Chapter 36 - The True Excalibur

Asia looked at the injured Irina couldn't help but wanted to heal her. She then turned to Ray. But without even needing to ask, Ray already read her mind without the need of his power.

"Go ahead." Ray said to her.

Ray needs the three in their best shape after all as they are part of the actors that will play on the stage.

After Asia stabilized Irina, she healed both Xenovia and Kiba. But Kiba immediately rushed to the track field where the golden magic circle was.

"Kiba, stop!" Rias ordered but Kiba didn't even bother to listen and speed off towards his goal.

After all, Kiba learned who was involved. Valper Galilei, the Genocide Archbishop and the one behind the Holy Sword Experiment. Even if he has to be branded a criminal and Stray, he won't let go of this opportunity to kill the person who is responsible for everything. No, he rather died than letting this heaven sent opportunity to be wasted. He will resolve his grievance, karmic debt and revenge all in one go.

Rias and her peerage quickly follow after Kiba and Xenovia too after she is given a not so friendly stare by Ray when she tries to say something about Asia.


When Kiba arrived, he saw the Fallen Angel Cadre sit on his floating throne uncaringly about his arrival. Then he looked at the person he hated the most in his life.

"Valper Galilei!" Murderous intent immediately flooded his mind as he rushed toward the busy archbishop but was stopped by a few Light Bullets shot by Freed.

"Move! I don't have time to deal with you!" Kiba demanded but Freed simply sighed.

"No no no. I can't have you kill the old man while he is completing my weapon." Freed grinned and charged at Kiba with another Light Sword he took out from under his robe.

Meanwhile on the roof, Ray with Ravel and Artoria simply watch the battle unfolding below.

Kokabiel looked at Ray first and saw the other party made no moves to stop him, he summoned Hellhounds to play with Rias and her peerage with the inclusion of Xenovia.

Kiba fought against Freed until Valper completed the Fused Excalibur monstrosity which made even Artoria frowned. Then the whole drama of Kiba demanded why Valper did everything he did with the Holy Sword Experiment before he threw the crystal containing the power that raises one's aptitudes to wield the Holy Sword. Then Kiba sees the ghost of his friends and unlock his Balance Breaker. What else did I miss? Right, Kiba and Xenovia who unleashed Durandal destroyed that fake Excalibur and Valper was killed by Kokabiel because he learned the truth about God.

"It's time for you to take the stage, Artoria." Ray informed as he noticed the wary look of Kokabiel on him.


(3rd Pov)

An armored knight in her royal blue battle dress and face hidden by a helmet suddenly leaped down from the roof and walked toward the center of the stage.

Everyone paused warily as the unknown god finally made his move.

"I am here by my Master's order to be your opponent, Fallen Angel Cadre, Kokabiel." The knight declared while reaching for the invisible blade sheathed inside a sheath made of gold and decorated with blue enamel.

"I see. So you are the main actor. Fine, I am itching for battle anyway." Kokabiel laughed as he accepted the challenge.

"By his order, I shall teach this world the true Excalibur." The knight said before she pulled out the sword from its sheath which produced a torrential wind that swept everything in her surroundings.

The invisible blade was surrounded by a magical wind but the moment the wind dispersed, the blade was revealed and struck awe to any eyes that gaze at it. A majestic holy sword which is the epitome of holy swords. A blade devoid of ornamentation and decorations. However it did nothing to degrade its majesty. The true Holy Sword Excalibur that symbolizes King Artoria, her ideals, her symbol of heroism and her greatest and most powerful Noble Phantasm.

The mere presence of her Excalibur stirred the hearts of those who gazed at it. The divine God-forged Holy Sword that symbolized crystallization of the wishes and hope of mankind.

The Devils couldn't help but take several steps back as the suffocating holy power radiating from the Excalibur alone is too overbearing. Kokabiel however, stared with awestruck eyes.

"This… unmistakably is father's…" Kokabiel swallowed the rest of his words and tore his eyes away from the blade fearfully before his steps faltered.

"No. Impossible! This cannot be the Excalibur! I was there! I saw the true Excalibur! This isn't it!" Kokabiel became enraged and summoned two Light Swords and attacked the Knight. However, the knight deftly blocked and unleashed her counterattack which shattered his Light Swords.

Kokabiel didn't relent and instead fought with even greater ferocity and desperation. But all his moves were easily countered and repelled.

"Strike Air!" Artoria made her assault and unleashed a strike that unleashed a torrential wind which threw Kokabiel up into the air.

Kokabiel sprouts out his wings and floats up in the air before he creates a massive Light Spear up in the air and pours all his power into it.

"You can go wild, Artoria." The voice of the unknown god reminded the knight named Artoria.

"Yes, Master." The knight replied before her helmet dismissed into motes of light to reveal the youthful face of the female knight.

Artoria held her sword up before her face as golden energy burst out her body like a broken dam, flooding the surrounding with a monstrous amount of mana so thick it felt solid. Her blade glows golden as her own mana as golden motes of light float up into the air as pillars of golden energy shoot up to the sky. Everyone that witnessed it, human or Devils, Fallen Angel of the cat who is secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God, were in awe.

"Ex—calibaa!" She roared as she brought down her sword, slashing at her opponent as the pillar of golden light slammed on Kokabiel. As his body disintegrates from the attack with a smile of pure joy on his face.

Then an explosion of blinding golden light consumed and bathed everything. When the light subsided, all that was left was a deep and long trench left behind as the scar of her destructive attack.

The knight, Artoria, walked away while everyone was still petrified by her performance. Together with her master and his entourage, they vanished without a single explanation and leaving them to take care of the destruction Artoria caused.


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