sasuke's hatred for Danzo and Konoha has far exceeded his previous hatred for Uchiha Itachi.

  Shuimu sighed and said: "If you want to become stronger, there is no way."

  "The one-tailed Shukaku in Gaara's body, I will take it out after a while and seal it into your body."

  "Becoming a Jinchuuriki, your chakra will be greatly increased and your strength will be enhanced."

  "And as an Uchiha, you can use Sharingan genjutsu to control Shukaku without fear of its backlash."

  After hearing this, Sasuke was overjoyed and said, "Thank you so much, Master!"

  Shuimu said "tsk tsk tsk" in his heart.

  Sasuke, this kid, has never been called "Master" except when he became a disciple for the first time. Today is really unprecedented.

  At this time, Mizuki took out a small test tube of heroic water, about the size of a mouthful.

  "Take this thing, it may be useful to you in the future."

  Sasuke asked: "What is this? Is it the potion you drank?"

  Mizuki said: "This stuff is poisonous and you must not drink it. Even if you drink it, it will be given to Shukaku after you become a Jinchūriki and you encounter an invincible enemy."

  At this time, Gaara, who had just left the Hokage Tower and was talking to Naruto, felt that Shukaku inside his body seemed to shiver.

  Sasuke took the hero's water and put it away in the storage ring.

  "Okay, go ahead and practice. Remember what I said, haste makes waste."

  Watching Sasuke leave, Mizuki's eyes were filled with anticipation.

  [Ding! ]

  The system's sound indeed rang.

  [The host grants his disciple Uchiha Sasuke a sip of Heroic Water, triggering a 3037 times return. ]

  [Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Water of Heroes. ]

  "Water of the Hero?" Shuimu was stunned for a moment.

  What the hell is this name!

  The system introduced: [Water of Heroes: Take a sip, and the chakra capacity will be permanently increased, with the minimum increase being 10 times and the maximum increase being 50 times. The more original chakra, the smaller the improvement. ]

  [Tip: No side effects. ]

  The permanent improvement made Rang Shuimu happy.

  The last sentence had no side effects and made Mizuki look up to the sky and laugh wildly.


  This was what he was waiting for.

  Definitely worthy of the word "hero".

  The original version is called Hero's Water because drinking it will reduce your vitality. If your vitality is reduced, you will die easily.

  Those who sacrifice themselves heroically regardless of their own lives are not heroes.

  It was returned by the system. There will be no side effects after drinking it, and you will not die. It was named the water of the hero by the system, so there is nothing wrong with it.

  The one who becomes the ultimate winner is the hero.

  In Mizuki's hand, a test tube appeared, containing blue potion.

  Without hesitation, he unplugged the test tube and drank it in one gulp without wasting a drop.


  The chakra in his body began to increase violently, and even overflowed outside his body, forming a blue coat of chakra on his body.

  Around him, the air was moved by chakra, forming a whirlwind.

  His hair and clothes were floating, as if he had escaped the gravity of the earth.

  The powerful momentum spread out, and everyone felt it. Even ordinary people who were engaged in construction felt the depressing atmosphere.

  "So strong!"

  Sasuke had just walked out of the Phoenix Shadow Tower. He was the closest and felt the most clearly.

  He even felt as if there was a mountain pressing on his back, making him breathless.

  Naruto and Gaara also looked towards the Hokage Tower, and the Nine-Tails and One-Tails in their bodies also opened their eyes.

  "Such a huge chakra, more than my chakra, what kind of monster is that Mizuki?" Shukaku screamed in Gaara's body.

  Kyuubi sneered, let out a breath from his nostrils, and closed his eyes again.

  In the dark sealed space, a contemptuous voice sounded: "That's it, it's far worse than me!"

  In the Phoenix Shadow Tower, Mizuki's chakra capacity stopped growing.

  All the uncontrolled chakra that spilled out of the body was restored to control and returned to the body.

  His aura subsided and he became like an ordinary person again.

  Open the properties panel and see that the chakra capacity has changed from 55 kakashi to 550 kakashi.

  If Kakashi knew about it, he would be so envious that he would cry and faint in the toilet.

  "Is it only a tenfold improvement?"

  "But that's enough!"

Chapter 82: Naruto's imagination is wide open

  The vitality is sufficient, the chakra is sufficient, and the basic conditions for the art of reincarnation have been met.

  It's time to prepare for the resurrection of Rope Tree and Kato Dan.

  So, Mizuki sent Naruto to the capital of Bird Country to call Tsunade back.

