Chapter 115 - Dealing With Annoying Stalker

(Sorry for being late, also an update about by interview. I got the job, as Machine Operator since 1 August)

Klein Dantalion, Lord of the newly revived Dantalion House, was invited to the wedding ceremony of the Phenex House's Jewel, Ravel Phenex.

He didn't have any hidden intention for participating. He simply wishes to build connections for his future Agricultural Empire he is going to build with the help of his System. Mainly to connect to other territory lords in hope to find buyers that require food supplies.

While he was socializing with other Lords and Ladies, he noticed a certain familiar figure in the distance, biting his thumb and wearing a big frown on his face.

Sure enough, once he looked closer at this person. He saw Diodora Astaroth, one of the minor antagonists of Highschool DxD. Not even worth talking about. However, once he identifies him to be Diodora Astaroth, it isn't difficult to see who he is staring at. It's Asia Argento.

Diodora's obsession with Asia is borderline unhealthy. Not that his hobby is healthy anyway. But what concerns him is that unlike the canon storyline, Asia is not part of the Rias Gremory Peerage. But she is with the other Reincarnator. He had long learnt the identity of his senior to be a powerful god that can make the four collective Satans worry about the Underworld's safety that they are working hard to make sure the wedding went without a hitch. He can only imagine how dangerous his senior is that earned his respect.

So, naturally when he saw Diodora and identified his intention. He also became worried like the four Satans.

When Asia suddenly walked out of the main hall, he saw Diodora smirking and followed after her. Klein didn't hesitate and also followed the two secretly to make sure shit didn't hit the fan.

Trailing after the two for a few minutes, he reached the woods outside the castle and he couldn't help but worry even more that Diodora planned to pull something nefarious like he did in the anime.


Klein heard a scream and immediately stopped sneaking around and ran towards the direction of the scream.

"Fuck! Don't let anything bad happen!" He ran while cursing all nine generations of Diodora's ancestors and descendants to have erectile dysfunction for being an irredeemable sexual predator.

When he arrived at the scene, instead of seeing Asia being assaulted by Diodora. He instead saw Diodora wrapped by tentacles with a terrified expression with a girl who looked eerily similar to younger Sakura Matou except with white hair and red eyes giving death glare at Diodora.

Then a realization dawned him. In his urgency, he didn't notice that the scream previously sounded a bit masculine instead of feminine and the one that screamed was Diodora instead of Asia.

"Sounds too convincing tho…" Klein mumble while staring shell-shocked at the scene.

"Are you with this pervert too?" The Sakura Matou twin turn to him with a group of newly summoned tentacles creeping up to him.

"Wait! No no no! It's a misunderstanding! I just saw this pervert stalking that lady and followed to help! I am definitely not associated with this trash!" Klein quickly clarified and the girl dropped her hostility at him, trusting his words and turned back to Diodora.

But before she could kill Diodora, Asia stepped in in a panic.

"Wait! Can you not kill him?" Asia begged, too kind for her own good but that's what made her unique and charming, her innocence and kindheartedness.

"But he is about to drug and kidnap you." The girl frowned.

"Please?" Asia begged again which worked as the girl sighed and said, "Fine. But I can't let him go without punishment. Isn't that right, daddy?" The girl suddenly turned to the direction of a bush with her voice turning from viciously cold to warm like a bipolar.

"Indeed. Such perverts need to be teached a lesson." A familiar Black Cat walked out of the bush and jumped into the eager girl's embrace as she snuggled on his fluffy body.

"Ray…" Asia turned her protest to the cat.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't kill him. But you would agree if he should pay for his sins, right?"

Asia thinks for a bit before she reluctantly gives a nod.

"A sinner must pay for the sin they committed. If it's that much then I agree." Asia nods.

"It's decided then." The cat waves his paw and Diodora suddenly has his gender swapped, turning into quite a beautiful girl but sadly her heart is a man despite her appearance would indicate.

Then the cat sends Diodora away with his power but not before spiking her with something which only the girl noticed and laughed at.

"Daddy is sneaky."


"Anyway, off you two go. I still have something to say to this guy." He said before sending the two off too and then turned to Klein who was now standing stiffly and drenched in cold sweat.

"N… Nice to meet you, senior!" Klein instinctively made a full 90 bow at the cat.

"Hmn. Not bad. Not bad. I like juniors with good discipline. Not to mention, you are trying to help my Asia." The cat voiced his assessment of Klein.

"Haha. You must be jesting, Sir. Surely you must have noticed Diodora's action and decided to observe. This junior is unworthy of your praise, senior." Klein still bowed deeply, afraid to lift his head.

"That is for me to decide and my decision is to give you an appropriate reward."

Klein then saw his System prompting a notification about obtaining an item.

"..." Klein stare at it unsure what to say.

"Hahaha. You must like it very much to be stunned speechless like that. Don't worry and take it, it's my generous gift to my junior." The cat said and also left.

Of course he would be speechless after seeing what the gifts were.

[Kaleidostick Ruby]

- A Mystic Code created by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg through the Second Magic that allows limited use of the power of Kaleidoscope. Modified slightly to be compatible with a male host.

Of course, his first reaction is to reject it. But then thinking about what kind of harsh place he needs to survive in. It is between his dignity as a male or his life. Of course he would choose his life over dignity because dignity can be regained but life, he only has one.

"Generous my ass!" He screamed.


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