  Naruto's Flying Thunder God Technique made him very fast.

  Look at him, he threw a kunai, and the kunai flew hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Naruto appeared next to Kunai through the Flying Thunder God, reached out to grab the Kunai, and threw it forward again.

  After the kunai flew hundreds of meters, he flew Thunder God again and moved to the side of the kunai...

  Ninjas are physically stronger than ordinary people, and they can throw kunai extremely fast.

  As soon as the kunai is released, its speed can reach hundreds of meters per second.

  Due to air resistance, the kunai's speed will decrease during flight.

  But with the streamlined design of Kunai, although the speed is reduced, it is not reduced by much.

  On average, it takes less than 1.5 seconds for a kunai to fly a hundred meters.

  Including the time it takes to swing his arms when throwing kunai, in total, Naruto can move about 50 meters per second with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

  "Not fast enough!"

  Naruto was still not satisfied, so he took out a second special kunai.

  Two kunai, No. 1 and No. 2, are thrown out one after another, No. 1 in front and No. 2 in the back.

  When Kunai No. 1 flew about a hundred meters, Kunai No. 2 flew fifty meters.

  At this time, Naruto activated the Flying Thunder God, came to the No. 2 Kunai, grabbed the No. 2 Kunai and threw it forward.

  Then he flew to Kunai No. 1, grabbed Kunai No. 1 and threw it forward.

  At this time, Kunai No. 2 flew forward again. Naruto dodged to Kunai No. 2 again, grabbed Kunai No. 2 and threw it forward...

  Just like that, No. 1 threw No. 2, No. 2 finished No. 1, and Naruto moved forward quickly.

  While throwing one kunai, another kunai was still flying.

  In this way, the time spent waving his arms was no longer wasted, and Naruto's movement speed reached its maximum.

  Every second, it advances about 70 meters.

  It can be said that as fast as Kunai can fly, his speed is as fast as it can be.

  His father used to be the fastest man in the ninja world, and now, that title belongs to him.

  Of course, you have to be careful with this approach.

  After all, when you dodge to a kunai, another kunai will fly from behind and pierce yourself accidentally, which would be funny.

  In addition, this method of advancement is very labor-intensive, and it can easily become handicapped if used too much!

  I have to say that Naruto's mind is very flexible at certain times.

  Flashing and flashing, Naruto was dissatisfied again. He thought, could it be faster?

  He stopped, thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

  "Got an idea!"


  I saw him looking around and found a bamboo forest. He went to chop down a bamboo and cut off the branches.

  Then a special kunai was tied to the top of the bamboo, while he held the bottom of the bamboo in his hand.

  He held the bamboo, which was almost 5 meters long, pointing straight ahead like a spear.

  "The kunai is at the top of the bamboo, 5 meters away from me."

  "As long as I use the Flying Thunder God Technique, I will teleport to the location of the kunai."

  "The kunai is tied to the bamboo, and the bamboo is held in my hand. My position moves forward 5 meters, and the bamboo and kunai will also move forward 5 meters."

  "In this way, I can use the Flying Thunder God continuously to move forward. Although I only advance 5 meters each time, the Flying Thunder God is instantaneous."

  "I have tried it before and it can flash 30 times in one second, which means it can move forward 150 meters in one second."

  After calculating the forward speed, Naruto was overjoyed.

  You can also change to longer bamboo in the future, and the progress will be faster.

  Naruto clenched the bamboo in his hand, and the next moment, Flying Thunder God activated.

  The next moment, he appeared at the location of the special kunai, and the bamboo in his hand also moved forward 5 meters.

  "Yeah, it sure works!"

  Naruto was very happy, but the next moment, he saw something strange.

  The kunai tied to the top of the bamboo flickered wildly between its original position and its current position.

  The more it flashes, the lighter the color of the kunai becomes, until finally, the kunai disappears completely.

  "How could this happen?" Naruto's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

  He is not Sister Li.

  So, he took out a new kunai and repeated his old trick.

  Then the same scene appeared again, the kunai flickered one after another until it finally disappeared.

  "Once is a coincidence. If it happens twice, there must be other problems."

  "But why is this?"

  He was puzzled and could only put it down temporarily, planning to ask Shuimu when he returned to the village.

  Inside Naruto, Kyuubi opened his eyes.

  "This kid has more weird ideas than Kushina and Minato. I really don't know how his brain grows."

  Kyuubi was shocked by Naruto's fantastic idea.


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there